I remember sunshine that is that bright glaring
light we had a few weeks ago wasn’t it.
That is that bright light that now wants to blind
us as it hits the snow and reflects into our eyes.
That glare and sparkle that makes the birds sing
as they set in the trees around the bird feeders.
We are having some temperatures in the forties and
some of the snow is melting down. The shoveled path
between the house and the garage is actually showing
some green grass now. The giant icicles that we have
been having to knock down are now melting and
sliding off the roof. Everyone watch your heads!
All of the snow covered tree boughs are now bare
once again and there are blue skies beyond the trees.
The sun is so welcome and I am soaking it up while it
lasts because winter is not yet done showing its muscle
but spring is getting nearer with each day that passes.
Soon the Hyacinths will be blooming in the
flower beds.
The Tulips will open there bright petals to add
color to a browned and drab yard.
Soon the Ferns and Tiarella will unfurl their leaves
and reach for the sunlight.
The Daffodils will bloom with their sunshine
yellow blooms against backgrounds of green.
Yes, we here in Ohio are dreaming of spring
and the spring flowers it brings.
Until then we will enjoy the blooms of our fellow
gardeners who are fortunate enough to already
have spring flowers starting to bloom.
I got mail too Darla! LOL!
This is what I received yesterday in the mail from Darla
at More Family and Flowers from the Giveaway contest
she held. So many wonderful goodies that any gardener
would love. She really knew what to send to decorate those
containers of mine. Pretty plant stakes of watering cans
and frogs. An the sweetest little hummingbird feeder stake
to add to a container. I just love them and they never have
cute things like that around here. A beautiful card and fridge
magnet full of ‘Hope’. For growing a packet of white cosmos
that I am going to be anxious to get growing. Also some
Liatris to plant this spring.
Darla how did you know I had never grown
them and have been wanting to try them. I have seen them in
other gardeners beds and they looked so pretty.
Thank you so much! I just love everything.
Now I am even more anxious and cannot wait to get
them out into the containers this spring.
Thank you so much!
I see Blotanical is up and running again so I will have to go investigate.
Hope Everyone is Having a Wonderful Weekend
Happy Gardening Everyone !
Winter is for resting I suppose, but after a while things get very boring. Winter and snow is like getting a new canvas, to put colors and shapes when spring comes... ~~~bangchik
Great post Lona, I love your spring pictures, the white edges on the tulip leaves are gorgeous. I've also had more than enough winter, and look forward to new growth & sunshine.
The days are longer and the temp is a little better today. The peach photo is from 2 years ago. Last year no peaches at all. If this year is a good "peach season" you shall have some peaches..
Love the cartoon! Yesterday it was springtime here and today we have a foot and a half of snow (again).
Lona, I am glad your winter starts thinking about retirement! You suffered enough!
I love Liatris! Congratulations on winning Darla's giveaway!
Great post .... some beautiful photos showing what's to come. Hope the spring shows it's face soon for you.
Beautiful beautiful post..from the red cardinals..the tulips..and white daffodils( I have white ones too)..just gorgeous ...and a fun post!
Lovely..have a beautiful night!
OOOH! I can't wait. I can almost smell Spring. Oh, oh...what's that I see out my window. A dark cloud coming with snow in the forecast. I'll have to come back here tomorrow, when we are knee deep in snow....to get my Spring fix.
Yes, soak up that sunshine! It's a wonderful thing isn't it? I am so glad your packaged arrived and that you like what was in it...
I am so ready for warm, sunny days! Your shots are beautiful as always. I have 2 out of 6 types of my daffs blooming! I can't wait to see all of them!
What a great apckage! Didn't it just make your day!
My hands up. jim
Sunshine flowers gifts and a fun cartoon. Doesn't get any better!
I could spend all day looking through the pictures on your blog! But I need to get going! B back soon.
*Raising hand* Me, me, I'm tired of snow! Looks like some melting going on, thank goodness. But it's a long way till all of it melts. I'll have to plant more liatris this spring. Put down about 15 of them and only two came up!
Bangchik, I always love the first snows when everything is painted white and new but it does get tiring after a couple of months. ;-)
Rebecca; That tulip just came up with those variegated leaves last year. I loved the effect but do not know why it suddenly changed. Now I am wondering if it will do the same this year or even bloom again.
Joe: Well I am hoping for frost free peach blooms so i can get some peaches. LOL!
Pogonip: Ugh, how cruel to give us a touch of warmth and then blast you again. Ours is rain so far.
Tatyana: I am anxious to get the liatris in the ground. I have always loved the looks of them in others gardens.Hope they are easily grown ;-)
Bernie: Seems strange but when we get our spring you will be into fall. Your blooms and wildlife have given me some terrific pictures to drool over this winter ;-)
Kiki: Those daffodils were here when we bought the house about forty years ago and are still looking wonderful.
Balisha: ahh no, not more snow. It is starting off as rain here then back to the same old, same old by Wednesday but for now some is melting.
Darla: Girl you could not have picked better gifts. You should have heard me ewwing and ahhing LOL!
DP: I cannot wait to see your daffodils and your grandmas blooming on the farm.
Jim:All of northern Ohio probably has hands up right with you Jim and Pat. LOL!
Janet: A cousin lives in Cleveland Tenn. and she is amazed at this winters snow and cold. I told her I was tired of it and was sending it down to her. LOL!
Hi Colleen; Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed your visit.
Robin: Does your hubby have an older brother? I could go for a candle lite supper. LOL! Oh, if Liatris is finicky mine might not stand a chance. Maybe I better put them in a pot???
I remember sunshine too but it's been a long time since I've seen it. I bet you will love the liatris, so easy to grow and so pretty.
I was surprised when those photos turned out that way. I was on my hands and knees and used telephote lens setting to get close up. So I guess it was a close up of a close up LOL. I will be trying that again. I liked the effect. Have a great week.. and think Peaches
Hi Lona~~ I never cease to be amazed at Darla's generosity. Such a giver! Thank you for not being annoyed with those of us having an early spring. This year is quite unusual.
Beautiful photos and the cartoon made me chuckle. Here's to more sunshine.
Hahaha, funny, I must remember that picture!
Yes... I remember that sunny day, seems like ages ago now...
I slipped over to your blog from a Fairegarden, nice:-) admired all your little geraniums.
Cheers from Sweden, Europe
Your photos are lovely. I saw two of the male cardinals at my bird feeder yesterday. I also saw daffodils coming up along the side of my house. Everywhere else on my property there is a ton of snow.
Hi Marnie, I will know doubt love them. Not many I do not love and I have been wanting to try them.
Joe: LOL! The things we will do for a great picture. We need a picture of you trying to get the perfect picture. ;-)
Grace: Take advantage of it friend I know I sure would and I would flaunt the dickens out of it LOL!
Hillevissan I am so glad you dropped by. I will be around for a visit.
Eileen: LOL! Spring on the right of the garden and winter on the left. Glad your daffodils are growing.We will take our flowers as they come.
Hi Deny! So glad you found our blog and i will be certain to visit your blog to see lovely Indonesia.
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