Monday, June 14, 2010

A Wet New Dawn


Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend.
The garden is soaked after weekend storms
and it is not giving the flowers a chance to stand up
from the storms before.
The flowerbeds are looking pretty sad but I am afraid
to complain about all of the wet weather because
we all know it could turn on a dime and go to hot
and dry instead of hot and wet.
So there will probably be no full shots forth coming
of whole beds.


The New Dawn roses were pretty though with
the raindrops upon them.



I worked on the rose garden bed over the weekend
between the showers and dug up all of the Dr. Huey
turned roses. The remaining two bushes were  planted
in the woodland bed. There they can grow their little
hearts out and mildew all they like. LOL!
New roses are being added as they arrive to take the
place of the four red rose bushes.
It is a good time to buy roses and many are at clearance
or half price. Henry Fields had pink double Knockouts
for half price so I could not resist getting another one.
They are blooming machines.

Also the son made a mulch run for me this weekend
so I have twenty bags of it to spread on the redone
rose bed and in other beds.


The Blue Celebrity petunias that were grown from
seed and planted in the planer in front of the garage
are the only ones the bugs have not gotten to yet to
chew holes in.



Stella de Oro lilies were a little rain soaked over
the weekend also.



The Elephant ear in the foot tub is liking the weather.
I tried growing the bulb in the ground last year and
it did not like the clay soil at all but this year it seems
to be going strong in the tub so far.



This little white Phlox is blooming near some
Burgundy Gaillardia in the corner bed. I do not
remember planting this one. It is not my white
David Phlox though and is shorter but it
brightens up the bed a little.



It was a very good weekend despite some showers
on and off.

Happy Gardening Everyone,


Gatsbys Gardens said...

Boy, I sure know what you mean Lona! I think we get it and then it goes to you. I am going to a garden club party tonight out in the garden, ha, ha! It is supposed to rain again this evening. I had better not complain when it gets dry and hot.


Bonnie said...

Wow, everything looks gorgeous. I can't believe your Phlox is blooming!

Tammy said...

Beautiful. I love how photo's of flowers with water droplets look. Thats the best time to photograph them in my opinion. Loved em all.

A Garden of Threads said...

The New Dawn Rose is lovely with the raindrops on it. I hope you dry out soon, happy gardening.

The Redneck Rosarian said...

The new dawn is beautiful

Patsy said...

You got that right my red double knockout rose is just that a blooming machine.Your other flowers are just beautiful as always.

pogonip said...

Planting the Elephant Ear in a tub is a great idea that I'll have to remember for next year. Love your rose especially--that pale romantic pink is delightful!

Kimberly said...

Hi, Lona. Your blooms are gorgeous, especially after the rains. Such pretty color and detail! Have a great week!

Roses and Lilacs said...

I recognized New Dawn right away. I used to have a huge one growing on my garage. Nothing else like that pale, pale pink.

Love the blue petunias.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Thats a lovely Gallardia Lona - its a plant that doesn't like my garden conditions at all. I lost my New Dawn this winter - it was such a beautiful rose in its prime. Your blooms are so sweet I would love to stick my nose into the photo and try to smell them.

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

The New dawn rose is so sweet, I love the pale pink color. Hope your storms and rain stop. We're finally getting more dry days than wet ones. Sounds like you've been keeping busy.
I love the picture of the petunia in the white planter!

Anonymous said...

We've been enjoying all the rain, because the lawn looks fabulous and I don't have to water constantly! My Endless Summer is loaded with blooms, just wish it was bigger. I see you are moving plants again! Do you know that I rarely do that? LOL I sure love how roses look when covered in raindrops, yours are so pretty too.