I hope everyone is getting ready for the weekend
whether you go to see some fireworks, have a barbecue,
or just enjoy a long weekend catching up on projects or
enjoying the garden.
Today is Fertilizer Friday over at “Tootsie Time” so time
to “Flaunt Your Flowers”.
This has been a busy week around in the flowerbeds
and with some cooler temps it was a good week to take
a couple of afternoon hikes in the nearby parks.
Some of the flowers that are blooming now are:
Lavender Simplicity Roses are having another flush of blooms.
Little critters everywhere.
The new Gertrude Jekyll Rose has its first bloom.
The Adonis Tall Phlox smells so good and this Hummingbird
Moth is enjoying them.
Blue Chip Campanula Bellflower
The Achillea and Lilies are still blooming.
Golden Stargazer
The Black Eyed Susan’s are blooming from a packet of
wildflower seeds I tossed in the woodland bed near the
sunny end.
Echinacea Summer Sky is in bloom.
Becky Shasta Daisies are blooming in several of the beds
I planted them in.
The petunias in the planters are really growing fast
now. I am saving seeds from these Blue Ice if anyone
wants some.
Some of the Fancy Dress petunias are starting
to bloom the way they appeared on the package.
This is the first year for this little Mimosa tree to bloom.
I was not expecting it to bloom for a couple of years yet
but it surprised me with a bunch of airy blooms.
Some Tiger Eye Marigolds are starting to bloom.
Thanks Robin for the seeds!
I seeded some Nicotinia from last years seeds which
were red and pink. This year the seeds produced some white
flowers. So for those of you I gave seeds to some of yours may
bloom white too.
The Rose Of Sharon bushes are loaded with blooms.
Now if I can keep the Japanese Beetles from eating holes
in them.
I have the white and the pink bushes mixed into one spot
at the corner of the house so it looks like I have a three
in one bush.
The Lambs Ear was cut back this week because of it
laying flat after all the rain storms. I am hoping it will
spread back up.
The Veronica Blue Wooly Speedwell is blooming but
it is not blooming as well as in other years so I added
some compost around its feet.
In the woodland bed the Mammoth Hosta’s are in bloom.
This is their second year so they are not giants yet.
This Ostrich fern is in the woodland bed also. I cannot
wait until it grows into a giant.
The hydrangeas are blooming all around the yard but
I will leave them for another posting day.
Finally Everyone Have a Safe Holiday
Weekend and Happy Gardening !!
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!
very beautiful...didn't you want some double pink hollyhock seed? have some ready now, let me know.
Beautiful...that rose header is so gorgeous...everything is looking so very pretty in your area...love all the lilies especially!!!
I really like everything on this post especially the Echinacea Summer Sky!
Everything looks great, Lona. Love the Rose of Sharons. Mine are still a long way from blooming. Doesn't Gertie smell heavenly? Love her. Have a fabulous fourth.
Lona your garden has so many beautiful blooms...I especially like the flowers of the Mimosa Tree. Have a great time celebrating July 4th and take care.
Have a Happy 4th of July
Ooh, that photo of the clearwing hummingbird moth is stunning! Love your rose-of-sharons as well.
Your garden must be such a vision to behold, Lona. I'd love some seeds from that petunia--it's beautiful!
Glad to see the marigolds up, mine didn't! I told you I had such bad luck with seeds this year, not even the marigolds or sunflowers came up. I gave up on the marigolds, but replanted some other sunflowers that are up about a foot now. I'll see if my scabiosa sends out seeds I can save for you!
Lona all the blooms are great. I would love to capture a little hummingbird hawk moth in a photograph. Hardly any of my phlox flowered this year due to the harsh winter so I hav'nt seen any in my garden this year - their appearance is quite rare anyway but phlox flowers always enticed them into the garden.
Oh that little mimosa bloom is delightful!
Have a wonderful 4th of July holiday weekend Lona
:) Rosie
Thanks Everyone and you all have a great 4th of July weekend!
aloha lona
i love visiting your garden today, everything is just coming out so nicely! love the roses especially, happy 4th to you also!
Beautiful blooms, love the lavender roses too! Lovely garden. Happy 4th of July to you :)
Your mimosa tree brought back memories of my grandparents yard in the 50's!
Lona, You would love the gardens I am seeing this weekend in Georgia. I am signing books at the Sunflower Festival and besides acres and acres of HUGE sunflowers, this lady has some of the most incredible cottage gardens I have ever seen, all over the grounds. It is so inspiring, I want to go home and plant sunflowers and zinnias everywhere!
Hello Lona,
I am a terrible blogger friend, with very little respons on your comments..
Your garden looks wonderful as always, seems you have had both rain and shine eqally. It's soooo hot dry here now. Efter a very long and extremely cold winter came this exotic summer weather:-) Isn't that typical?
Have a nice 4th of july! Hillevi.
I am such a fan of that shade of periwinkle petunia. And that rose...GJ, can't spell it. LOL.
Are they not the most exquisite things? Your garden is stunning.
After you had such a long and cold winter so many of your plants are still passing mine by. Rose of Sharon is really pretty, I love the white one. Don't you love 'Gertrude Jekyll'? Mine is desperate for some sun and heat and looks like this week she'll get some.
I'm totally in love with my Gertrude Jekyll rose ~ how are you liking it? I can't get enough of the fragrance and I snip it back so each new bud keeps blooming.
Happy belated 4th of July!
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