Friday, May 7, 2010

Flaunting Friday Blooms

Where did this week go?
Time does pass by fast with a rogue gnome to deal with.
We have taken Bilbo on a tour this week and later
on I believe the little gnome is going to get a reality
check so do not miss the further tales of Bilbo the
Traveling Garden Gnome.
Fertilizer_Friday  Join us with our hostess Tootsie
at Tootsie Time and flaunt your flowers with us.
Since this is Friday I cannot wait to flaunt some
blooms that are showing now.


The irises that line the woodland bed are now
starting to bloom.



This old iris was here when we moved here
about forty years ago. It has been divided a number
of times and moved around. You know me and moving.
It now is in its final bed along the woods.
I can hear you all say, “sure”.
Anyway I have no name for this beauty but its
light purple blooms are wonderful.





This iris is called ‘Oreo” and it was planted
just last fall so its going to be a new bloom
in the woodland bed.

I was hoping for a darker shade of blue and not
the purple but maybe it will deepen as it matures.


The roses are starting early this year and Knockout
“Rainbow” has one bloom open amongst  its many
buds. I love this rose because its blooms are all a little
different at times and range from colors of pink, peach,
orange with a yellow center.



The red roses which grow along the side of the garage and
which were suppose to be “Ebbtide” may just be “Lasting Love”
instead. Isn’t Ebbtide roses a darker shade of burgundy?
It is just loaded with blooms and will be beautiful again
this year  trellised vertical  against the garage.


These purple pansies in one of the window boxes is doing
quite well and spreading nicely.


The two other Rhododendrons are now starting to bloom.


“Holden” Rhododendron

With more blooms to follow.




“PJM” Rhododendron





Meet “Silvermoon” Clematis

For you shade gardeners Silvermoon will bloom
in your shady beds. It is hard to tell the color in these
pictures but its blooms are  silvery with a hint of


“Crimson Star” Clematis


This beauty is getting some years on it now and
it just looks better every year. Its only downfall
is that it blooms in a mad flush in spring and does
not get anymore blooms afterwards, or at least
it doesn’t here in my garden.


And to end the blooms is Columbine
”Rose  Barlow” pink.
She is just starting to open her blooms.
I love columbine blooms but some tend to hang
their heads and the Barlow series do.


Everyone flaunt those flowers. 

Happy Gardening Everyone !!

Until Next Time,


Darla said...

Everything is so beautiful! Love the deep color clematis...good luck with giving Bilbo a reality check,lol.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Lona, I need to look for that Silvermoon Clematis. So few will bloom well with shade, this looks like a beauty.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Love that blue iris!! Your Rhododendrons are just beautiful and the clematis too. It will be a few weeks before our clematis bloom but the iris are blooming now.

Becca's Dirt said...

Your columbine is beautiful. Love the color of the clematis. Everything is coming out so pretty. Hope you have a great weekend Lona.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Now where am I going to put the roses, iris and Clematis your post is making me want to buy? I guess I will have to dig up more grass :)
Your garden must look beautiful now! I do need 'Silvermoon' I do have a perfect spot for it since it can take shade.

Anonymous said...

Lona, you have some beautiful blooms going on at your place now. Love your roses and don't ya love macro pics of rhodies? I have a really light pink one I call my cotton candy bush cause the blooms are huge and look like cotton candy. I love taking pictures of it in stages. That Silvermoon Clematis is sure nice and a really different color. Happy FF and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

My heart does a pitter-pat when I see those gorgeous red rhodie blooms! All your gardens are doing well, and I love those irises.

Balisha said...

I love that little columbine, rose Barlow..It seems shy with it's nodding head.Have a nice weekend.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Beautiful Lona, thanks for flaunting!! I really needed this today, up here in the frozen north. Silvermoon is so very pretty. :)

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

such beautiful blooms - nearly every blog I have been on from Tootsies meme has had iris and roses. It will be ages before my roses will have a single bloom.

From the Old InkWell said...

oh Lona! Such beautiful flowers! Where do I begin. Love the Iris, the rhododendrum and oh, the clematis! Great pics too! Really love the roses in your header. Wish we could grow rhododendrum, but not enough shade.

Tankar från Trädgårdsmästarn; Hillevi said...

Love your blooming garden Lona!
Very nice header!

Have a nice weekend!

Jeannie B. said...

The photograph of the single iris could be framed and put on the wall. It is beautiful. I am admiring your Clematis. I have seen so many pretty ones on the blogs that I planted one today. Ouch, it was expensive so I only got the one. Let's see if it chooses to live happily with my other plants!

Noelle Johnson said...

Oh Wow! What gorgeous blooms. I do love iris....I don't have them in my garden, but may need to add some for next year.


Wonderful photographs of beautiful spring flowers. Always a delight!
Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Hi Lona - need to find that Silvermoon clematis - it would look great growing along the top of my dark brown stained fence.

Carol said...

Oh so lovely Lona! Your third Iris photo is stunning! All the shots of your blooms are great. What a happy time!

pogonip said...

Spring: a new blossom appearing in every corner! I love springtime!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

What a nice array of beautiful blooms to flaunt! The irises and silver clematis stick out in my mind as my favorites. Oh, the rhododendrons are gorgeous, too. I've never tried growing them.

I actually first read this post at supper, then needed to go back to work for a synchronized swimming show I helped at. I showed my husband the iris, and read what you said about them to him. He wanted to know if they are the original plants before I read what you wrote. He made some comment about Davy Crockett saying he'd had an axe for 15 years, which he'd replaced the handle on a couple times, and the head however many times. I'm not remembering the exact words. He says that's an expression he's heard before. I've never heard it. All I have to say about that, is that a plant is pretty special for you to still have its offspring living and doing well.

Happy@Home said...

So glad you decided to flaunt as it all looks so beautiful. Your clematis is such a gorgeous color.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lona Dear~~ Wow, what a huge transformation, your garden has taken. So much in bloom!

The second photo of the 'Holden' Rhodie buds are amazing. The way you captured the muted greens behind them is really dazzling.

My garden buddy Carol has 'Silvermoon' and really loves it. I'm partial to your 'Crimson Star.' Wowzers!!