Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday Blooms


Thank all of you for the wonderful Birthday
wishes. Since I am antique now I must be worth
more. That is what I am sticking to anyway.
All in all it was a day of errands and taking
Mom to the doctor. We just do not celebrate birthdays
in my family like in most. It is just another day around

Tomorrow will be another day of errands and a trip
into town so I am Flaunting my Fertilizer Friday Blooms
now. Everyone join our hostess Tootsie over at
Tootsie Time
Fertilizer_Friday and join in with all of those spring blooms
                 I have saw around on the blogs.


Alba_BHearts_April21 BHearts

The Bleeding Hearts are still blooming and looking
wonderful for their first year in the shade garden.
I have enjoyed them so much this Spring.



The same goes for the Diana Clare Plumonaria.
Just look at all of the buds that are still forming on her.




and Jack Frost Brunnera. I recommend it highly for your
shade gardens. It performs much better than the Looking
Glass Brunnera which dies out in the heat of summer.
Its leaves are getting bigger now and filling out.
If anyone wants seeds from my Jack Frost let me know
and I will save some.



I spotted some little Blue-ets near the woodland bed
the other day while walking around.
Don’t they have the cutest little blue flowers.
They look right at home in the moss.


Of course Capistrano Rhododendron still has its
few big yellow blooms yet.



The Dogwoods in the field across from the house are
in bloom now and the leaves are coming out more everyday.



The tulips are almost all gone now but the
Japanese and Wood Ferns are growing in to hide
the tulip foliage.



My little Golden Lights azalea bush did not bloom for me
but I love the yellow green leaves that it is sporting.



The variegated vinca has some some big blue blooms.
It dies back in the winter  but comes back out from the roots in spring. I use it to fill some containers.
It roots where the vines touch the ground so you only have
to plant or buy it once and because it does die back it keeps it
from being  invasive while its evergreen brother is so invasive.


The few hostas that I do have are growing nicely now.
This silly picture of it is just blurry enough that it
makes me dizzy.LOL! I do not need much in that area anyway.
I will say it first because you all are thinking it anyway.


The Stachy, Lambs Ears are growing so well.
I hope this will be their first year to bloom also.
So many firsts this spring and summer in blooms.
Don’t you love the fuzzy leaves?




The Purple Palace Heuchera and the Spring Symphony
Tirella, Foam Flower is looking so pretty. Won’t they make
a pretty pair after a few years of leaping in growth.



Spring Symphony Tirella – Foam Flower


The Oak leaves are coming out now and the stringy
blooms are starting to float to the ground.


A couple of pansies from last year are growing now
in the window boxes with some new additions.
This Purple and white one  is from last spring.



I love this old fashioned looking burgundy Pansy from
last falls plantings. There will have to be seeds saved
from it for certain.


The Bublebees are enjoying the blooming weeds
around in the yard.



“My what big eyes you have.”



And the Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies have moved on from
the lilacs to the creeping Phlox.



Happy Fertilizer Friday and Happy Gardening

Until Next Time,  Lona


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Happy Happy Birthday Lona! I cannot believe you can get so close to those butterflies. Wow, those dogwoods - I just have one and am waiting for it to bloom.

I can't remember but were you the fern expert? If so, I am putting a picture on tomorrow of my prehistoric looking fern - no name yet!


BernieH said...

Your garden must be looking great with all these beautiful blooms ... particularly loved that Rhodo and those lovely little Blue-ets.

The Tirella is a little stunner and certainly makes a great combination with that Heuchera.

Marvellous shot of the Bumblebee as well!

Lisa said...

Really lovely. I adore bluets.

Patsy said...

Beautiful flower's and a great bumble bee.
And I wish you a Happy Birthday.

Pat said...

Wow !! Lots of blooms.
Love the Foamflower...have some but yours looks much better.
Have Plumonaria somewhere also...somethings disappear in my gardens.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh, your garden looks fabulous! Your farther along than we are so I love getting these pics right now. Beautiful!

Jeannie B. said...

You have the most beautiful variety of flowers! I especially love the Blue-ettes. Too sweet. Perhaps I will have to buy a flower I haven't grown before and try it. My garden is pretty small and no real shade.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Lona it's just beautiful there! Don't you just love that you have so many blooms to share, it wasn't that long ago that there wasn't much going on outside. Still no butterflies here yet.
I'd love to try the Jack Frost seeds!

Liz said...

Hi Lona,

Lovely photos, so much more going on than here!

The Swallowtail is wonderful, I wish they were more common over here...

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Lona - So glad to see the tirella - foam flower- haven't seen one in a long time. It's just a good producer.

IlonaGarden said...

Truly amazing glimpses into your garden from this time of year. I have not seen any butterflies yet... your swallowtails are exquisite (God's, but you know!)

Ben said...

I didnt see that it was your birthday but happy late birthday :D. The Jack Frost Brunnera is sweet! I would love to have some seeds for my shade garden! Also I bought some Lupine seeds only to find out they do not grow here :(... or rather only as a cool season annual. If you want we could trade :). I have the russels mix and Morello Cherry. Let me know if you would be interested.

Balisha said...

Happy, Happy, Birthday to my blogging friend. I hope you enjoyed your day....doing whatever makes you happy. Your pictures are beautiful.
Balisha ((HUGS))

Roses and Lilacs said...

This is the second year for my bleeding heart and I love it!!! My local greenhouse has the white variety and I'm considering getting one of those too.

Love your Jack Frost and the Tirella.

Have a great weekend.

Jane Doe said...

Oh what lovely spring blooms. Thank you for sharing. I've sure missed all the blogs I frequented and it feels good to be back reading and enjoying posts.

Happy Spring!

Bonnie said...

I have a lot of the same type of plants that you have. It looks like my gardens are a few weeks behind yours. Your photography is amazing. I love your close ups!

From the Old InkWell said...

Spring is popping out at your house! Love that pic of the bee on the bud! CUTE!!

Jeannie B. said...

Thank you for visiting me! Like the Phlox too. Wonder if it grows here. I like just about anything that creeps or vines.


Lynn said...

Happy Birthday to You and many more...
Love the pictures, especially the bee. That was a great shot!!! Have a great weekend!!!

Paula said...

Thanks for sharing all these pix, the butterlies, colors and the hosta's are all amazing! Paula from Idaho

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Happy Birthday Lona!!! Beautful post, Jack Frost is wonderful and I will do my best to find some plants this year, otherwise, I will be after some of your seeds. The white & red tulip is so lovely behind the stachys, I hadn't thought of pairing them, but it's a lovely combination.

Sue Catmint said...

Hi Lona, happy birthday - I like your attitude - we can be like good wine and only improve as we age! I love all your photos, it is like walking through a garden. I think my favourites are the one with the butterflies and that beetle thing. cheers, catmint

Anonymous said...

All your blooms are gorgeous! Lovely hydrageas on the side bar

Stella said...

Happy Birthday Playing in garden is a great birthday gift. Do you think the verigated vinca would grow under cedar tree? I put in one Jack Frost last year and it is blooming so beautifully this spring. I have never tried foam flowers but after seeing your photo now I need one! Looks like your garden is about where ours are here in Missouri. Thanks for sharing. Stella

Noelle Johnson said...

Hi Lona,

My goodness! You have so many blooming plants this spring. Your garden is just beautiful. Of course, your dicentra is my favorite - I just love the flowers :-)

Sabrina said...

I'm amazed that you have butterflies at this time of year, and you're further north than we are! I don't usually see them until it warms up considerably.

I like the juxtaposition of your heuchera and decorative mushrooms. They look like the plant's "flowers". :)

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lona girl I too am a big fan of Jack Frost : ) I will have three of them going in the back garden soon and a new one called "Silver Lining" the flowers are supposed to be a bit darker but the leaves the same as Jack .. You have made me want a white spectabilis Bleeding Heart yet again .. I walked by one today and thought I should have gotten it !! LOL
All of yur garden is looking great : )

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Happy Birthday, Lona;
So you consider yourself an antique? Then we shall call you priceless. And, your pretty gardens, too. :))

Dirt Princess said...

LOOOOVE the bee shot!!! I hope the deer haven't been dining on your tulips!!! Please email me when my buddy gets there :-)