Monday, June 6, 2011

Adena Mansion Garden


People usually travel to different states or country’s to see the sights without even knowing what there is to offer right around them in their own state. With the gas prices I think traveling closer to home will be the vacation spots this year. Last weekend my daughter and I visited some local historical sites in our area. One being the Mound City which was built by the Hopewell American Indians and the other was Adena Mansion.
Adena Mansion is in Chillicothe, Ohio. Chillicothe was the first Capital City of Ohio before it was moved to Columbus, Ohio. The Adena Mansion was the home of Thomas Worthington the sixth governor of Ohio. It was built during the years 1806-1807.Adena_Mansion
The mansion sets on the remaining 300 acres of what was once 2,000 acres, and now contains  five outbuilding and formal gardens.
The mansion sets on a hill which overlooks the Scioto River Valley with a view out over to the Logan Ridge. This view was the inspiration for the Great Seal of Ohio. 
There are tours daily of the mansion but we were interested in the gardens when we visited. No big surprise there. LOL!

The gardens were smaller than what I thought they would be but there were some pretty blooms to be found.

Adena_Amsoniahubrichtii_BlueStar amsonia hubrichtii   Blue Star
I had never saw this flower up close before and I loved all of the masses of blue star shaped flowers on it.

Adena_Aquilgea_Columbine2  Several kinds of aquilegia were growing there in the gardens. I loved this red and cream colored columbine.
Some of the flowers had tags and some did not so I do not know the name of this columbine. I am sure some of you have this one in your flower gardens though. Cardinal??


A flower that I do not have in my garden is Baptisia. I loved the lavender-blue blooms on this one that I could not find the name tag for.

And the bees were loving it too so I think this flower has to go on ‘the never ending list’.

Adena_BlueFlax Speaking of ‘the list’ this giant Blue Flax plant Linum Lewisii was another pretty plant that needs added to it.

Adena_DianthusMaidensPink2 There were several Dianthus plants along borders of the garden.


The Foxgloves were blooming in several locations.

Adena_Lynchis_White White Lynchis

Missouri Primrose

Maltese Cross

Adena_MockOrange Mock Orange

There were some unknowns which this is one had just Globe  on it.
Does anyone know its name?
Thank you Grace for the ID of this flower!
Tassel Flower Emelia javanica

Adena_Unknown5 And this one had Teasle  on it but it was one I had never saw before. My daughter and I laughed and said it reminded us of our Grandma’s hair buns.  LOL!


And the other unknown was this low growing plant that was in several places??? Pretty little thing.

Thank you Janet & Grace for the plant ID!
Persicaria Fleece Flower


Adena_Achillea_Yarrow Yellow achillea was starting to bloom. I love yarrow and have several different colors in my garden beds for the pollinators.


And then there were the roses ….






They were busy cleaning up the garden beds from the early blooming flowers such as the tulips and crocus and were adding many new annuals to the gardens.


The heat is on now and we stepped right from cool, wet spring right into the hot humid summer temperatures here.
I am not going to complain about the heat because I grumbled enough last winter and this spring. LOL!

Happy Gardening,



Patsy said...

That was a very nice walk, now the Teasle was very strange, the roses were beautiful but was the last photo of a house roof in the ground or were you on a very steep hill.


I bet that Mock Orange smelled wonderful. The orange "globe" is Emelia javanica. [Google.] The little plant is a Persicaria. I had it in my garden a few years ago but it didn't winter over. I love the markings on the leaves. Love all the roses.

Giga said...

Byłaś w pięknym ogrodzie we własnym kraju. Ja kocham kwiaty , które rosną w Polsce, ale lubię też patrzeć na takie, których u nas nie ma, bądź są tylko w doniczkach na parapecie.Pozdrawiam

Jane Doe said...

I'll put Adena Mansion on my list of places to go. What lovely blooms and oh how jealous I am. There's no gardening this year for me with the possibility of a move looming, but I sure enjoy visiting the gardens of others and soaking up flower beauty here at Hocking Hills Garden. Thanks for quenching my thirst today.

Shirley said...

I can help out with the ID of one of the plants. The one below teasle is knotweed. It has the most interesting tight little knots of flowers on a low, spreading plant.

Lovely photos Lona!

The Gardening Life

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Nice gardens, with all that plant material it doesn't look like it was that small.
The one mystery plant looks like Persicaira virginiana Lance Corporal, BUT the bloom doesn't look like the right I don't think it is a correct guess.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

What an impressive collection of plants, thank you for the tour! :)

Nic said...

I love those antique roses, especially that dark purple one... Really need to plant some around here...

scottweberpdx said...

What a lovely place to visit...I'm all for vacationing close to home these days!

Stella said...

What great photos. Thanks for taking us along on your tour. I love that blue star.

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Lona, The mock orange and the roses are so pretty. What a great way to spend the day!

Egretta Wells blog said...

I felt like I was on a trip to England instead of on a trip to Ohio. Lovely post and as always, your photos are so good!

Jim Groble said...

Pat and I will add this to our destination list. it looks very cool and it's in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

We are zone 6 and there is much more blooming in Ohio. Your photos are beautiful as always. There is such a variety of color in this garden, it looks like such a joyous place. The mansion is pretty nice too.

Balisha said...

I loved the tour. It's so nice, seeing gardens in different parts of our country. I think that lots of families will be enjoying a "staycation" this summer. You're right...there are beautiful spots right under our noses. Have a nice day...Balisha

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Can you imagine a world without flowers? I cannot!
What lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty place Lona. I can only imagine what it looked like at 2000 acres!
PS Glad no one was hurt in your fierce thunderstorm (latest post). You really do hate snakes! They always startle me ~ I jump and even scream when I see them ~ but I don't ever kill them.

Anonymous said...

PSS What is the flower in the middle of the bottom row on your blog header? A lily?? It's beautiful!

cherry said...

I hate snakes toooooo ! Sorry to hear about all the storm damage.

What a beautiful place to visit. I have gobs of Persicaria Fleece Flower. My mother has planted it in every state that we lived in while daddy was in the Air Force but we have never known the name of it. My grandmother called it the chocolate plant so that is what I call

Happy Friday hope you and yours have a beautiful weekend.
hugs from Savannah, Cherry

sweetbay said...

Even if the gardens weren't that big there were a lot of interesting and beautiful flowers. LOVE the purple rose and also love the mansion stonework.