I follow very few blogs that feature close up images of plants. Yours is one of the few exceptions. I like pictures of plants to appear real and the plants to be relatively "attainable"; as if anyone might have grown them in their garden rather than enhanced them in software. Congratulations for bringing us a taste of nature's beauty at a time of year when it is so hard to find in the garden-- that is if one can find the garden underneath all of the snow.
Thanks everyone! I just love to photograph pictures of flowers when the raindrops are on them. It just makes them sparkle.
Allen I appreciate the comments and like you noticed I am not into this enhancing of flower photos. I get enough of that in the catalogs and online. LOL! Everyone knows every bloom is not perfect.
You're red rose header just reminded me of the Macy's "go Red for Women" sale running through Sunday! If you wear red, they'll give you 20% off. I need to keep myself home! The water drops on the flowers are perfect!
Oh how I wish we could see a little rain instead of snow! I love the way flowers/plants look with droplets on them. You've captured that so beautifully. Maybe soon the snow showers will turn to rain ones?? btw, finally, my Amaryllis 'Picotee' is pushing up buds! It sat there for months. I just wanted to tell you since I know you had one and I looked longingly at it several times.
I sure miss all those lovelies! I'm glad the snow melted, but it's even more gray without it. Now we are going to get buried in snow again, so at least my plants will have a fluffy white blanket to protect them.
I like Allan am into photographing plants how they look in a garden setting.
However, you are definitely the exception! I love looking at your photographs. By the way, I had an amaryllis like yours this Christmas. It ended up with one very long stem and one short. They both flowered.
The droplets look so pearly n pristine. Beautiful photographs Lona. Loved this post...' A little Rain must Fall' In fact its raining here today, early in the morning.... Beautiful weather! Cheers! Radhika
A serenely beautiful post! You have captured the magic of rain dusting all the flowers.Wow.. BEAUTIFUL!
Beautiful, refreshing post. I love the way flowers look in the rain. :)
Raindrops make the flowers look extra pretty. What beautiful pictures today!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I could almost smell the beautiful flowers. We need rain now to wash this snow away.
I follow very few blogs that feature close up images of plants. Yours is one of the few exceptions.
I like pictures of plants to appear real and the plants to be relatively "attainable"; as if anyone might have grown them in their garden rather than enhanced them in software.
Congratulations for bringing us a taste of nature's beauty at a time of year when it is so hard to find in the garden-- that is if one can find the garden underneath all of the snow.
I just love the rain and I especially love how beautiful and fresh raindrops make flowers a leaves look. Love the daisy with raindrops especially.
I like some rain too ;-) It's getting hot nowadays and my plants certainly need a shower like yours. Your flowers are beautiful!
Gorgeous photos ... you have some lovely plants in your garden.
Such lovely photos. I wish we were have a warm summer rain right about now:)
Beautiful rain drop pictures.
Thanks everyone! I just love to photograph pictures of flowers when the raindrops are on them. It just makes them sparkle.
Allen I appreciate the comments and like you noticed I am not into this enhancing of flower photos. I get enough of that in the catalogs and online. LOL!
Everyone knows every bloom is not perfect.
What is it about drops of water on flowers that makes them look so delicate and magical? Wonderful photos!
Beautiful photography! I could practically feel the warm shiver of a soft spring rain on my skin, just looking at those pictures.
These flowers look good enough to eat, Lona. They make me long for summer.
You're red rose header just reminded me of the Macy's "go Red for Women" sale running through Sunday! If you wear red, they'll give you 20% off. I need to keep myself home!
The water drops on the flowers are perfect!
Oh how I wish we could see a little rain instead of snow! I love the way flowers/plants look with droplets on them. You've captured that so beautifully. Maybe soon the snow showers will turn to rain ones??
btw, finally, my Amaryllis 'Picotee' is pushing up buds! It sat there for months. I just wanted to tell you since I know you had one and I looked longingly at it several times.
I sure miss all those lovelies! I'm glad the snow melted, but it's even more gray without it. Now we are going to get buried in snow again, so at least my plants will have a fluffy white blanket to protect them.
All so beautiful, Lona! Can't wait for the real deal!!!
I like Allan am into photographing plants how they look in a garden setting.
However, you are definitely the exception! I love looking at your photographs. By the way, I had an amaryllis like yours this Christmas. It ended up with one very long stem and one short. They both flowered.
The droplets look so pearly n pristine. Beautiful photographs Lona. Loved this post...' A little Rain must Fall' In fact its raining here today, early in the morning.... Beautiful weather!
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