As the sun was rising yesterday morning this
is what I was looking through at the kitchen window.
The icicles were growing so long that I could
not even take pictures of the birds feeding from the
feeders because of the ice.
So it was time to go out and knock down some ice from
the eaves and gutters before it started causing ice to dam
back under the roof and cause problems or bring down
the gutters from the weight.
With another snow storm on our front doors steps
which I did not even want to think about, I took broom
in hand and knock down all that I could reach. Since
we live in partial two story I could not reach them all
but with the sunshine yesterday a lot of ice slide off, taking
down one of the lower widow boxes in the process so I
had to go out and rescue it. I was just glad in the great
slid it missed breaking one of the windows.
Now at noon it is snowing like crazy and the roads
are getting terrible. My Mom just informed me that
she called the Ohio Dept. of Transportation to tell them
to get on the ball and get on the roads because she has
grand-kids coming home from work this afternoon. LOL!
Whatever! She is more gutsy than me. I did not remind
her that just because it was bad upon this hill did not
always mean all the roads in the valley were bad too.
Twenty minutes later they were going by plowing.
Which is just about as long as it would take them to
get from town to here, so Mom it worked.
With the snow falling the feeders are getting lots
of action. The birds seem to come to the new metal feeder
as the older plastic feeder gets lower on seed.
The reason being the new metal one is a little slippery
for them and the snow was making it even more slippery.
As sad as this sounds watching sliding birds is a little
fun to see. LOL! Not so much fun for them.
But they are gorging at it anyway today like there will
be none for tomorrow.
Reminder to self: add birdseed to the shopping list.
This winter I have not yet saw any
new variety of birds. It has been the old faithful
one such as the many Cardinals, Junco's ,Sparrows,
Goldfinches, Titmice, Woodpeckers and Nuthatches.
By the way if you hear angry shouts it will have been
me because Blogger is causing me fits today just
trying to get this finished and intact. Seems others
are having problems too.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and
a snow free one.
One last thing has anyone else lost Blotanical
all together. My logo disappeared and the website
is not responding????
Dear Lona, I do admire your fortitude [and the strong words of your mother]in dealing with such awful weather. You must be wondering when it is all going to stop and conditions improve. I do hope that happens soon.
The birds are absolutely charming but must be really desperate for food with the way in which they are consuming everything that you put out for them.
Blotanical has gone down for everyone I understand, so rest assured that you are not alone!!
I do not have blotanical either! They must be down.
Love your bird photos. I opened the back door Saturday for the dog to go our, hit some icicles that had formed above the door and they all fell on the poor dog. She thinks I did it on purpose.
What a perfect example of unless you ask, how do you know it won't work? I love that your mom called for the snowplows. The icicles are surreal, yet beautiful to my southern eyes. I am not sure what happened to Blotanical, but noticed sporadic outages over the last week. I hope it is not gone forever....
The kids are out collecting icicles today, too. And I just picked up some more birdseed (chipped sunflower seed) for my chickadees and nuthatches. Great minds think alike, no?
Hope the blotanical glitch is only temporary. What would I do without all those great garden blogs to peruse?
Christine in Alaska
The icicles is beautiful seen on its own and nothing else... ~bangchik
Edith: It does make one wonder what happened To BLotanical. Stuart has not left any postings for a long time. Hope it doesn't disappear either.
GG: I am glad I was not alone on the Blotanical issue. Your postings have not been showing on it for a week or so. All I get is an error message like some of the other postings display on Blotanical. Thanks for dropping by.
Marnie: LOL! Poor Puppy. I know it can be done because I could hardly get out my backdoor without knocking off icicles. I had to duck. LOL!
Noelle: I will be so glad when this snowy month is over. I hope Blotanical doesn't disappear either. It has happened off and on through the years though and Stuart brings it back.
Can't imagine all that ice and snow..your bird photos are just gorgeous!! I read a comment on someone else's blog that Blotanical was updating something so it's down....
Blotanical is gone from my blog too.
These winter pictures are so pretty.I loved icicles as a kid and still do. You seem to have the same birds that we do.
Ohhhh what big icicles you have! (sounds like little red riding hood talking to the big bad wolf) Great photos of our feathered friends. I was wondering about Blotanical, too. I removed the broken badge/link. I'll check in a few days and see if things are up and running again.
Another snowstorm??? Say it isn't so!
Good for your Mom! :) I guess they knew she meant business.
Your birds share so nicely. Here they chase each other away most of the time. I love seeing your Titmouse and Cardinals!
lol about your Mom ~ she has some clout!!! I should try that the next time we get a big dump of snow.
I hope the weather eases up for you Lona. It does seem to be a very long winter for a lot of us.
I see a lot more birds when the weather is terrible too. I try to listen to the forecast and fill everything before it starts snowing since I'm such a wimp about the cold. Looking forward to seeing your newest amaryllis too!
I hope you are well considering the storm hitting your area of Ohio. We will probably only get 4to 6 inches. Your pictures look great, as always. Blotanical has been off the air since at least Friday evening. I hope it's just a server problem. jim
Hi Lona! The birds came to a right place. Thanks for taking care of them. The icicles look beautiful and dangerous! Bravo to your Mom!
I heard that Blotanical is changing a provider or server.
Oh, I love these pictures. Thank you for posting them!
Glad to hear that Blotanical is maybe just switching providers. Maybe that will improve the service. I have to give Stuart props for keeping such a fast growing network as good as he does.
We lucked out with the recent snow storm yesterday and last night and got only another 6 inches and maybe an additional one to two today. When you start thinking 6 inches is a small amount of snow I guess it tells how use we are all getting to it. LOL!
That is just not right.
Love your header Seems like all there is is snow.. The feeders are busy LOL.. Stay warm
Looks like you've got some fun entertainment going on in your garden, despite the snow! It would be great if blotanical were switching to something faster - it always runs SO slow for me.
Great bird shots. They need to eat even in the snow.
Hi Lona,
Lovely photos of the birds, they must be very grateful for your food in all the snow!
I've lost Blotanical too... I feel almost lost, I have no idea what to read anymore!!! :D
Beautiful shots!
Oh you still have lots of snow. But spring will still come. Just wait n see ...
Your birds are lovely. I sure wish we had cardinals in Nevada.
I see you're busy feeding the birds also. Makes winter more enjoyable.
We too still have the pretty but danderous looking icicles.
Glad I'm not the only one to find Blotanical gone missing! Can you believe we got so much more snow? I have had it! Enough already.
I am sure the birds are really happy to find food at your place :-D But I wonder where do the fly off after that. Every where would be so cold...
Good luck in the contest, took a lovely shot of the icicle!!
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