At an outing to the Franklin Park Conservatory
in Columbus, Ohio I noticed that Anthuriums were
stuck in around in the tropical and palm rooms there.
They had several colors represented there but I do|
not think they had the 600 species that this plant
comes in.
I only have one in my houseplant collection and
I was sad to learn that I had gotten the one with green
blooms and not the lovely red I was thinking I had picked
up. I have had it for a little over a year now and
it is doing poorly now and dying on me.
I have looked for insects and tried different treatments
with it even giving it new soil to see if this would help
but it has refused all of my efforts to try to keep it going.
The leaves develop a black spot and it slowly spreads
over the whole leaf. I cut the leaf off to keep whatever
is ailing it from spreading to the rest of the plant.
So if any of you wonderful gardeners know what is wrong
with this lady I would appreciate some ideas it saving it.
I loved the peach blooms on this particular Anthurium.
White blooms
Pink blooms
This beauty was also among the tropical plants.
Does anyone know what it might be?
You tropical gardeners may help with this one.
Thank you Noel for the plant identification
This is what I love about Blotanical so many
wonderful and helpful gardeners.
These two cuties were tossing coins in the fountain.
I do not know whether they were making a wish or
not but they were having a blast throwing the money
into the water. LOL!
Until Next Time,
I have had this plant many times, and I love it's gracefulness. I do not remember what happened to each of them, but I am sure I did not have it in the proper growing conditions.
Blooms of any kind are ok by me this time of year
I can't help you on this one...I love the peachy colored one.
I love anthuriums...especially when they have some pink to them.
aloha lona
The Blue Ginger or Dichorisandra thyrsiflora you were asking about is a member of the wandering jew regards to anthuriums...actually i can't help you they thrive here and i just leave them alone with no care in filtered light...i think they do like to get good soakings but want well drained soil or they will get root rot...they like humid and filtered light.
Oh, those are pretty. I've never tried growing them, but have seen a few different ones in the houseplant area. I hope you are able to figure out what's wrong with yours.
My peace lily is coming up. My sis-in-law gave me a clump to propagate and is doing fine in my garden. I hope to see its flower as beautiful as this one here (first pix). I have one anthurium flower growing out currently. Thank goodnesss the plant grows well in my garden too. They have such unusual form. I just enjoy watching these flowers. Sorry I do not know the last plant with little blue flowers.
We're lucky enough that we can grow some anthuriums outside here. We had a weirdly interesting but not especially pretty one in a house we rented twenty years ago. I just watered it every now and then, so I'm not up on what it takes to keep them alive. Good luck saving yours!
lovely anthuriums!
They are in my wish list but aren't available here!
...beautiful post, and I love the daffies in the previous post. I love watching kids toss coins in fountains. They have so much fun. I don't know what it is about doing that, but it is entertaining.
Hi, Lona ~ I have one and it is not looking that great. I have had mine about a year, too.
I am not great with I usually stick with ivy.:)
We have a huge Anthurium growing here in the office entrance. Ours is white. Very easy plant to grow.
Hi, Lona. I agree that the peachy colored one is gorgeous! I don't have any...I wonder why?!?! And the little blue flowers...sorry, but I'm no help here. :( It's pretty, though!
Eileen: So glad you got your feed worked out on Blotanical.
Joe: I know what you mean. We get hungry for some flowers and color.
Balisha: I liked the peach one too. I thought I took a couple pictures of some red ones but they must have not turned out.
Sylvia: I am so lousy at keeping houseplants. No light and no room.You would think I could at least grow an anthurium LOL!
Noel: You are a dear to identify the Ginger for me. Thanks so much. Thanks for the tips too. I think I may have kept it too wet then.
Catherine: I keep trying houseplants but I am not doing so well. Poor things LOL!
Lostlandscape: Hello. I probably was drowning the poor thing. I knew your tropical gardeners could help me. Thanks!
Stephanie: I will have to see that Peace Lily girl. We got an answer to the plant ID thanks to Noel. Blue Ginger it is.
Zindagi: Hope you are able to get you one. It will probably grow wonderfully for you.
Kelly: They were so cute. They were more interested in just throwing the money LOL!
Amy: LOL! I do not even think ivy would grow in my house.
Marnie: Now I feel like a failure.LOL! It may be easy for some people. They were not figuring on me growing them LOL!
Flamingo are the toughest plants in our area. Unfortunately they are very expensive here. They are the best air purifiers we have been told by the master gardeners here. And they perform very well in low lights as well. yours are very pretty. i wish your plants become healthier and bloom more.
Kimberly: It is a pretty one. I like the pretty hue of the peach bloom. Our friend Noel had the answer it is Blue Ginger.It is much prettier than the picture.
Muhammad: It better be tough to live in my house. Maybe all of that sir filtering from my house is killing it? LOL! Not really.I think I may keep it too wet.I will try to give it less water and see if that helps.Thanks!
That's a freaky looking flower, and no mistake. I think the flower things are something I need to look at once I've got the vegetable things going.
I really like these tropical plants- and your pictures are lovely. Got a kick out of the kids and the fountain, isn't that what we'd all like to do?
Next time you plan a trip to the Conservatory I would love to meet with you there- drop me a note or an email near the time. I have a membership so anytime is a good time to go. The butterfly exhibit is one I always try to go see. Never tire of the beautiful butterflies.
Lona, I'm taking the Master Gardeners classes right now, and part of this week's session was on houseplants. But even though I looked through my notes, I couldn't find an answer for you--sorry! I had an anthurium at one time, but mine eventually died from neglect:)
Oh I just love stopping by your blog. So beautiful and refreshing to my spirit. I stopped by to let you know that you won the giveaway of the cakeplate on my Gloryfeathers blog. It must have been a God thing that you found it that day! I just love when he does that! Let me know where to send it & I will get it in the mail to you. Be blessed!
Hi Lona....I found your blog through Glory Feathers and thought I would take a look. You live really close to me! I live in Zanesville now for the last 3 years. We moved here from Columbus. All our family and friends are there. I have a little gardening on my blog but more decorating, antiques and everyday happenings. I will stop back again!~Patti
I'm not familiar with those flowers. I hope yours does better. I love that ginger.
Thanks for your nice comment on my kitchen. I have the rest of it posted now. The south wall looks quite different from the rest of it. I am still tweaking it, and things have changed a little since I posted the photos.
I love anthuriums, some of them look as though they are made from wax.
Hi Lona~~ I'm afraid I can't help you with the anthirium. Nice photos though. And those boys do look adorable.
they are graceful looking
Tootsie: I will be around later for Fertilizer Friday!
Grace: Well that makes two of lady LOL! I am getting some good help tips from our friends though. I knew they wouldn't let me down.
Keewee: They do look like wax plants sometimes LOL!
Sue: The ginger was so pretty. Of course it was blue LOL!
I will be over to check out more of the remodel.
Patti: Well hello neighbor LOL! Glad you found us. I pass through Zanesville about once a year on the way to Sugar Creek.
Debbie: I won a giveaway! Well it is my lucky day. Thanks for letting me know. LOL!
Rose: I think I babied mine too much. I will have to neglect it more to give it some rough talking to. LOL!
GardenLibraian: I had such a wonderful visit there. The butterflies should be wonderful to see.Great place to visit on cold days.
Thanks for dropping by.
IdiotGardener: Veggies come first I know. I only grow about three so I have a lot of time for flowers. Thanks for dropping by.
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