This week was spent with a little indoor gardening
since the white stuff dominates the great outdoors.
The geraniums are doing very well and I got them
transplanted into their pots.
The little greenhouse is slowly filling up with
new seedlings so I do have a small amount of green
going on at least indoors.
The mutated amaryllis ‘Grand Cru’ did put on a few
more gorgeous blooms. The stem may have been bent and
scarred but its blooms were beautiful.
I have one more amaryllis that has taken its sweet time
to get buds on it to share later. Although everyone may be
getting tired of amaryllis pictures I still welcome the big
beautiful blooms this winter.
Maybe it waited so long because it knew it would be
more welcome later in the winter.
We are having some beautiful sunshine today and
warmer temps so maybe some of the slow will slowly melt down and the icicles will come down.
But another snowstorm is coming in the first of the week
so it well just be making some room for the new snow to
come in.
“ Flaunt those Flowers ” whether from last summer, new
beginnings or your indoor bloomers for us frozen gardeners
to look at.
Also word has it that Stuart at Blotanical is moving to
a new server so maybe it all means we will be having
a revamped and faster Blotanical when it comes back online.
I for one am missing it and was glad to have had many of you
on my Google Reader to keep in touch with.
Everyone have a wonderful weekend.
I can't quite tell from the photo -- are the geraniums that you're growing from seed Pelargoniums or Cranesbill geraniums? Isn't it wonderful to have some green things sprouting?
Dear Lona, You have certainly been busy. No-one could accuse you of wasting time whilst the snow is on the ground. I imagine that you are intending to fill all your containers from plants grown from seed. A fun way of doing things, but also hard work. However, I am sure that the results of your efforts will be splendid.
Your seedlings are adorable! :)
I will be so glad to see beautiful red rose's like in you header again. Sorry to hear you are getting more snow .I think ours will just be rain.
That's great, you are going to have a lot of geraniums. I have larkspur seeds sprouting. Also, I put out some blanket flower seeds, too. We'll see....
I enjoyed your summer container baskets, part 2. They are so pretty and I LOVE the white impatiens. The baskets look pretty against the tree bark.
I want to hang flowers on my wrought iron fence and I think that would work. Thanks for the idea.:)
Hope you have a great weekend, as well.
Amaryllis are perfect for a snowy cold February.
When we lived in Southern California, they would always bloom in our yard at Easter :)
I love seeing that sign of SPRING. What a fun post!
Hi Sabrina, they are Pelargoniums I am acquiring quite a collection of them. LOL! Every year I add the new varieties and also hold over winter some from the prior years. Yes it is good to see anything growing now. You must be tired of our snow too.
Edith, you are right. I have to grow many from seed to fill all those containers and baskets. I do not always have good results with some of the flowers but I keep trying which is fun.
Rebecca;aren't they the sweetest little geraniums. LOL!
Patsy; I got tired of the snow and ice and had to have some red. ;-)
Amy: a basket on your wrought iron fence would be just lovely.I have some larkspur seedlings too that a fellow blogger shared. Touches of Blue and I am so excited to see them bloom this summer.
Pogpnip: I so envy the warmer climates where you can grow tropical's and other beauties. But I guess they have the reverse problem with some flowers growing in the heat. I need to live in between somewhere LOL!
You are making me feel I should have started some seeds indoors. My lights are in a box downstairs, but I just can't seem to find the room in this house!
Glad to see that Grand Cru turned out okay, despite the damage to the stem.
Things are really moving toward Spring in your greenhouse. It's been a hard winter everywhere, Spring will be a welcome sight.
Look at all those healthy seedlings! I guess I better get mine started soon.
Every time I see that cute fairy at the top of your sidebar I smile. I wish I could find one for my daughter like it. Would you mind sharing where you found it?
Eileen I know what you mean about not enough room. I have mine in a hallway and we have to turn sideways to get through. LOL! I have a fun time when I start carrying groceries through there. ;-)
Nell: I will have to take your advise and see if it is just damaged or diseased. Hopefully it will be different next winter.
Catherine: I got that little fairy at the garden show last year. They had so many of them. Would you want me to check this year for one for you??
Oh so gorgeous your Amaryliss! The colour is stunning.
The seedlings look 'happy'. Good job! Sorry for those snow outside. Nonetheless, have fun sowing seeds :-D
Lona girl ! I love seeing the close up of those seedling and so true what can come of small beginnings that will be absolutely wonderful at full growth ! .. it is weird feeling disconnected to Blotanical .. but I know things are being worked on so it gives us this chance to try our own wings out ? LOL
Roll on SPRING !!!
Joy : )
Looky, looky at all those babies...yippee you will be ready to plant when the snow stops falling!!
Spring is here for sure when the seedlings arrive! Are you growing the geraniums from seed? way cool
Hi Lona, my goodness --lots of geraniums! What color? There are some reds that are super.
I love your Amaryllis....they are such glorious blooms.
I was just on Blotanical and it is a lot faster than it used to be.
Stephanie: If Mother Nature doesn't help just grow your own ;-)
Joy: I had two other little trees growing around in the yard so I will have mimosa trees. That one was starting to look so good and bloom though.
Darla; Do you think Spring will ever come LOL. I think I need to move to Florida.
Jeanne: yes those are from seeds I started. Have to have flowers even if they are babies yet. ;-)
Janet: Now how did you do that? Staurt must still be working on it because it is back down. I am glad you got a tour though LOL!
With the kitchen remodel, and all that entails, I don't know if I'll start any plants inside this year. I grew several kinds of peppers, tomatoes, and flowers last year. The flowers I planted seeds of in the ground grew as well as the babies I put out from inside. I don't know, though, how soon we will be able to plant anything out there this year. I'm hoping a lot of the flowers seeded themselves.
I was able to get into blotanical last night, but when I went to look at posts up for picks, they didn't show up. The blogs with feeds showed up on the left of the screen. I didn't click on them, because I assumed I wouldn't be able to pick from there, anyway. I hope Stuart is able to get things going. I know all that is above my level of ability.
Fun to see another gardener playing in the dirt... indoors. :) Certainly keeps me sane. Perennial geraniums are the true workhorses of my summer gardens. Now I'm inspired to start some more by seed.
Seedlings are exciting to garden geeks like us! Right now the sounds of sawing and hammering is coming from the basement, that means hubby is building my seed starting shelves, complete with lights. Woohoo! Can't wait to plant my seeds when he's done and get rolling on the garden. I've had to settle for indoor gardening with houseplants lately.
Isn't it great that when people are getting tired of winter that you can be preparing for spring indoors, just imagining how your seedlings will look once they mature?
It's always great to grow things from seed and they are looking good. The red of the Amaryllis are so vibrant but I so love your header of roses.
Yay for seeds started! Yours are doing very well, Lona, much better than mine, which aren't even ordered yet. Oooops....:-)
Sue: Remodels of one room usually have this knack of taking over the whole house. I have saw your tubs and loved the plantings you have. I hope this snow thing gets it all out of its system soon.
Kate: Some how when I play in the dirt inside I have a total mess. Sloppy girl I guess LOL!
Noelle: I am dreaming of those seedlings being big and beautiful LOL!
Joane: Thank you and I am so glad you stopped by. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jodi: LOL! I was chomping at the bit to get my seeds planted. Still have more in the freezer to plant.I am trying to trick them.
Robin: Well isn't he just the sweetest fella to build you some planting shelves. Just think of all the plants you can start now. We will see your feet smoking as you make your way to the seeds racks. LOL!
I have started several varieties of seeds indoors before, but I never have tried geraniums. I look forward to seeing your later posts when they bloom. There's something just so satisfying about growing something from a seed!
Look at all those seeds growing! Won't be long now for me. Yes, he's a sweet hubby, that's for sure. Came home from work to find a candlelight dinner by the fire with soft music. He even moved the table over by the fireplace! I was really impressed. And his Pepper Steak was delicious! I am truly blessed.
Hi Lona~~ Sunshine? Really? Yay! I'm happy for you. Your seedlings look very healthy and full of promise. And your Amaryllis blossoms continue to dazzle. Happy weekend to you too.
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