Monday, July 25, 2011

Lobelia ‘Monet Moment’ Cardinal Flower


I hope everyone had a great weekend.
One of the new flowers that I planted last fall in the garden is now starting to bloom.

Lobelia Monet Moment Cardinal Flower

Breed by Master lobelia gardener Thurman Maness of Pittsboro, North Carolina.
This perennial lobelia has massive heads of exquisite rose pink spiked flowers.

Flowers adorn the tops of 36 inch stems which will bloom from 3 to 5 weeks.
A later blooming flower for that hot summer garden.

A wonderful pollinator flower that the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds are really going after right now.
It is hardy in zones 4 to 9 in full sun to part sun.
Mine gets afternoon shade and is doing very well.
I am loving this new plant already  so I am certain it will be getting some companions like it to be planted elsewhere in the garden for late summer blooming.

This one is planted with Raspberry Wine Monarda and pink Coneflowers. It would look lovely with a dark foliage plantings around it.

Elsewhere in the garden the Crape or Crepe Myrtle bush is starting to bloom. It is loaded with buds this year.

Everyone have a wonderful week and take care out there in this hot humid weather.

Happy Gardening,


PolkaDotGaloshes said...

Gorgeous!! I think I may need to plant some as I'm looking at how to attract more bees to my garden, they have been a little lacking this year! Beautiful bloom pics as always...Cheers Juila

Sunray Gardens said...

Both look lovely. I'm surprised you have a Crepe Myrtle here.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

A pink Lobelia!!! NICE!!! Looks like another plant to be added to my growing list of desired plants.

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Oh, that's a beauty! Are you sharing seeds this autumn? hint.... hint... :))

The Sage Butterfly said...

These are such a beautiful color! I have lobelia in a dark violet shade. Nice post!

Patsy said...

I like the new pink I did a blog on the wild Cardinal flower that we found on the White River here in Arkansas and it was red.
Genealogy is addiction and I loved doing it all.
Did you see where the Gnome got married and now has a baby? LOL

Helen said...

It is a beautiful plant. Glad the hummers and bees love it. Down here we call the Myrtle -Crepe Myrtle.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic plant!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty shade. My lobelia is also dark purple, almost blue.

Balisha said...

I have one of these too. It's not in a very good place...I guess that I should move it. Mine is purple. Your flowers are so pretty.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Hi Lona,

I have had the blue and red but have never seen the pink. It is a beauty and such a great addition to the summer garden.


tina said...

It's beautiful!

VW said...

One reason I love garden blogs is seeing 'real' pictures of plants - I swear that 'Monet Moment' has looked magenta in the catalog pictures I've seen. It's a pretty mid-pink in your photos (goes well with your blog background!). It's certainly nice to have some later bloomers now that the early summer flowers are finishing up.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lona girl that was spectacular !
Like Eileen I have had the red and blue type but not this gorgeous PINK!
So now I have another 2012 plant on the list for next Spring .. you naughty garden pal !! LOL
Joy .. wink wink

Ginny said...

It's beautiful and going on my wish list!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, that is a pretty one! Doesn't it need boggy soil? Full sun or shade? Don't worry, my birdhouse is too special to me to go outside!


Lona, I couldn't keep my 'Monet Moment' alive. It just disappeared a few winters ago. Yours is just gorgeous, totally brag-worthy!!

Darla said...

what a wonderful addition for sure! Very pretty.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

A new one for me. Your blog is pretty, pink and girlie today. nice.

Landbohaven said...

Jeg kom lige forbi din blog.
Gode billeder.
Smukke blomster.
Tak for kigget.

Carolyn ♥ said...

I've never seen this lobelia but now that I have... I have to have one... or two... or three...! The hunt is on.

Mary Joy said...

Those were lovely and beautiful pinkish flower collection. Very girly.

Mary Joy from Country Guitar Lessons

sweetbay said...

I love the pink color of that Lobelia! I've never had much luck with Lobelia other than letting the wild ones do their own thing.

cherry said...

Beautiful.. everything is still looking so pretty. Lily fest looks like it was a blast glad ya'll enjoyed it.

Have a wonderful weekend and
hugs from Savannah, Cherry

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS Lobelia Lona!! Love, love, love the pink color. I buy Lobelias every year (purple, white, etc.) but have only found one spot (so far) in my garden where they will reliably winter over. If I could find a pink one like yours I'd buy it today and plant it in that spot! The ones I have that come back are red ~ I think 'Queen Victoria?'