Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Trees in Bloom at the Dawes Arboretum

The Dawes Arboretum had some beautiful Flowering Buckeye trees throughout the grounds. I loved the clusters of tubular flowers.


Aesculus pavia Koehenii Flowering Buckeye




Aesculus splendens pavia Red Buckeye


The Red Buckeye is a beautiful shade tree which has clusters of tubular red flowers as early as the second or third year. Only reaching 10-20 feet tall at maturity, the Red Buckeye attracts swarms of hummingbirds migrating in the Spring. The nut of the Red Florida Buckeye grows in clusters of three, is toxic and ignored by most animals. Red Buckeyes do require adequate moisture and thrive with moderate shade in the hotter parts of the day. Good in zones 5-9.

The Honey Bees liked the blooms very much.


Robinia Casque Rouge Pink Cascading Locust tree.


Even from a distance the blooms on this Cascading Pink Flowering Locust tree just wowed us.
The large, pendulous, purplish-pink flowers of this vigorous small tree are profusely borne in early summer. Good to Zone 4.




Flowering Tamarick or Salt Cedar tree.

Saltcedar is one of several common names for an invasive non-native tree that is spreading rapidly through the intermountain region of the western United States, through the Great Basin, California and Texas.
Mature tamarisk can also resprout vegetatively after fire, flood, or treatment with herbicides and can adapt to wide variations in soil condition. Because it can grow in such extreme conditions it is a very invasive tree.



Okay, maybe not a tree. This little Critter  was standing along the Storybook Trail Garden. I am not certain every child would be thrilled by it. LOL!


 Happy Gardening,

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Flowers as May Comes to an End

May has gone by swiftly although some days felt like they were longer than others.
Now that warmer temperatures have come to stay,
(or should I say that out loud) it seems that the garden beds are having something new blooming every day.
So as May comes to a close here are some of the flowers that are gracing my garden with their blooms.

In the Woods:

BerryBlossoms3 First in the woods the berry vines are loaded with blooms.

The birds seem to always beat me to the berries when they start to ripening.


The Japanese Honeysuckle invading the trees in the woods are blooming.

and the ‘Jack in the Pulpits’ are still blooming.

In the Flower Gardens:

Campanula ‘Chettle Charm’ Bellflowers are blooming in the Woodland bed and as they age will get their blue edges.

White Peachleafed Campanula are blooming in the large Middle Bed.

Clematis_Fantasia Clematis ‘Fantasia’ is unfurling her layers of petals. I am sorry I misnamed it as Josephine in previous postings.I had both and one died and I thought this one was Josephine until it started opening its many petals.

The geraniums are starting to bloom. I planted three this spring which were suppose to be Birches Doubles but I think I was sent the wrong geraniums. Does anyone know what this lovely purple single blooming one is called?

SilverMoon2_Salvia The ‘Silver Moon’ Clematis is still blooming but she is looking the worst for wear after the storm on Tuesday.

Iris_BrindleBeauty3 The ‘Brindel Beauty’ Iris is getting its first blooms in the Woodland bed.


Heuchera_PurplePalace2 Heuchera "’Purple Palace’ is getting its teeny little blooms.


The Rhododendrons are starting to loose their blooms now and lie scattered along the walkways.



Peony_Sorbet ‘Sorbet’ Peonies are blooming and looking lovely.


In the Containers:

Pink_Argyranthemum_May26 Pink Argyranthemum are settling in

beside of the Pinstripe petunias. I am going to love these petunias.

Lobelia_DarkBlue_May26 One of my favorite container filler is dark blue Lobelia.

I have to have at least one Osteospermum in a container every summer. She looks pretty with the lobelia matching her blue centers.

The Dolcissima Liomcello yellow petunias grown from seed have been added to containers and are starting to bloom.

In the Rose Garden:

‘Gertrude Jekyll’ has a few buds.

‘Crimson Bouquet’ has its first bloom and is full of buds.

Rose_RedKnockout The red double Knockout Rose is not liking its wet feet and has some yellow leaves near the bottom.

Rose_PinkKnockout The pink Knockout is starting to bloom also.

DoubleDelight_RoseBloom ‘Double Delight’ looks beautiful in the evening sun.

‘Sunny’ Knockout is such a beautiful yellow rose.

 Under the Trees:

And the gnomes and fairies got moved into their vacation home for the summer under the Sugar Maple tree. They like laying on the Irish Moss.

I want to wish everyone a safe holiday weekend and let us not forget those who have gone on before us and those who gave their all for us to enjoy the freedoms we have every day.

Thank you and God Bless,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

In May



In May

"Yes, I will spend the livelong day
With Nature in this month of May;
And sit beneath the trees, and share
My bread with birds whose homes are there;
While cows lie down to eat, and sheep
Stand to their necks in grass so deep;
While birds do sing with all their might,
As though they felt the earth in flight."
-   William Henry Davies -








Have a Wonderful Day,