It seems my garden is on hold right now.
Some plants are ending their blooms while others are
not quite ready yet.
This Primrose is still growing and adding some newer
The tulips are all but gone now but the Athyrium
’Ursula’s Red’ Japanese Fern is growing fast now
to hide the tulip foliage.
And while the Tirella Foam Flower is blooming
her little heart out the Purple Palace Heuchera is
not quite ready yet for blooms.
The lilacs are fading fast now and I will miss their
fragrance and all of the activity that she caused from
the bees and butterflies.
The hyacinths are gone now and their seed
heads have been removed to add more energy
going to the bulbs.
All of the Daffodils are gone now and Echinacea
and Shasta Daisies are growing fast to hide the
daffodil foliage.
The peach blossoms are gone now and fruit
may be appearing but freeze and frost warnings
are out for tonight.
There are still some Spring Beauties blooming
along the woods and yard where the first mowing
of the grass did not reach and cut away.
The Bleeding Hearts are still going strong.
But the blooms from Jane Magnolia got knocked off
by the heavy rains we had the last two days.
I am not complaining about the rain though because
we really needed it. It had been a very dry April here.
Even the Brunnera has started loosing the tiny
blue blooms with the rains but the leaves are just
getting more beautiful.
The Japanese Blue Wisteria vines are getting leaves and again
this year like all of the others it appears I will not
get one bloom from them. They will become
trellises for clematis now. Some good should come out
of all of that wasted space they are taking.
Believe me I have tried all of the tricks with these
stupid vines.
From shocking, moving, pruning and threatening.
So my garden is in a slump right now but the irises have
buds and so do the roses and astilbes so there will be
more blooms to take their place soon.
Black and White Muscovy
Happy Gardening Everyone !
with red in yellow, primrose really stands out! ~bangchik
You still have a lot of beautiful blooms Lona! Your garden is far ahead of mine.
Isn't it interesting how the garden goes through transitions like our lives sometimes do? I look forward to seeing your Shasta Daisies in bloom - they are some of my favorite flowers.
Lona everything looks so beautiful. I love the fern as a background for the pink Tulip. The water with the Muscovy looks so tranquil.
You still have some pretty blooms. Hope the weather doesn't affect the fruit production. It's a bummer when you get a frost this time of year.
Lona, you still have some beauties there. I know what you mean about being in between seasons. Although, if we get frost tonight it will certainly push us back to a forgotten season.
The wonderful thing about gardens is that they will be different tomorrow!! Blooms will be here before you know it!
It looks like you still have a lot blooming. I love Japanese Ferns and yours is huge. Hope you continue to get nice weather.
My garden goes through periods of rest occasionally as well. It'll all color up again soon. At least those very perfect and wonderful bleeding hearts are still growing strong!
Everything still looks beautiful to me Lona! But I know what you mean, I have times like that in my garden too, generally after the lilacs etc and before the summer blooms. I always feel like I haven't planned well, but I think it's natures way of having us appreciate the 2nd flush even more.
My garden goes through an in between time in the end of June. I start studying which plants are ready to bloom as I anxiously await the next round.
You have so much pretty foliage on your plants and they keep the garden looking great until the new flowers begin blooming.
Beautiful primrose. I added it to my list. Geez, the list is getting long. I was just over at leavesinbloom looking at primroses. my tulips are no more. your pics and post are great as always. jim
Late April is always a sort of barren time in my garden, too. The big show of daffodils, wisteria, dogwood and azaleas ends and I'm left wondering when the next big show starts even though there are blooming flowers.
Soon, very soon. Yours and mine, too.
The garden is a little echo of life — always something ending and another thing beginning! Your garden blooms are beautiful
You have a lovely garden.
Everyone has their turn to shine! Love the flowers you have especially the lilac here. Enjoy your day!
I hope one day I get it down what to plant next to what so there will always be something to cover up what's gone for the season. I'm still learning!
Lovely Tiarella.
I'm looking forward to see your photos of Tiarella and Heuchera.
I hate to say that I was kind of snickering to hear your garden is on hold a bit...cuz here mine hasn't even gotten started!! I am just a tad envious...can you tell? lol
thanks for linking in this week. I am sorry it took so long to get over here and see...I just can't seem to get to the end of the busy around here these days! I do hope you will link in again...I have enjoyed my visit!
We had a light frost last night. Luckily I had carried all my annuals into the garage.
We need rain too, the little we had last weekend didn't go far.
You have so many different kinds of flowers. I am having camera problems and can't put any new pictures on my I have to enjoy others.
Your garden is much farther along than mine. My lilacs are just about to break into bloom, and my painted fern is still completely dormant in full shade from the house. Good luck avoiding frost for your peaches!
Beautiful images. Beautiful garden.
I always notice that there is a little lag in my garden this time of year. It is wonderful anticipaton for the upcoming blooms!
Oooh! That's a terrific color combination on your primrose. It appears you're a full month ahead of our blooming schedule. I'm getting so excited for the lilacs... :D
Our lilacs are just coming in to bloom. Can't wait to smell them.
Hard rains can rid spring flowers of their petals, and so can wind. The wind is hard today, blowing of azalea petals that would otherwise happily stayed a lot longer.
Beautiful pics.
Well, it may be in a slump but it still looks very pretty. I love the fern. I haven't been able to find a spot in my yard where they will do well. Too much sun, I guess.
I just love your garden photos, Lona. When I picture what the whole must look like given the parts you've shown us, I imagine a colorful woodland hideaway right out of a fairy tale.
Just tell the wisteria if it doesn't shape up you are grubbing it up and sending to Alaska. That should make it behave;) Never seen a wisteria here. Looks like you are a few weeks ahead of us in the garden.
Christine in Alaska, land of no cheeky wisteria thus far....
I hope you are making a coffee table book out of your photo's. How beautiful!!!
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