Friday, May 14, 2010

Fertilizer Friday Blooms

My how time flies when you are buy in the
garden. Cleaning of beds, planting new plants and
the always moving around of old plants that I seem to
be doing every year. Are all gardeners never satisfied?
Are we always tweaking and rearranging beds?
The answer to all seem to be a definite, Yes,
for this gardener.

Here it is another Friday already with the weekend
looming ahead.
And another Fertilizer Friday is here

Fertilizer_Friday agardnerYippee!

sponsored by our Tootsie at
Tootsie Time.” So it is time to Flaunt Your Flowers!
Please join us in Flaunting our flowers. It is a beautiful
time of the year when everyday seems to bring on new


The dianthus ‘Antique Rose’ that was started from seed
last year is growing nicely and starting to put on its first
blooms. I have planted a row of it along the corner bed.
Its fragrance is so good.



The Foxglove in the same bed is just about ready to open.
It has been a while since I had foxglove blooming in the beds.
I am going to enjoy them and so will the hummingbirds, bees
and butterflies.



My PJM Rhododendron is in full bloom now.
I took this picture to show you all how big the old
bush is. I have a two story house and it is getting
tall now.



The Rhododendron ‘Holden’  is about half the
size of PJM. It has a harder time growing I believe
because of winter winds that blow between the house
and garage where it is planted. 


   Columbine aquilegia Alpina  blue is going strong.


 Fragaria ‘Lipstick’ Ornamental Strawberry is liking its
new spot in the garden and growing and spreading on the
garage bank.



Crimson Star Clematis is still looking beautiful.



Pulmonaria ‘Diana Clare’ is getting her big beautiful
leaves now. She gets part sun at the corner of the middle
bed and she likes it there.



Achillea ‘Richard Nelson’ yarrow is starting to get some
pink blooms opening and the butterflies will be swarming
to it.



Campanula ‘Blue Waterfall’ that was planted last fall is
spreading and I cannot wait to see its first new blooms.



What is it?
Oreo Iris‘s  blooms are lasting longer than my
old purple iris blooms.




Ladies_MantleI have a question here for you master gardeners.
Is this wild  plant called Lady’s Mantle?
This one was a volunteer last year and it is getting so big
this year. They are coming up in several places in some
shady beds.


It looks like the Stachy’s lanata byzantina Lamb’s Ear is
almost ready for its first blooms too.


Lavender Simplicity rose is just getting some blooms



So are the Crimson Bouquet roses.



This Bumblebee seems to like the Ebb Tide rose blooms.



Palace Purple Heuchera



Last year I discovered a Jack in the Pulpit plant
growing in the woods garden. It was left to grow and
this year there are four plants.



The little greenhouse got moved outdoor this week
also to harden off and give those leggy plants some real

So that is it for this Fertilizer Friday.
Everyone Flaunt Those Flowers!!

Happy Gardening and Weekend Everyone!!

Until Next Time,


Anonymous said...

All your blooms are wonderful, but nothing outshines those rhododendrons in my books! :)

Amy said...

Beautiful post, Lona! I used to have the ornamental strawberries when we lived in CO. I love the little pink blooms.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Your plants are absolutely stunning! Can't get over that pink Rhododendron, amazing. You have several I don't grow but would like to.

Bonnie said...

Wow, everything looks great! Your roses are gorgeous!

Becca's Dirt said...

Ooooohhh girl you have so many beauties. Love the clematis. Iris's are beautiful. Lavender rose is also very pretty. The PJM Rododendron is stunning. Hope you have a great weekend.

Darla said...

My work that PJM is outstanding! Everything looks beautiful...and no, I am never satisfied with my gardens.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Wow I thought my rhodie got big, but your PJM is huge. They look so pretty all covered in blooms. I started some Diathus this year, sounds like it'll be next year before I see flowers. Your roses are way ahead of mine!
The mystery plant looks like a Heuchera or something that we get growing wild around here that is similar; Tiarella. It's pretty whatever it is!

Rose said...

Isn't May wonderful? It's such a busy month in the garden, but blooms like these make the work all worthwhile. Your PJM rhododenron is stunning! It looks like the ones I saw in Oregon; I sure wish I could grow them here.

Your mystery plant looks more like old-fashioned coral bells to me, but I could be wrong. If the spikes coming up from the plant have pink or red blooms, though, then that is what it is.

Jeannie B. said...

Oh, how I envy you your Rhododendrons and Columbine! And I love Peonies , another plant we can't grow down here. The Jack in the Pulpit is the cutest thing I ever saw in a plant. Your garden is amazing!

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Good Evening Lona

I'm always moving things about in the garden!

I can't wait to see my Diane Clare send out big new leaves like yours. Mine is a new addition this year to the garden so I've never seen these big leaves before.

I don't think you have alchemilla molis (ladies mantle) there - its like a weed in my garden but I've never seen veining like that on it on mine (unless you call something else ladys mantle to us in the UK.) The flowers are more like a heuchera flower form rather than ladies mantle form. It may be a type of Heucherella, or
Telima grandiflora or Tiarella. Hope that helps for now with your ID.

Have a lovely weekend :) Rosie

Liz said...

Hi Lona,

Wonderful photos, it's so great to see so much in flower!

I just wish my garden would do the same!!! :D

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Hi Lona,

That PJM is bigger than any I have ever seen! I think the mystery plant is a Heuchera (what we used to call Coral Bells years ago). You will know when it blooms, Lady's Mantle has lime green flowers, Coral Bells, pink, red or white.


Balisha said...

That "ole" bumblebee is just nestled down in that rose bloom. He looks like he's in bumblebee heaven.Have a great weekend in your flowers.

BernieH said...

There's a lot going on in your garden ... so many lovely blooms, but I do have to say that PJM Rhodo is just stunning!

Sorry, can't help with the identification of the wild plant ... I'm no expert on the Lady's Mantle.

Thanks for dropping by to see my post for Flower Flaunt Friday ... and thanks for your lovely comments.

Patsy said...

All of your flowers are lovely but that PJM Rhododendron is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lona your PJM Rhodie is AMAZING. I would sit on that bench and just stare at it.
Your garden is really alive now. I love that your Jack-in-the-Pulpit has multiplied. They are such neat wild flowers.
Have a terrific weekend!

Jim Groble said...

Your flowers are wonderful. We are going to the Holden Arboretum tomorrow for the azeleas and rhodis. And they have a plant sale, haha. jim

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Incredible blooms Lona, your PJM is AMAZING. Mine is about 8 years old, 14 inches tall and has a single flower. :/

A Garden of Threads said...

Amazing rhodo Lona, I can barely keep my rhodo alive. Beautiful garden.

Annelie said...

Oh my, your garden is full of colorful blooms.
Love how your PJM is reaching to the sky along your house wall.
And that bumble bee, it seems to be resting so peacefully on the rose. So nice.


Unknown said...

Hi Lona - i've never seen a rhodo that big - they just don't grow that much in Ontario due to the colder winters.
Your mystery plant is probably a heuchera - I think it's "Silver Streaks" from the colouring on it's leaves. What colour are the blooms?

Autumn Belle said...

I really didn't know that columbine is a flower and I thought it was the name of a school like Columbine High. They are really pretty and unique and I like this shade of purple.

Your simple rose is such a delicate beauty in pink.

Lovely, lovely indeed!

Anonymous said...

That tall rhododendron is fabulous Lona, I wish mine did as well as yours. I just bought a Lipstick plant myself, but haven't decided yet where to put it. You'll be happy to hear that I moved two of my plants this year, in your honor. LOL But I rarely do so, unlike someone else I know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by to visit and Happy Gardening Weekend to you too. All your blooms look so good in your garden. I like that you let the Jack in the Pulpit live. Wildflowers are scarce as hen's teeth in OK.~~Dee

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Lona!
Uh-oh - I see another clematis I must have. :)) I always get in trouble when I pay you a visit tee hee.

Those Rhododendrons are gorgeous!

Tammy said...

Lona, that certainly looks like Lady's Mantle. I got my first one in a trade last fall, so its not near as lush as yours yet.Your phot's are beautiful.

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Your Jack in the Pulpit is so cool! What interesting colors and how neat that you've got 4 this year! Your rhodies are giving you quite the show..and your roses!! Wow, everything is popping up at your place :)

Carol said...

Oh, I love your PJM!! Wow! and your last photo is just stunning. Brava Lona! ;>)

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Your Rhododendron is magnificent! I am fast becoming a fan of this plant......

Daisymomto4 said...

What a beautiful blog you have! :)
