I am joining in on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day today sponsored by Carol at “May Dreams Gardens” with a few flowers that are now blooming in the garden.
At this time there are several of the Achillea’s starting to bloom in the beds. I have them tucked into several of my flowerbeds.
Moonshine achillea & Maynight Salvia
Bluebird Delphiniums and Peachleaf Campanula
Happy Gardening,
Your gardens are so colorful, love the lollipop lilies and the double echinacea!!
Lovely blooms there. I've been waiting for more Yarrows to come out this season and thinking about whether I want to try and squeeze some in. I like the ones that stay upright though. Looks like the ones you have do fine.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Goldenray Yorkies
Okay. Somebody has a figurative gun to my head and I have to choose a favorite. I choose the achilleas (ha! more than one choice). Oh, that wasn't FAIR? OK, I'll go with the astilbes (ha, again!). One really, really favorite in the midst of all this loveliness? Silver Moon clematis, hands down running away. I've always loved it.
I really enjoyed the close up on each bloom...such a nice perspective. And your container garden is spectacular! Happy GBBD!
We are really behind you Lona! I have one extra early daylily blooming, no astilbe, or yarrow yet. That Silver Moon Clematis is beautiful, I passed it up at the nursery because it was $35 - now I wish I bought it!
You have a great variety in your garden. Love the astilbes! They are one of my favourite shade plants.
Happy GBBD, Lona. You have some pretty blooms and images. I never knew Astilbe to be so photogenic. I will have to try to get some pretty images if I can when it blooms. Yours are fantastic.
Oh, beautiful blooms, but I am infatuated with astilbes. Always have been. Never grown them. But there's something about them that I love. Happy GBBD!
Do you get to harvest any berries from your elderberry bush? The birds used to clean out the bush before we could get many at all.
I love your variety of Achillea, I have just a couple. One was coming on gangbusters, then fell over and broke open. At first I thought it was voles, but some just fell and broke apart.
Each one of your photos is simply beautiful, as are all the blooms displayed in these shots. Oh that Delphinium and Campanula combination is just too gorgeous, and I loved every one of your Achilleas, especially that Apricot Delight. These are plants that don't grow here.
Everything looks beautiful, don't you love this time of year? I wish everything could just stand still for at least a couple of months looking just like this. I love the bright pink Nicatina in your header pictur... Have a great week!!!
Lona, you have a lovely variety of flowers blooming in your garden. I don't have very many in bloom just yet.
Everything looks great! But I especially fond of the blue delphs with the while bells. So perfect together.
You have a lovely summer garden. I especially like the 'Silvermoon' clematis and the 'Ageless Beauty' daylily.
And I wish astilbe would grow for me but I've tried it several times in different locations and they just don't make it...probably too hot and not enough water!
Wow, I've never seen the lollipop lily anywhere except in a catalog..stunning! And you have a beautiful collection of Achillea, Apricot Delight has a sweet color. Happy GBBD!
I do like the achilleas but have removed all that I had because of their propensity for self seeding... I'm not always on top of my dead heading chores I'm afraid. I wonder if there are any sterile varieties... The astilbes and the Ageless Beauty hemerocallis are particularly beautiful... excellent post! Larry
A lovely blue delphinium and your white astilbe looks so healthy. You have convinced me that that is my next flower. I am always drawn to the white flowers. They look so nice on night garden walks.
I have another comment because I just read your entry in 2010 showing your garden(s). What an amazing transformation! Your creativity shows so much in what you did with your home and yard. This was an inspiring post to read. Nobody should ever complain that their yard can't be helped.
Lona, what a paradise you have there. Everything is so pretty, June just goes by way too fast, doesn't it? (I hate to admit it, but I have washtubs just like yours, except I'm still using them for laundry, lol.)
How pretty. You have so many colors of the same variety of flowers. I love the different colors of Achillea's that you have.They are a favorite of mine too. I just don't have room for anymore plants..I'll just enjoy yours. Balisha
Love the Silvermoon Clematis.
Happy GBBD!
Lovely post...all those Achillea are stunning...I so wish I had roomf or an Elderberry...they are such lovely plants!
You have so many beautiful blooms; that amethyst astilbe has won my heart! I also love all of your yarrows.
It's so interesting to see what is right on par with my garden and what isn't. My Elderberry [Sambucus] is in full bloom but my daylilies, lilies and echinaceas are not anywhere near ready to bloom. Gorgeous clemmy.
I must write that you have an incredible assortment blooming for this bloom day. Very impressive and a enjoyable to view.
This is my first visit to your blog and how I enjoyed viewing your garden blooms. I am currently planting up a new garden after moving. It is a great deal of work just buying all the plants as we are creating a cottage garden look and need so many.
Greetings from Holland ~
Such a beautiful parade of blooms! I am especially smitten with your Amethyst Astilbe.. and Ageless Beauty daylily could not be better named! The Bluebird Delph looks wonderful with the Peachleaf Campanula. Even the description of the pairing sounds wonderful.
Lovely blooms and wonderful photos - so pretty!
I love all the color and variety in your gardens, Lona! I used to have a few pink achillea's but they died. I have several varieties of astilbe and they're almost finished blooming. Wonderful photos! I didn't post for GBBD this month--just too darn busy!
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