Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some Tuesday Blooms

  It is a rainy and very cool day here today but
we have not had the killing frosts or snow flurries
that some have gotten so I am thankful for that.
I am hoping this will be our last cold spell for this



I had a lovely Mothers day  and was taken out to dinner
Friday by my daughter.
We enjoyed Friday shopping and of
course checking out the nurseries for flowers.
I wanted to get some flowers for my Mom for her day
to fill the large planter she has. It is something I do
every Mothers day for her. We have to wait a few more
days to plant them with this cold spell that moved in.
The white Primrose was a Mothers Day present and
I got some beautiful violas also to plant alone the front
porch walkway.


My Columbine Alpina  that was planted last Fall
is blooming so prettily now.


I love columbine but it seems the ones I always get
have drooping heads. I love blue flowers though so
I could not pass this one up.



Rose Barlow Columbine has gotten more blooms
now and is looking pretty.



The Oreo Iris is now fully open and although not as
dark or as blue as I would have liked is a beauty
none the less.




Silvermoon Clematis is looking prettier
everyday now.


She looks good against the newly painted
garden shed.




I hope all you ladies had a wonderful Mother’s Day.
Happy Gardening !!

Until Next Time,


Darla said...

Mother's Day was wonderful here too. Your blooms are beautiful. Is that phlox in the last photo?

Bonnie said...

I love your Silvermoon Clematis. What a gem!

VW said...

Those are some very pretty pictures! My roses have so long to go before blooming, and the iris don't even have any buds. But soon . . .

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful clematis Lona. The Oreo Iris is stunning. I love columbine too but mine are still seedlings and probably won't do a thing this year. Yours are beautiful especially the blue/purple one.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh Lona, what lovely blooms you are having right now. I love your columbines and clematis, and your iris is really stunning.

Enjoy ~ FlowerLady

Patsy said...

The cool and rain have made your flowers look as beautiful as ever. The cool and rain here have made my seeds stop growing they have just started to peek up out of the ground, need sunshine.

Liz said...

Lovely photos Lona, I'm glad you managed to avoid the snows/frosts. I cannot believe they're still happening over in the US... Then again I think there have also been warnings up in northern Scotland here...

Amazing isn't it?!

I love your rose barlow aquilegia, so pretty... I really want some of those shaggy ones!!!

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Lona, it has been a dismal day here, can't take any pictures! Everything is wet and drooping. I have got to have that Silver Moon Clematis. I was nursery shopping yesterday at the really pricey nursery. They didn't have it, also looking for Silver Scrolls Heuchera, do you have this one?

It's a beauty also.


Roses and Lilacs said...

Your columbine are beautiful. I have mostly solid blue color and one pretty pink. I like your blue and white.

Love Silvermoon. Clematis are so graceful and lovely.

Unknown said...

I love columbine! Yours are beautiful! Your photographs are exquisite, quite a photographer.Your rose collage is the nicest I've seen.Enjoyed my visit. Clematis is so pretty and I bet that color is visible at night. Have a great week! Meg

Lona said...

Meg: Thank you so much. So glad you dropped by.

Marnie: It is fast becoming my favorite clematis. It also like the shade so that is an added plus.

Eileen: yes you have to have Silvermoon. No, I do not have Silver Scrolls heuchera I only have two and they are both dark burgundy.

Liz: I hope this is our last cold spell until winter LOL!

Patsy: I know what you mean the plants grow good and then the cold slows them back down.

Flowerlady:I have another supposedly blue iris to bloom yet. I hope it is really blue. ;-)

Becca: It is so hard to wait on these new plants isn't it. I want everything to bloom the first year LOL! Not very patient at all.

VW: I will get to enjoy yours then after mine are gone. That will work LOL!

Bonnie: I am crazy about her too. Maybe she can grow now since it is in its final move. At least I do not plant to move it again but no promises in this garden ;-)

Darla: Yeah it is a wild phlox. A Dames Rock like what is it your wheelbarrow or was it the wagon? LOL! Duh day!

A Garden of Threads said...

Your garden is looking wonderful, I love the blue columbine even with its' nodding head. Mother's Day was great even with the snow, but weather could be warmer. Have a wonderful day.

Jim Groble said...

Lona, You are a week or two ahead of us. Where you have beautiful blooms, we have anticipation. Our first iris bloom was today. Great pics. jim

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Lona,
This is my first try at reading blogs through the new blotanical system. I'm thinking it's going to be a pain for me, because I frequently leave comments as I'm picking.

I enjoyed this post. I always pot up plants for my mom, too. I got it done last week, but we are having cold temps, too. At least we're not having frost.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lona~~ Your 'Rose Barlow' is growing on me.......... LOL

Stephanie said...

You have some cool flowers Lona! I love the oreo iris and clematis :-D I wish they can be grown here.

Joe Todd said...

Beautiful photos. Been busy working in the garden means less time on the computer LOL..

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Happy (belated) Mother's Day, Lona! Your flowers are lovely, as usual. I'm pretty hard on my columbines. They get a lot more sun than they are supposed to but I think that strengthens the stems and flowers. Mine generally hold their heads up high. Just a thought... that is a gorgeous blue. :)

Lona said...

Garden of Threads: Oh, no. It is just not right for some to be getting snow now.Happy belated Mothers Day!

Jim: That is okay. I can enjoy your great blooms when mine are gone then LOL!

Sue: I know girl. It may take just as much time as before having to go and read the original postings to get a comment posted. The picking is less offensive than I had imagined though so I am alright now with that.
I am hoping to get Mom's Mothers Day flowers planted this week. I may have to mud them in with rain storms coming and going LOL!

Stephanie: I know girl. I wish I could grow some of your plants too. We need to all move into the middle somewhere LOL!

Grace: Hey, I could save the seeds from the Rose Barlow for you???

Joe: I know JOe. I run around outside and the try to catch up on the blogs. Wheee! LOL! I also have been taking hikes with my daughter of an evening so I am worn out. ;-) Getting old Joe.

Kate: You are probably so right about my Columbine needing more sun to keep their little heads up. They are in shady areas to add color but it may not be the best place for them.

Happy@Home said...

What a beautiful columbine you have. I just have one and it is yellow. One year I scattered some wildflower seeds and it is the only thing that keeps coming back, so I treasure it.
Hope your weather warms up soon.

Christine B. said...

What a well trained daughter you have. Can't wait till my kids are old enough to shop at nurseries for my Mother's Day gift!

No columbines/irises blooming here yet, we're still at the daff/bergenia phase.

Christine in Alaska

Lona said...

Christine: They do come in handy when older LOL!

Happy @ Home: I bet the yellow columbine is pretty. I hope it warms up and stays there instead of this up and down stuff. My poor roses look unhappy.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I hope your cold spell is over. Your garden seems to be doing really well in spite of the cold. I'm on the lookout for 'Silvermoon' now. I love the Iris!

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Lona what a beautiful colour of blue in the columbine. Mine are not out just yet but I don't think I have anything as lovely as that one. The iris is such a welcome flower to have in the garden at this time of year - I love them but they just don't last long enough for me and some years their flowering is better than others.

We too are experiencing colder than normal temperatures this May. It must be coming over the atlantic from all of you! lol

tina said...

A beautiful tour indeed. That oreo iris is awesome. I'm so glad you had a great Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this weather awful? What a let down from Florida! I think that Oreo iris is fabulous, so I'm not sure why you are disappointed in it! LOL Bought all my annuals today, woowhee did I spend money. Can't wait to plant them.

Bren Haas said...

Every time I visit your blog I miss the Hocking Hills state park. I need to make plans to hike the trails this summer. It has been way to long since we took the kids to Ash Caves.

Your photos are amazing! Thank you for sharing our great state of Ohio.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Beautiful post Lona, the Oreo Irises are especially beautiful. :)