‘ Out of the Blue’
More lavender than the color blue and I was once again
duped by catalog pictures but it is pretty anyway
even if it is totally not what I expected or hoped for.
It is a reblooming iris that blooms in Spring and again in
the Fall.
It is softly scented and grows 30 to 33 inches tall.
Grown in zones 4 to 9.
Happy Gardening Everyone !
Until Next Time,
I too get aggravated by the less than accurate descriptions of plants. I must say, although this is not what you may have wanted, it's a keeper!
You never know if you're seeing the color the way they see it on their computer so who knows what color you'll get. It is very pretty though and great that it will bloom twice. That's always a good thing!
So, so shameless, lol. I will look for seeds on the Hollyhock, and of course I'll be happy to send you some...:)
It is lovely! I am forever going back in the catalogs trying to figure out the name of the iris that is blooming and I can rarely ever find a photo that matches what I have growing. I figure maybe it is the soil, weather, etc. that makes them look so different, but maybe it is just a lousy camera the catalog people have!
It's a shame the colour it a disappointment - as often happens when viewing images in catalogues/online, but the colour is wonderful regardless...
What a pretty soft color. I really want to find some reblooming irises. I think the catalog descriptions or pictures aren't always very accurate. I'm waiting to see if my pink poppies will look like the picture in the catalog. Either way your Iris is really pretty.
Lona, a very pretty iris - I've got a garden full of plants that were purchased based on the say-so of sight-impared garden catalogue writers. What's a gal to do? I'm with Darla, it is indeed a keeper.
I love the color, sort of a muted blue, just a hint of gray. I took some iris photos this morning before leaving for work. HOpe they come out because this heat is cooking them.
I never knew there were reblooming iris. It is a beautiful color even though not what expected. I find the daylily catalog colors very off what they are in real life.
I agree, It is beautiful!
The Iris call Full Tide is a disappointment it was to be a dark blue but it is a light lavender.
Do you think the soil could change the color?
What a beautiful iris! I too am duped by photographs in catalogues, and my flowers often pale in comparison (literally & figuratively lol).
I looovve it. Beautiful colors.
Very pretty. Trying to figure out color is so hard, especially since many plants bloom in different colors depending on soil and climate conditions. I have many frustrating experiences with that myself.
That actually looks pretty blue to my eyes. Beautiful iris!
I think the nursery mags should disclose if the photo has been color altered. Sometimes I wonder if there is a big photo shoot complete with assistants, special lighting, and water bottles for the "plant model." I'm getting more savvy though, any photo with a strategic misty spot or unnatural, not found in nature colors sends up a warning flag for me.
Christine in Alaska, no irises blooming yet
Very frilly and dainty. Very pretty!
What a beautiful, delicate iris. Never have seen one bloom twice in one season.
Lona~~ I kind of gave up on blue flowers because catalog writers are such LIARS, LOL. However my laptop is showing this iris as a sort of dusty azure blue, no purple or lavender. Such mysteries....
Whatever the color, the fluffy, ruffled petals of this iris with its conservative yellow goatee is delightful. I like how you got the black background to enhance its beauty.
It is a beautiful color though.And I love the ruffles!! I like blue too!
A reblooming Iris makes so much sense.
There time of blooming is just way too short.
Beautiful iris girl no matter what color it is...I have a black one I bought like 5 years ago and it is black..thanks for coming by my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I also would be happy with this color, I love lavender! There are no irises in my own garden, but I enjoy them growing at my neighbors'.
Bummer that it's not the color you'd hoped for..bound to happen, but it still is so soft and the contrast with the white is clean and delicate. very pretty bloom!
I don't know if it's any consolation, but I think it's BEAUTIFUL. I know how you feel tho when you are really looking forward to something and it doesn't quite bloom that way. Maybe blue is like black ~ hard to get??
any iris that flowers twice in the year is every so special. I think the pastel blue colour is beautiful. I've come to realise the hard way that true representation of colour is quite hard via the computer screen or plant catalogue.
Wonderful irises in beautiful colours!
Have a good day.
I am not familiar with re-blooming irises, but what a great idea. I think they are so pretty and always wish they would last longer. Yours is a beautiful color.
Even if it isn't what you expected it is a beautiful flower. I planted some reblooming Iris and can't wait to see how they do.
That flower is a perfect stunner! I was completely mesmerized by its sheer beauty.
Rug Repair
Those are beautiful. I have never known of one to bloom twice in one season.Helen
Love rebloomers. Do you have 'Immortality' (white)? A great one, reblooming several times given plenty of moisture over the summer. And we have a pretty little yellow rebloomer...dwarf iris 'Baby Blessed.' First blossom out this year was April 9. It will rebloom several times, too. It's always fun to surprise non-gardeners with an iris bloom in late summer! They think all my fingers are green, not just a thumb. LOL ~~Rhonda :)
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