This weekend was the open house at the Hocking House
which is near my home.
Since I had not been there for two years I just knew Jean
would have some new pieces of sculpture added to her
gardens and gift shop so my daughter and I took a tour
of her gardens Saturday.
Jean has turned her property into a huge garden
showplace where amongst all of her plantings are
her sculptured pieces of art.
Jean Magdich is a renowned local artist and was
featured in Better Homes and Gardens Magazine in 2008.
Also on the property is her gift shop which just happens
tobe a log cabin which was built in the 1850’s.
The grounds surrounding the log cabin and her home
is full of many shade loving annuals and perennials among
which are giant ferns and hosta’s.
Scattered about are also impatiens, torenia, ivy, lilies,
coleus, and caldium’s and a few plants which were
unknown to me.
There are many different flowers, shrubs and vines all
woven into garden rooms and with pathways lined
with the stepping stones which are some of her
fabulous creations.
I saw several people stepping over the stepping stones
in her paths because like myself they were afraid of
marring their beauty.I heard her husband saying that
they were there to walk on but I cringed when I tried to
walk on them. LOL!
This mass of plantings of beautiful white plumed flowers
was one of the plants I did not recognize but would have
loved to have in my shady beds.
Anyone know this shade loving four foot plants?
was growing so well if it is invasive. Maybe I do not want
it anyway. LOL!
Then again the woodland bed may be a good
place for it to spread.
The blooms on it are gorgeous and pop in the shade
and Jean’s ‘Green Man’ looks very happy amongst them.
The tall beauty below is another I do not recognize
but it had large leaves at the base with this long plume
which made it about five feet tall. These wonderful lavender
to white blooms on it had to be staked.
Any plant that grows so large in the shade is going to
be on my ‘to get’ list of plants.
What is it?
Thanks Grace for the ID on this beauty!
Acanthus mollis Bear's Breeches
I thought the combination of plantings below with the
purple Helitrope was so bright and pretty mixed with
the oranges.
There were of course loads of bee, butterfly and
hummingbird loving plants about in the sunny areas.
Pink Monarda
Red Monarda
Black Eyed Susans
White Swan Echinacea with a hitch hiking Earwig.
I see that I am not the only one that was infested with
the little pests this year.
Lilies were also scattered throughout her garden.
I saw that the peonies had finished there blooming
but all of our gardens are two to three weeks ahead
here in this part of the state so some of the blooming
plants had already bloomed.
The birdhouse looks like wood doesn’t it.
These blooms are among some of her creations
which she calls Ever Bloomers. These blooms and colors
never fade.
I fell in love with this Ever Bloomer planter.
I would have liked to bring these Rabbits home with
me. No worries on them eating my plants.
One of the many finials she makes and is
scattered throughout the beds of flowers.
How would a Giraffe look in the woodland beds?
Since I came back with loads of pictures and some
pictures were of her newer pieces that I have not show
before through the years I will make further
postings filled with Jean’s flowers and art pieces.
This little piece of art was not among my favorites
and not because it was not beautifully made but because
of my ‘hate snake’s with a passion’ attitude.
Or maybe it was because it laid amongst Jean’s Caladiums
which were the color that mine were suppose to be or
because it lived among the beautiful Begonias that I cannot
grow without killing. LOL!
To see more of Jean’s artistry- “ Hocking House ”
Happy Gardening,
What lovely gardens filled with unique and fun garden ornaments. What a talent she has.
Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady
I am jealous that you were able to go to this wonderful place. I am really into stepping stones, these were beautiful.
what a fun garden tour ! I really liked those stepping stones , great , thanks much, Gina
What great pictures! I laughed when you said you were stepping around those gorgeous stepping stones - I would have too. Those white flowers in the shade are gooseneck loostrife
Hi, Lona.
Those flowers are so lush and beautiful. What a lovely place! I think the purply one is turtlehead, but I'm not certain. I don't know what the white plumed one is, but your close-up shot of it is amazing.
What a charming garden. I wouldn't want to walk on those pretty stepping stones either.
I think the white plumed plant you like is gooseneck loosestrife. I just saw it at the Kansas State University gardens and so want some in my garden. Thanks for sharing your garden tour.
Looks like a terrific place to visit. Really like the finial creations. I think your unnamed plant is "gooseneck loosestrife" - but I'm just guessing.
Her garden and artwork is so beautiful. Thank you for the tour.
Wonderful post, Lona. The first thing I thought when I saw your photo of those gorgeous stepping stones was, ooh, too pretty to walk on. LOL All of Jean's artwork is amazing. What a fun tour it must have been. I'll have to click on the link.
I'm not crazy about that snake either! Sorry about the Caladiums.
The plants: Gooseneck Loosestrife, and Acanthus mollis or Bear's Breeches.
That Green man picture made me laugh, don't know why, but I needed that this morning! Thanks...
Very nice, I'm loving all the garden creations!
beautiful tour..
Thanks for stopping by for a Latte'. I must say your pictures and your flowers are both beautiful and inspiring. I look forward to stopping back by your blog again. Happy Gardening!
The white flowers are gooseneck loosestrife, pretty, but I think they are considered invasive. I don't know about the other, but I'd sure like to know. It's very pretty! The zinnias I started from see have not bloomed yet, so I don't know yet what they look like. I have Zahara planted, and some apricot colored. We'll see! I have some small white flowers blooming, and I thought they might be calendula, but now I wonder if they are Zahara!
What a wonderful place to visit!!! Loved seeing her gardens and her art work (except the snake:). I think her mystery plant is gooseneck loosestrife, very lovely.
Thank you all for the identification of the unknown plants. Maybe I do not want to try the Gooseneck Loosestrife if it is invasive. The Bear's Breeches was so pretty though.
I knew you all would not let me down since my followers are so knowledgeable about garden plants.
Thanks, Lona
Those stepping stones are amazing. I love them!
aloha lona,
i love garden art and especially this garden, thank you for taking us on this wonderful tour....what do those large ceramic flowers usually go for i wonder?
hello! What a charming place. I would also be tempted to step around the stepping stones! I love that acanthus.
Oh, I would LOVE to have a garden path made with those pretty stepping stones. All of these decorative goodies are super cool. Except the snake... :)
What a beautiful garden your pictures are great I love all of her work the lilies and the steppin stones are awesome..
hugs, Cherry
Yes, that snake does get the blood pumping doesn't it? We don't have snakes in my state, but I can see why the discovery of a big one would seem...unpleasant;)
Christine in Alaska
Don't you just love a garden walk...especially when it involves the gardeners beautiful sculptures?This was such a treat.The artwork is amazing.
Hello Lona,
I think I would have a hard time stepping on the stones too! They are so pretty. I love gardens like this one that not only have beautiful plants, but artwork displayed as well. Thank you for sharing this special place.
What a lovely and fun garden. Those stepping stones are real work of art. I'd be afraid to walk on them too. Gooseneck is one plant I was warned about and so far I've not planted it-good advice indeed.
What a really beautiful place. I love all of the art, especially the ever bloomers and stepping stones. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it!
It's nice to have such place close by. It's a real inspiration. I also, as everyone, love the stepping stones.
Lona girl it seems ages since I have been here ? must have been the paint fumes ? haha
That was a gorgeous place to visit ! I love how everything blends in together so nicely .. I have Gooseneck L. as well (poem in the making ? haha) .. and even if it "runs" a little you can easily pull it back .. I have a gorgeous burgundy one as well but put it in the wrong place and it disappeared .. rats !
EEEuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ! snake !!!!
I don't blame you a bit girl for not wanting to see THAT ! haha
Thank you for the beautiful tour! Those stepping stones are just beautiful and seeing them down the path through the greenery was gorgeous! I would have been reluctant to step on them too.
Your photography is wonderful!
Hi Lona, I loved going along with you to this wonderful artist's garden! It was pitch perfect, the white flowers in the shade really brightened the scene. I love that gooseneck and would plant it in huge drifts, which sounds like that would be easy to do with some moist shade. Jean's art is stupendous, I love the finials and pots and everything except that one critter. (I share your passion!) :-)
What a fun garden to visit! Lots of flowers I don't see here and I love her playful statues.
Gorgeous flowers. I was absolutely loving until I came to the snake at the end! If I come across one of those it pretty much makes that part of my yard off limits for the rest of the summer.
I came over from A Southern Daydreamer and I'm going to stick around and look at some other posts. We just visited Hocking Hills for the first time in 20 years a few weeks ago. I just love the peace and tranquility there.
What a whimsical garden with surprises along the way. The two giraffes look like they're nibbling on leaves. My absolutely favorites are the colorful stands with that look like birdbaths or planters in peachy pink on top of thick aqua stems. I hope you'll be posting more photos of this magical garden soon.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hey Lona. I received he seeds this week and am so grateful. Thank you.
Do you think I could direct sow them and when? Don't they also require full sun. I have some plants that I started early in spring and they are still small. I am hoping for some flowers maybe in the late summer.
I love the tour of these beautiful gardens. This is one talented lady. Beautiful works of art.
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