Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June, The Month Of Roses



"For stately trees in rich array,
For sunlight all the happy day,

Crimson Bouquet

For blossoms radiant and rare,
For skies when daylight closes,

Double Delight

For joyous, clear, outpouring song
From birds that all the green wood throng,


For all things young, and bright, and fair,
We praise thee, Month of Roses!

 Rose_RainbowKnockout Rainbow Knockout

For blue, blue skies of summer calm,
For fragrant odors breathing balm,

Rose_Iceberg2 Iceberg

For quiet, cooling shades where oft
The weary head reposes,

Rose_EasyDoesIt Easy Does It

For brooklets babbling thro' the fields
Where Earth her choicest treasures yields,

Rose_Lavender_Simplicity Lavender Simplicity

For all things tender, sweet and soft,
We love thee, Month of Roses!"
~ Elaine Goodale ~


 Gertrude Jekyll


Pink Knockout


 Morden Blush


 Dr. Huey


 Sunny Knockout


 Happy Gardening,

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Sunray Gardens said...

Those are all so beautiful. I love the Iceberg, but I guess you really need the space for them as they like a lot of it, but they are stunning and that Easy Does It is sure pretty.
Goldenray Yorkies

Giga said...

Co jedna to piękniejsza pachnąca róża, ale najpiękniejsza Scentimental. W moim ogródku róże maja dopiero pąki. Pozdrawiam serdecznie


I love all your roses but that Dr. Huey, ooh, la, la.

Gatsbys Gardens said...


The roses are beautiful! I have only one bloom and that is on Rainbow Knockout. Many are ready to pop, but Rainbow is the first.

I had some insects on Rainbow this year first time ever. I have to be out there looking each morning to keep up with them.


Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

What an amazing collection of roses you have. I like Scentimental....looks like peppermint.

The Redneck Rosarian said...

Lona, a beautiful post on roses. Many do not know that June is national rose month. So glad to see your roses shining! Love your morden blush, is it new this year for you? Such a delicate color. Your scentimental looks awesome as do all the others. :)

Anonymous said...

You posted some beautiful selections. I grow Iceberg and never had a bloom as pretty at the one you showed.

myomyohi said...

I love your blog and everything is so pretty.

Sue Catmint said...

Those old fashioned roses are definitely to die for - and the poet expresses that sense of reverence.

A Garden of Threads said...

Beautiful roses Lona, perfect poem to go with them. My roses are just starting to bud, soon I will have a very small show. Certainly not as nice as yours. Take care.

Lori at Jarvis House said...

For someone who know a lot about plants, but nothing about roses, the Knockout roses, for me, are a wonder. Lovely blog pictures.

VW said...

Well, replace June with July and your title works for my garden! I have just a few tiny buds starting on my bushes. Your blooms are so pretty! Wish I could smell them, too.

Balisha said...

That last picture is so beautiful. I love all of them. Wish I had a rose garden.

Stella said...

The roses are lovely. I haven't seen a rainbow knockout in the store are they very common!

Darla said...

And I think the Scentimental is just outstanding!!!!

One said...

All these roses are from your garden? Wow! I am impressed. They are beautiful!

Masha said...

Great photography. I hope you are enjoying all the fragrance. I am glad to see you are one of the few people who grow Dr. Huey for its blooms, not just as an understock :).

sweetbay said...

I have Rainbow Knockout too and really like it. Scentimental is a vision ~ gotta love a beautiful, striped, fragrant rose!

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

Dang those are some gorgeous roses! That Scentimental intrigues me - I want to see more and how romantic is that Crimson Bouquet? You grow, girl!

Egretta Wells blog said...

I love these lovely rose photos. Nothing is prettier than a rose! Nice blog. Egretta

Jennifer said...

Hi Lona,
I am still waiting for roses. Hopefully I will have some after the next rainfall. Yours are just so gorgeous!