Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In The Garden And A Product Review


I hope everyone had a wonderful extended weekend.
The weather was beautiful here with just a few sprinkles thrown in but the cookouts and the yard work got caught up on and enjoyed.

News from the garden:


The ‘ Delft Lace’ astilbe is trying to bloom now. It blooms later than some of the other astilbe in the garden. The leaves on it are much more jagged in appearance and it likes its spot along with the other astilbe near by and the  ‘Ursula's Red’ Japanese  and woodland ferns.

As many of you know this has been a trying time in the gardens here in Ohio this year because of all of the rain, hail and storms. Maybe it was not the best year to try to do a garden product test and review then maybe it was the best time to see how the products would perform. Regardless I had already committed to doing a trial on John & Bob’s Grow Green Smart Soil Solutions so at this time I will tell the results of some of my testing.


In the containers such as the Lantana’s I overwinter in the basement I have noticed a very good improvement this year from last by using the John & Bob’s organic and natural fertilizers instead of my standard fertilizers.

Lantana_Pink The Lantana plants are  lush, bigger and have more blooms and buds.

Lantana_DallasRed_June29 Dallas Red Lantana

Also in other containers in which I used the Biosol fertilizers I can see a difference between those in which I did not use them.
The petunias I grown from seeds are much bigger and have more blooms where I used the fertilizer.

Roma Petunia’s

In the clay soil of the Woodland Garden the Lily Bed has also seen an improvement in that the plants are bigger and greener and had more blooms where I used the their  Soil Optimizer amendment. Through no fault of the products the lilies had a rough time in the storms, rain and hail but they preformed much better this year with the amendment.

Lily_FataMorgana Fata Morgana Lily

In the Rose Garden where I used their Soil Optimizer and Maximize Micros & Minerals I saw a big improvement.
Even the new rose bushes were growing up a storm and were full of blooms. Now they are getting a lot of new growth and setting on new blooms despite the wet humid weather that threatens some of them with black spot and now the Japanese beetles that are fighting me over ownership of the blooms.
I was drowning the little suckers in soapy water yesterday.

BurgundyIceberg_Roses Burgundy Iceberg

The biggest improvement that I have seen from the soil amendments so far is in my side bed along the cellar.
Here the Shasta daisies, lilies, roses many phlox and the campanula are really looking great.

BlueClips_Campanula_july3 The ‘Blue Clip’ or ‘ Blue Chip’ (called by different growers) are so much taller, greener and throwing on many more blooms than last year.

Phlox_FranzSchubert3 The Shasta Daisies which need little help are so thick and full of buds this year in this bed. The phlox in this bed are budding and starting to bloom while in my other beds they are a little behind those in this bed and do not look as good.

Phlox_FranzSchubert Frantz Schubert Phlox

The phlox Frantz Schubert is starting to bloom. I love its light lavender and white blooms. I have noticed that ‘Little Laura’ phlox is so much thicker and taller this year is also budding out. So the amendments have improved this clay soil bed.

Having reviewed the John & Bob’s Smart Soil Solutions in these areas of my garden I can recommend it to those of you who are looking for  Green and Natural products for your gardens and lawns.


BlackSwallowTail The Butterflies are enjoying the Lantana plants. I think I grow  and tote them in and out just for the pollinators every year.

Spangled_Fritillary4 The Butterflies do not seem to like one color over the other and I thought they would like the Dallas Red the best with its bright reds and orange colors.


There is always the Becky Shasta Daisies planted all around the garden in different beds that attract them.


The bees seem to like the coneflowers the best in my garden.

Happy Gardening Everyone !



Becca's Dirt said...

Sounds like the test product was a hit. Always nice to see the plants get a burst of energy to bloom. Hope you had a good holiday Lona.

The Sage Butterfly said...

This sounds like a very good product. I have noticed that organic fertilizers work better than chemical ones as well. The micronutrients probably make the difference. The Japanese Beetles are here as well...ugh...I don't have as many as past years, but they are still around.

Patsy said...

Your gardens are so pretty and the butterfly's said so.

Anonymous said...

I love Burgundy Iceberg. What a beautiful flower. And I didn't think I loved petunias, but yours are so splendid that I might have to rethink my position!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Good to know there is a good product out there for giving those plants a boost.
Your Phlox is very dainty looking. Love the delicate pink color.

Anonymous said...

Your images are so beautiful and garden so pretty. It is great your garden benefited from the new product. The micro/minerals must be a great help.

Cat said...

Hi Lona, Good to see so many butterflies enjoying your lantana. The Dallas red is a favorite of mine.

IlonaGarden said...

Your flowers just look amazing! Glad you are having such success in the garden this year:)

Darla said...

Your flowers are gorgeous and thanks for the product review, sounds like it was a hit!

Jennifer said...

Hi Lona, When I visit the nursery, I tend to be a sucker for all the pretty plants and neglect to think about soil amendments and fertilizers. As you testing proves it really pays to fertilize. Your plants really appear to be enjoying the extra care.

Heather at Dusty Bay said...

Lovely photos, as always!

Karen said...

Lona, good to know, I'll have to look into this product. Always best to hear from a much-respected gardener's field test.

Love all the flowers you shared, too, I wish mine looked as good. We were so hot over the weekend that I wilted for awhile, but I bounced back and am ready for the next round!

greggo said...

so, do you have a check to judge the fertilized plants to?