I am a day late in joining in for Fertilizer Friday with “Tootsie Time” and the gardeners Flaunting Their Flowers.
Sorry Glenda!
Yesterday was a busy day spent outdoors all day in the garden trying to catch up on the weeds and cleaning the beds after so many rainy days. So this old gardener was a happy tired yesterday evening.
One old problem revisited is the saga of the Advant Garde clematis and then on with some new booms.
After waiting to see if the Advant Garde clematis was going to miraculously change its colors it is evident that it just is not going to live up to its bright red petals with a pink center. I have saw this clematis offered in the new fall catalogs with the the same picture so either I have gotten a different clematis than what I ordered or it is a very false advertisement of the
Advant Garde clematis.
So what do you think Grace? LOL!
Mine is a dull purple-burgundy color and not pretty at all to my way of thinking. So is it buyer beware or another clematis?
There are some new things blooming now in the garden such as this ‘Sienna Sunset’ coreopsis.
Brachycome ‘Swan River Daisy’ in purple. These tiny daisies may grow on me yet for container fillers.
Planted last Fall was this Monarda “Raspberry Wine’.
It is 4 feet now in its first year of blooming and I love the wine colored leaves and blooms.
So far I have spotted no mildew on it which is a plus since the damp humid weather is getting to some of my phlox with powdery mildew. Also I have spotted some black spot on my Iceberg roses so it is on going spraying of fungicide here in the hills.
Crownvetch ground cover is blooming all along the banking behind the garage. This (invasive) groundcover even takes over the Creeping Myrtle (or Vinca Minor) but it dies back in the fall where the Myrtle stays evergreen throughout the winter. So I have a periods of blooms here in the same area from the Myrtle in the spring and the Crownvetch in the summer plus the green covering in the winter.
‘Cerise’ achillea is a very light pink and looks pretty planted in combination with pink Coneflowers.
The ‘Frisco’ orienpet lilies are now blooming and they are about a foot taller this summer than last. I have had to stack them because of winds and rain even with their sturdy stems.
‘Siloam Double Classic’ daylily is blooming for the first time this summer. It has a delicate pink-peach colored blooms.
‘Little Business’ daylily with a tiny hitch hiker onboard.
‘Easy Does It’ is having another flush of blooms. This is such a wonderful reblooming rose.
New this year is ‘Astra Pink’ platycodon balloon flower which is now starting to get some buds and blooms.
The new Scabiosa ‘Beaujolais Bonnets’ has one new bloom unfolding with many more to come. Pretty pink and burgundy blooms rise up on long stems to dance in the breeze.
A mixture of new Tradescanita’s or Spiderwort were planted this spring and the poor little things look so puny their first summer. So far I have seen purple, rose and a light lavender blue blooms from them. I will be glad to see them going from their “sleep, creep” to the “leap” stage.
I am a very impatient gardener. LOL!
I want to wish everyone a great July the 4th weekend and my heartfelt thanks to our troops from the past and the present who have given their all so we are able to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today. God Bless them and the United States!
Happy Gardening,
Everything looks so pretty. Enjoy your weekend.
I think I like the burgundy colour of your clematis. The odd shape makes it very unique and cute. Have a happy July 4th weekend!
Your Clematis is quite some way off being bright red with a pink centre. Maybe the picture was wrong! It's such a shame when you make an order in full expectation that it will be met, and then the opposite happens.
Luckily though you have quite a few other fantastic blooms to take your mind off the Clemmie for a bit. That 'Sienna Sunset' is special, as is that gorgeous Monarda 'Raspberry Wine'.
Your Daylilies are just lovely and 'Easy Does It' certainly does it for me! Not giving up on the Swan River Daisies just yet? They do make container fillers.
Enjoy your 4th of July!
Well, Lona, since you asked... :) From your photos it looks like you might have been sent the wrong clemmy. This looks exactly like my C. 'Purpurea Plena Elegans.' If it were me I'd contact the company. My 'Beaujolais Bonnets' plant has one blossom too, and many more in the works. I'm very pleased with it. Sounds like you are too. The rest of your flowers are gorgeous too. Happy 4th, dear friend.
Think I have that Moonbean, I just know it as threadleaf. Burgundy clematis is pretty. Have a great weekend.
Beautiful blooms Lona. I remember seeing your new clematis on the cover of Garden Import catalogue and hearing people saying that it does not bloom that bright red colour that is shown in the book. V
Hi, Lona. I like the burgandy color of your clematis. We could use some of that rain you've been having. I love your crownvetch. I've never seen it sold around here. I like ground covers because we get such dry spells every summer. Your roses and daylilies are beautiful. I laughed at the end of your post. It seems like everything in my yard is either sleeping or creeping. Everything is on strike against leaping! Have a great 4th!
Lona, I would email the company that you bought the clematis and send along a picture. I had an entire shipment of drift roses come incorrectly labeled, discovered only after they were in the ground! They are sending replacements, and I don;t have to return the others. (Thanks heaven, as I had to plant - they arrived two days before I was traveling. I had to get them in the ground!)
As for that mondarda, it's breathtaking, but how hard is it to keep that variety in check? That is my biggest problem with monarda -- I plant it, blink, and it's everywhere!
A happy tired is the best feeling, isn't it? Love your 'swan river daisy'! Have a great weekend!
Hi, Lona! Beautiful!!! And, just a reminder for your Fert Friday, better late than never! :D
You have many new varieties of all types. Is your garden new?
We have many of the same flowers. They look lovely in your garden. Happy 4th!
Beautiful pictures, as always. I have Avant Garde clematis too, but mine is a little brighter than your pictures although not as spectacular as the catalog, I agree. Mine is lighter and pinker, but not spectacular.
Strange about your clematis color. Your flowers look very good, Happpy 4th to you too!
Lona girl I think you can safely say you got the wrong clematis (e-mail that company !) I have to e-mail my company because both those new roses I had ordered are DEAD .. and not coming back for a visit !!
You have such lovely flowers in your garden girl ! your garden must be awesome to see in real life : )
Before I forget .. Happy 4th of July down there : ) set a fire cracker off for me ?? hehehe
Joy : )
Hi Lona,
Lovely blooms, you have so many considering you've been having such a lot of rain - from these images one would never know! :)
Hi Lona, It will be interesting to see what comments you get about the Avant Garde clematis. I don't have one and so can't say wether of not you were sent the wrong plant of not. It certainly doesn't look like the picture. I often find this is the case with glossy catalogue flowers.
Your flowers all look pretty. I love the coral rose. Hope you have a great July 4th!
Hello Lona, Happy 4th of July to you, too!
Love all the flowers you're sharing...I even love the clematis in the color it is, but I can see why you aren't pleased with it if it was advertised to be so flashy. I hate when they do that, in fact the first time I grew Swan River Daisy I thought the flowers were going to be huge until they bloomed and then I realized the photo in the catalog was a closeup. Oh, well, I still grow them, love the color.
We've been so hot here now, jeepers, we go from spring to blast furnace all at once.
Hope you're having a great weekend, sure was nice to see the view from your gorgeous gardens!
I agree, they sent you the wrong clematis. Your flowers are lovely. I envy your monarda. I read it could be weedy, but mine languish. They dried up and perished in the sun, so I moved them to partial shade, where they live but don't bloom. Perhaps I should give up.
Beautiful blooms Lona! Love that Clematis, it is like crepe paper. As I scrolled down the page, the Monarda came up and it looked like a pineapple!
Dear Lona, you have so many plants that either I have, have tried but haven't worked, or just love and have to tell myself you can't have everything. I bought a clematis once that wasn't flowering and when it did they were small white flowers. I have got used to them but was very disappointed at first. But I also (like other commenters) think the purple one looks great. cheers, cm
How frustrating! I know exactly how you feel, I have 2-3 peonies that may not have been labelled correctly, and a rose that was falsely advertised. We put so much time, effort (& $$) into our gardens it's hard when a plant disappoints. Still, your Mondara and Easy Does It are absolutely gorgeous. :)
I am captivated by the red color of that clematis and the raspberry wine monarda...gorgeous!
Hi Lona. I'm glad I scrolled down and caught up on your past posts. I think you were sent the wrong clematis ~ I agree with Grace ~ I have C. purpurea plena elegans (I posted a photo recently) & yours looks identical.
Maybe they'll send you the correct one and you'll have two fabulous clemmies!
Hi Lona, I have the same comment as Kathleen. I enjoyed all the gorgeous blooms, yours and the ones at the daylily show.
I have C. purpurea as well, and love it. I did check to see if Grace had been here to let you know, because I know she also has it.
Happy gardening! Oh, and I found the blue petunia seeds I think it was you who sent to me. I wonder if I can plant them next year. I'm assuming it's too late this year.
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