Joining in today for ‘Blooming Tuesday’ over
at our hostess Jean from “Ms Green Thumb.”
Some of the containers are beginning to finally
start looking pretty. It feels like my seeded flowers
are so slow to produce this summer.
This container of Fancy Dress petunias are finally
looking like they should.
Blue Ice petunias in the old coffee pot are looking
pretty and the Maverick geranium in the middle
may bloom yet this summer.
The wash tub container has an assortment of blooms
now. Red Nicotiana and Zahara zinnias with more Blue
Ice petunias. This petunia is really a wonderful producer
of mass blooms and I am saving seeds everyone.
I am loving this combination of Double Burgundy
petunia’s, Apple Blossom pelargonium geraniums, and
white and burgundy Nicotiana.
Definitely need to save seeds from this beautiful
White Nicotiana
Red Nicotiana
The new Rosa Morden Blush is getting some buds.
It is going to be a smaller bloom with the pale pink
coloring like in New Dawn.
Finally the new baby Canadian goslings at Rose
Lake are blooming too.
Are they not the cutest bits of fluff?
Happing Blooming Tuesday
and Happy Gardening Everyone !!
beautiful containers....why did my nicotinia die....sigh
Your photos are so beautiful today. What a cute little family of birds. The petunias are stunning with the contrasting flowers. Frame that picture. Burgundy petunias are lovely too. Hope you are having a good day Lona.
I too have a Morden Blush in my garden and she is having a good year this year, blooming her heart out. Smaller blossoms than a tea rose, for sure. It seems to like the cooler weather better and retains her delicate pink colouring longer. Once the heat hits, she fades quickly to white.
Yes, you will have to save seed from that Nicotiana! It is such a lovely colour!! Do you know the variety?
BTW: I love your header! Absolutely beautiful!!
I love that 'Blue Ice' Petunia, such unusual coloring. Beautiful containers, thanks for sharing. :)
I planted some Nicotiana this year too. This is the first time I planted it. Yours looks amazing. I really love it!
Glad to see your petunia finally looking the way it should. Worth the wait, I'd say.
Those goslings are way cute. Just want to reach out and touch them.
Beautiful petunias and I am in love with your nicotania. I have never grown them in my gardens - do they smell as good as they say they do? The baby geese are adorable. Hopefully they aren't leaving 'presents' for you in your yard!
Hey seeing all these beautiful flowers and especially love how you plant them in old things like the coffee pot! It must be glorious to see those baby geese like that...oooohhhh I would love to see that and some baby chicks as well! lol Your post on the hydrangeas was gorgeous!!!!! I love those flowers. I want to thank you so much for coming by and visiting me...hope all is well on your side of the mountain and that you are having a great week! ~Picket~
I love your Blue Ice petunias in the old coffee pot. My containers are just starting to fill out, too.
I also have a washtub container--well, actually, I am not sure it's a washtub--it's a big metal thing. I love it. It's so fun to plant in something other than a purchased pot.
Thanks for stopping by my garden today. I will be back to see what's blooming later.
Lona, I love your color combinations, expecially the burgandies with white. Those goslings, super cute!
Beautiful containers. My fave the pink and burgandy. Love the flowers in the old coffee pot. Thanks for sharing. Stella
So great that your petunia has met your expectations!! It looks wonderful. So pleased that you have Morden Blush, the Morden roses are near and dear to our hearts in Canada, and particularly for those of us in the prairies. :)
Welcome to Bloomin' Tuesday! Your color combinations are really beautiful. I love the burgundys and pinks! Thanks for the gosling photos! Adorable! Jean
Your blooms are beautiful! I love baby ducks they are so cute and fluffy. Have a great day!
My Gardening Woes
I do love the combinations you have put together for your containers. Definitely you save some of those seeds. Have a great gardening day.
I think you must have a magical way with flowers. Love the geese photos, too.
Flowers look great, lovin' the bits of fluff though-enjoy!
Beautiful blooms and wonderful photos of the geese!
Hi Lona,
I enjoyed your blooms today. I love the colors of all of them. The blue petunias look awesome in the coffee pot. I wish my nicotiana plants would get taller like yours.
The geese are sweet.
Thanks for your very nice comment on my blog. I'd be happy to save some seeds of the variegated false sunflowers. I think I'd need to save several, because I'm not sure if they'll come true from seed. There are some plain ones in the area. I'd like to try the blue petunias. I don't think I've grown petunias from seeds before, but have had them self sow before.
I love the Nicotiana! Most of mine didn't do very well this year. They germinated and then I think it was too wet for them. I love the old coffee pot container, it's really cute.
Hi Lona, The babies are adorable. What a handsome family. What an honor it is to have them visit, wouldn't you say?
Love your new header. Love that Nicotiana. My reseeders haven't started blooming yet.
Gorgeous photos!
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