Starry eyed Bilbo has really lost his way what
with his whirlwind tours to Ireland, Italy, Malaysia,
England, Canada and parts of the USA.
He got side tracked and really had one ‘I am all that’ attitude.
Thinking he was this big playboy gnome instead
of the Gardening Gnome he really is.
But I thought since he carried his watering can
everywhere with him that down deep inside he still loved
gardening and just needed some guidance to get him back
to his roots and his vocation.
Away from the tea parties ……
and chasing the ladies. …..
So when I saw him chasing around the yard with
a butterfly net ( was he after the butterflies or the ladies)
I knew it was time to steer him back to thinking about his
real purpose in life and to get real.
I took him to talk to the Pixies but he refused to listen
them. They looked a boring lot to him.
So I took him to visit the wise old gnome that
lived in the big maple tree in the front yard.
They discovered they were not really related but
Grandpa Gnome and Bilbo spent a long time talking.
There Bilbo came away from the visit with a whole new
attitude. He confessed he was really tired of trying to
live up to the whirlwind and playboy life style and was
ready to get back to gardening. He said it was really a
relief and a load off of his little shoulders.
So we got him all geared up with some gardening
tools and set out to do some gardening.
We even put up a birdhouse out back.
We got some of the neighbors and plowed up a
new garden bed. They planted and watered in some
new plants and flowers. Why they even picked some
Bilbo said he felt so much better getting back
into gardening. He felt more calm and peaceful
and he had a sense of satisfaction about working
with his hands to make things grow.
He was feeling more like the old Bilbo and was
glad he had came to Ohio for a visit in the country.
We were glad to help and that he had came to
visit us too.
Well maybe some of the time anyway.
Bilbo is ready to travel again and to help another
gardener with some gardening and watering.
His tools and suitcase are all packed up and he is
ready to be flown or trucked somewhere.
Where In The World Is Bilbo Going Next???
He has said all of his goodbyes to the locals
and is going to visit………..
Nezzy at “Cow Patty Surprise”!!!!
Her home is in the Ozarks of Missouri.
I know she will keep him going on the right path
and will have gardening work for him to do.
Nezzy, you and Bilbo have a blast!
Rules for Bilbo are:
#1) COPY & PASTE these rules into your post on Bilbo if you receive him. The post must be titled WHERE IN THE WORLD IS BILBO: (your city). If everyone copies the rules, then the person you send it to will know what to do. If each post is titled the same, we can keep track of Bilbo and follow him on his adventure. PLEASE do not forget to copy and paste these rules into your post if you receive Bilbo.
#2) In order to participate you MUST leave a comment on the post about Bilbo with the blogger that has him. That blogger will draw names from the people who left comments on that post. Once the winner is selected Bilbo will be on his way to see your garden.
#3) When you receive Bilbo please take a photo (or photos) of him in your garden as well as a photo of yourself with Bilbo.
#4) Rules are linked to . Please leave a comment on The Dirt Princess' page so she can keep track of him and let other bloggers know where Bilbo is, and post where bloggers can see his latest travel.
#5) Please try to get Bilbo out the door as quickly as you possibly can. If at all possible please try not to keep him more than 7 days. We want to get him to as many places as we can in 6 months.
#6) Bilbo will travel for 6 months, April 21, 2009- October 21, 2009. If you have Bilbo at the end of this 6 month time frame, you will ship him back to the Dirt Princess at
(I think Bilbo’s expiration date has long been reached.)
#7) When Bilbo arrives back with the Dirt Princess, there will be a great post letting everyone know where Bilbo has been, when he visited as well as links to the bloggers posts that had Bilbo.
#8) There will be a list enclosed with Bilbo for each blogger to sign once they receive Bilbo. That list will be sent back to the Dirt Princess.
#9) Should anyone have any questions please contact Dirt Princess at
#10) The blogger that is has possession of Bilbo is responsible for shipping him to the next blogger. Please handle him with care. He is ceramic.
#11) Bilbo may be shipped to countries outside the United States. We want everyone to join in on the fun!
#12) If you would like to throw in a little something with Bilbo to ship the next blogger, please feel free. Add to the excitement. See what Bilbo brings you when he arrives at your door step.
Good Luck Nezzy!
Until Next Time,
Thank goodness you knew how to bring Bilbo back to his roots! Great post.
Bilbo chasing ladies?... yea, he is good looking! and charming too....
Wonderful post Lona!! I'm so glad the wise old gnome was able to get bilbo's head on straight. Sounds like the gardening has re-grounded him, and he has found some calm and balance again.
Lona, you are too funny! I'm glad Grandpa Gnome was able to help Bilbo out of his 'I'm all that' attitude! Bon voyage, Bilbo! ~Aerie-el
Lona in the end I think you tamed him! He sure has caught that gardening bug like never before and he looked very content under that big maple tree with wise old gnome. Hope he behaves over a Nezzy's place.
Hi Lona,
Well, it certainly sounds like Bilbo had a wonderful time and that you were able to help him to reorganize his priorities in life :-)
Cute post Lona. Congrats to Bilbo's new host. I love the little garden set you got for him.
I'm guessing that Bilbo is having a hard time leaving you, Lona. Happy trip, Bilbo. Lona is going to miss you.
Bilbo sure is photogenic. What a guy.
Very cute! Bilbo has had some great adventures.
Glad Bilbo has reclaimed his true calling. I wish him luck on his next adventure. Lona, great posts while you hosted Bilbo. Happy Gardening and take care:)
So happy he found a nice place to go, Nezzy will keep him centered I am sure.
I'm glad that Bilbo got to spend some time gardening with you. Looks like he's had quite a trip! I wonder when he plans on returning home?
That's so sweet (this post)! I really like the company of friends and tools here. All so matching to Bilbo. What an adventure Bilbo has with you! I can see that he has really enjoyed his stay with you. The glimpse of the next garden you have for him (via computer screen) is so cool... He is a high-tech gardener ;-D
Oh Lona, you are very clever, and that Bilbo is such a character! How cute. Spent the entire day yesterday planting up annuals, seedlings and the veggie garden, and I'm beat! But it was still fun.
This was a very cute post!! It sounds like he had a very good time with you!!
This is the first time I've read about Bilbo the world traveler. What fun! I'm looking forward to see his next stop on his journey.
I'm glad you got him straightened out and being the gnome he used to be. He sure has some nice tools and the net is really great.
I'll look forward to seeing him visit the Ozarks, I remember going there when I was little and lived in St. Louis.
I brought Linda upstairs to read the adventures of Bilbo.. Great post and what fun
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