Friday, February 26, 2010

Central Ohio Home & Garden Show Opening

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to remind everyone that the Central Ohio
Home & Garden Show opens tomorrow.
The show will kick off on Saturday February 27 and run
through Sunday March 7th at the Expo Center in
Columbus, Ohio, spanning two weeks.
Show hours are Saturdays 10 a.m.- 9 p.m.; Sundays
11 am.- 6 p.m.; Closed Monday. Tuesday and
Thursday 3 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Wednesday and
Friday Noon – 9 p.m..
Tickets are $10 for adults. Children ages 12 and under
are admitted free.


Color logo 2010


The Theme of the show is “ Art in Bloom” so with this as
the theme it is bound to be dazzling.
With 14 large sized gardens with garden companies
' themes ranging from Monet-style,
French Riviera Architecture, Art Nouveau and more!
This year's show is sure to blow all of the past shows away,
with more exhibitors, gardens and talent than ever before!
Many of the garden exhibitors will also be featuring edible
within their gardens, ranging from vegetable and
herb gardens to honey in beehives. You don't want to miss
out on the beautiful plant textures, colors and newest
gardening accessories this year!
More than 400 exhibits and attractions will be featured.



Tracy DiSabato-Aust will wow Home & Garden Show
guests with her horticultural knowledge and vibrant
stage presence when she appears at the 2010 Central
Ohio Home & Garden Show, presented by PNC.

DiSabato-Aust takes the Garden Stage at 1 and 3 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010. During her appearances,
DiSabato-Aust will offer tips for making your garden
the best it can be. She'll also answer questions and
sign autographs following each appearance.



MEET Shane Tallant, host of HGTV's Designed To Sell,
appears at the Central Ohio Home & Garden Show, presented
by PNC, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., on Saturday, Feb. 27, 2010.



Also added this year, two cake decorating contests to
the line up!
The Dispatch Amateur Cake Decorating Contest will occur
on Sunday, Feb. 28; A Professional Cake Decorating Contest
will occur Sunday, March 7.

Special guest judges for the professional contest will include
Food Network's Ace of Cakes stars Geof Manthorne and
Mary Alice Yeskey. They will take the the Home Idea
Center Stage at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 7, 2010.



KIDS DAY, Sunday, Feb. 28: with Kids Korner activities
presented by WWHO, from 11a.m.-1 p.m. with mascot;
Columbus Zoo animals from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

Other special appearances will include: Diana Garber of
Intuitive Concepts , Robin Davis of the Dispatch kitchen,
Academy Jill Jacobs Young Chefs Academy , Keith Adams
of Tip Top Kitchen & Cocktails , Jamie More and
Adam Welly of Wayward Seed Farm , Karen Ricker of
the Metro Parks and Guy Lane of Outdoor Living.



Appearances from my own Hocking County area
will be Chef Anthony Schultz Exec. Chef from
Inn & Spa at Cedar Falls and
Artist Jean Magdich of Hocking House Gardens.


Since I am attending at a later time this year I will be watching
for pictures from those who have attended the opening
and waiting to hear what everyone thought about the show.



Since it is also Fertilizer Friday at our Tootsie's
home at "Tootsie Time" what better way to Flaunt
Those Flowers than to show some of last years
Garden Show pictures. I just wish the weather would
have cooperated more for the big opening tomorrow.



Everyone Enjoy the Garden Show!





If you hear a big scream it is just me lambasting  Blogger.
Having the same problem as you did DP.

Does not want to save or publish it. So here I  come
Windows Live!!!!


Patsy said...

Thank You for the tour, wish I could be there. It is a bright spot for February.

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Great pictures! I loved the tour(-:

Balisha said...

It sounds terrific. Wish I could go, but I will just have to depend on you gals to show the pictures of all the beauty.

Sit for a while by the Monet exhibit and think of me...Balisha :)

pogonip said...

How fun to see I'm your featured blogger--giant grin here!

It looks like you have an absolutely wonderful Garden Show in your area. It's sure to be a welcome respite with all the snow and a slowly arriving Spring:)

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

It sounds like it will be a great show. How nice that it goes for so long, ours was just about 4 or 5 days. Can't wait to see your pictures.

Jim Groble said...

Pat and I are going next weekend. If we can dig out, we are going to the Akron Garden and Flower Show. It was a lot of fun last year. I hope the snow misses you. it sure hasn't missed us. jim

VW said...

Those are cheerful colors in your pictures - perfect for this dreary time of year when we're all waiting less than patiently for spring. Though a few of my yellow crocus are blooming - hooray!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lona~~ Fun. Fun! Delicious photos. I especially like the detail in the hardscapes. The hours of work to get the show ready are mind boggling. Are you planning on buying plants? I know. Stupid question.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Lona, wish I could go to it.
I lost my whole post yesterday too just when I went to publish it - it was gone. Boy was I hot! ;-)

IlonaGarden said...

You got some great photos last year!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GREAT Photos I loved the swing with the straw hat on romantic looking...Thanks for coming by and may you have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Anonymous said...

lovely pics,

Its almost spring here! (Almost 'cause we still are having some very cold days)

Lona said...

Patsy: I hope this silly snowy weather does not keep attendance down.

Hi Cindee.Take care of that finger.

Balisha: They were showing some of it on the television this morning and it looks terrific.

Pogonip: It will be so good to get there and soak up the spring colors.

Catherine: i am also glad they run it two weeks give you more opportunities to attend.

Jim: Can you see daylight out your windows for all of this snow.Almost blizzard conditions here.

VW: Thank goodness for those early blooming crocus. I need to plant some but they would still be covered here this year.

Grace, LOL!. you know me too well girl in that I will not come home empty handed.Maybe not so many plants but goodies.

RG: I was so mad yesterday with Blogger. To prevent messing with the problem again I think I will use Windows Live all the time.It will save my blood pressure levels in the long run. LOL!

Ilona: Are you going to attend? It look so pretty on Tom McNutt this morning. I can hardly wait but glad I ha not made plant to go today. LOL!

Gloria: That Secret Garden scene just stole my heart last year.Thanks for coming by!

Zindagi: At least your weather has the promise of spring. It is still very much winter in my area of the states.My son is out there this morning plowing snow drift from the driveway. But spring will make it soon.

Happy@Home said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed my visit here this morning. The beautiful music and gorgeous gardens were a great way to start the day.
If I lived in Ohio I would be attending for sure. I feel pretty sure that you will do a post for us after you attend, so I will look forward to that.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Lona said...

Haapy@Home: I will be sure to take plenty of pictures. Maybe this year they will have the lights on. LOL!

Tootsie said...

these places are so magical...makes you so inspired to go home and do the ideas you see here!!! thanks for playing this week!

Anonymous said...

Now I thought for sure you'd be going on the very first day! We're leaving in a few minutes, much to hubby's chagrin. He doesn't like crowds, and opening day does sound like a busy time to go. But we are heading downtown for a comedy show tonight anyway, so I figured we'd just combine the two events. Besides, I don't want them to run out of any plants or seeds before I get there! Can't wait!

RURAL said...

I wish.....but we are kind of far away. I have a feeling that the Olympics have put many a garden show on the backburner right now.

Go windows LIVE! You are going to love it, it makes life so much less complicated. I can write a post in minutes, instead of fiddling around for ages with Blogger. For me, there is no turning back after the first post I wrote.

Try Jean's Garden for tutorials if you have questions. She is wonderful.


Bren Haas said...

I can't wait to get HERE!!!!
Thanks for sharing my blogging friend. I think we live in the best state ever!