Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Country Road’s

I love this time of the Spring when the trees are just
starting to put out little beginnings of green as the leaves
start to grow or the fruit trees are starting to bloom.
Colors of white, pink, yellow and lavenders blossoms fill
the tree branches and the winds
are filled with the showers of colored petals.



The old apple trees here in the hills are full of blooms
and you can spot them in old orchards that have been
abandoned years ago or find them standing where once
an old homestead stood.



The Forsythia’s are putting on a golden
display now and can be found just about anywhere
around here. Like the old fruit trees the forsythias
and daffodils are now blooming and reminded us
that once there was stood a farm or home years ago.
Then we try to dig deep into old past forgotten
memories of what family lived there at one time.




My mother and I both had to get our drivers licenses
renewed Monday …..
{Ugh! does the BMV make you look ugly on purpose
or does reality bite you ? LOL! }
…. and since it was such a beautiful
sunny and warm day it called for a lot of side trips on
old back roads and around Lake Logan on the way
back home.


Nature was very busy on a warm day.
The Swans at Lake Logan are nesting now and
this pair was busy building a very high nest in a
little nook by the road.  As you can see the male
was busy getting the reeds and old cattails from the
water an giving them to the female to build the nest.
The nest is large and very high to keep the eggs safe
from rising waters. Looked like he had all of the reeds
cleared away surrounding the nest. Also in the nest
was the fuzz from spent cattails of last summer and
downy white feathers also. She is one pampered
|Swan or wants a soft place for those eggs.



Back home and down in the woods is an old peach
tree which is half gone now but it still has some
beautiful pink blooms appearing on a few limbs.



Magnolia Jane is just about ready to bloom
for me and it is good to see she made it through
our nasty winter with flying colors.



Down along the woods the irises, lilies and
tulips are growing. So far the deer’s have
stayed away from them but the squirrels are
digging up some of the bulbs and roots.
Pesky varmints.



Everyday now as I am working or walking around
the yard new flowers are coming up and new blooms
are appearing.We have been in a mini summer here
so it is making things grow faster with the warm nights.
Spring is an enchanting time of year of renewal and
growth. The grass is always greener in the spring and
appears emerald green before the hot sunny days
of Summer fades the colors.



Native Spring Beauties are blooming all over the
yard near the woods adding pink blooms to the
emerald green grass.


Happy Gardening Everyone !

Until Next Time,  Lona


jerilanders said...

Lona, oh the swans! What a beautiful sight on a lovely spring day, not to mention the tulips and tree buds, glorious SPRING!

Darla said...

Gorgeous scenery Lona...we refer to our DMV photos as mug shots!

Amy said...

Hi, Lona ~ Yes, they do that on purpose! I love the peach tree blooms. Looks like a lot of pretty blooms!

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Lona, all of your pictures are so lovely. I find the blooms of the old peach tree especially charming. And yes, the drivers liscence pictures do make you look awful on purpose!

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Lona, everywhere we look here on the island, there are clouds of pink and white blossom. It is a pretty time of year.

pogonip said...

Wow! Your spring is popping out FAST.

Jeanne said...

So lovely! Yes, spring has finally arrived!

Patsy said...

All of your photo's are lovely. We have been digging and planting.

Victoria said...

Hi Lona...My heart is smitten with the beauty of the for showing enchantingly beautiful! Goreous photos of the apple blossoms..must smell pretty!
Fabulous post!

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Lona you have some little spring beauties in the gaden. I find that I get excited the most when it comes to spring blooms too and seeing little things pop up that I'd forgotten were there.

Your little wood anemones are lovely with the little bit of pink.

and reference my flood watch - We had sunshine today so I think we are now off the alert. I never realised that snow melt would create such a torrent.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Lona, how beautiful! Swans, blooms... everything is so pure, white, romantic... Want to be a bride again!

Noelle Johnson said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful glimpses of spring. I love to sit and just watch swans. There is just something about them that is so peaceful and beautiful.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Just by looking at your photos I know why Spring is my favorite time of year. We are having lots of rain so my garden already looks green and lush.


A Garden of Threads said...

Thank you for taking us on a short tour around your area. Yes, spring is here and isn't it beautiful and fragrant. The swans are so peaceful looking even while they are busy nest building. Have a wonderful day and take care!:)

Anonymous said...

Our mini summer is about to end, high only 49 for Friday! But it's a short lived chill, we'll be warm again soon. Thank goodness! This has to be one of the prettiest springs I've ever seen. It must be because the winter was so cold and snowy that I appreciate it even more. My first butterfly spotting here was a simple cabbage white, but he was still quite welcome.

Meredith said...

How sweet, Lona! I did not realize that swans build nests cooperatively like that. May it be safe and soft and bring forth lots more swans for you to photograph so beautifully. :)

And yes, I do think the DMV has photo editing software that renders our features practically unrecognizable. The last time I went, I actually attempted to make myself more presentable -- and in the photo my face is bright red and my eyes are mere slits and I have horrible frizz. Surely that's not possible. ;)

Stephanie said...

Until next time? Can't wait Lona! The collection of white flowers you have here are all marvellous :-D

It is so nice to see blossoming flowers here. Feels warm already!

Happy, happy Spring!

Anonymous said...

lovely pics, thanks for sharing

Deborah Verhoeven said...

Beautiful pictures. I'm so jealous of the tulips.

Amazingly, we have swans living at Pensacola Beach. No one knows how they got there.

Rose said...

Such lovely photos, Lona! This is my favorite time of year, too, with all the trees budding out and surprises each day in the garden. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of April will be as beautiful.

Happy@Home said...

I so enjoyed this chance to see what is blooming in your area. As I look at the beautiful pictures and listen to your music, I feel very relaxed and inspired to get outside and do some gardening.
I also enjoyed the beautiful photo of the swans and the info. on their nest building.

Lona said...

Darla: Gee mine was worse than any mugshot LOL!

Jeri: I love the swans. So graceful.

Amy: I do not have very many peach blooms but what is there are so pretty.

Rebecca: I think it is a state wide conspiracy to make us all ugly. LOL!

Keewee: I bet it is so lovely on the island with all of the spring trees in bloom.

Pogonip: Our mini summer just really did the trick. Everything is trying to grow at once.

Jeanne: Arn't we gald it is finally here. YEah!

Patsy: You and the Bennie take it easy with all of that planting and digging.

Kiki: I think because the winter was so bad it all looks even prettier this spring. ;-)

leavesinbloom: The Spring Pinks are native and everyone considers them weeds but I think they have the cutest little pink flowers on them.Glad your flood is going away. All that melting snow had to go somewhere I guess.

Tatyana: They are so pretty and graceful. I like how the male does all the work myself. LOL!

Noelle: Mom enjoyed watching them too. She had not seen them at the lake before.

Eileen: Believe it or not but we were getting dries out with all of the high temps and winds. Grass fires everywhere. A little rain today will help though.

Garden of Threads: So glad you dropped by. Have a wonderful week.

Robin: Shucks girl looks like our mini summer is over. We need the rain now here but I could do without the cooler temps. I was liking the hot temps. Yes you are right it will not last long this time of the year. Take care.

Meredith: Me Too!! My face is so red in the DMV picture. I wore a red top too so I look like a red pepper LOL! Or like I was having a major hot flash. LOL!

Stephanie: Thank you. You must live in a constant spring and summer though. Ahhh. How good that would be. ;-)

Zindagi: Thank you and thanks for taking the time to visit me.

Deborah: Someone probably bought them and brought then in and then they decided to leave home LOL!
Thanks for dropping by.

Rose: I hope we have a gentle April also. Here you just never know. Thanks for dropping by girl.

Happy@Home: I never knew about the swans either until we watched them building. I was afraid to get too close but they never paid us any attention at all. LOL! That will probably all change when the eggs hatch.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your blooms are beautiful and I really enjoyed seeing the nesting swans. The forsythia are blooming here too.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Beautiful, Lona! So, lovely to see bright whites that have nothing to do with drifts of snow. :))

D said...

Gorgeous photos, beautiful swans! Happy Spring Lona. By the way, simply lovely header photo.


Love your header and all the photographs of the apple blossoms. Spring is such a wonderful time and I am so happy it is here!!!

Canarybird said...

What a beautiful spring you are having Lona. I love seeing your apple blossoms and spring flowers. Nice to meet you and thank you for your visit. Sharon.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Look at how pretty it is there! I think you've caught up and past us here! :) My apple tree is just starting to bloom, but I don't think it'll have as many blooms as usual this year. I hope the deer leave your bulbs alone, they are looking beautiful!

Lona said...

Marnie: Looks like that old saying of 3 more snows after the forsythia blooms is going to be true. Flurries Sunday will make three. Ugh! LOL!

Kate: Hey girl don't even mention that cuss word snow. LOL!

Di: Thanks so much. Aren't the swans pretty. I love seeing them.

Ingrid: That makes two of us that are glad spring is finally here ;-)

Sharon: Thanks for dropping by. Your photography is the best I have seen for a long time. Love it!

Catherine: I hope those varmints stay away from my lilies this year. I may have to get the gun. Will you bail me out of ail? LOL!

Pat said...

Wow, that was fun !!
What a great day you had.
Gotta love spring.
Great photos !

Anonymous said...

Hi Lona.
Reading your blog was an absolute joy such beautiful words and wonderful pictures.

Joe Todd said...

Sure is a great time of year

Anonymous said...

Because the winter was extra cold and snowy, I have been extra excited by the arrival of spring. Isn't it just fabulous? But I'm so worried about the chill tonight! My redbud is just about to open it's lovely flowers, and they are calling for temps to get down to 28. I sure hope they do alright! I'll be so sad if the blooms are killed by the frost.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lona, I love the swans. What a wonderful find! Your purple and white themed header is beyond fabulous! I know what you mean about the grass being so perfectly green this time of year. So refreshing.