Saturday, July 9, 2011

Some Photographs From Lilyfest Pt.1


We had a wonderful day for Lilyfest. I took so many pictures that I will have to share some from time to time.
Enjoy Lilyfest with us.

















Everyone Have a Wonderful Weekend &
Happy Gardening,

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Sunray Gardens said...

Beautiful Lona. I just finished today taking photos of all my Daylilies in bloom. Will get them up soon too.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Masha said...

Gorgeous lilies and superb photography! I am wondering what camera you use... Do you use Photoshop? Your picture look so professional.

Jean Campbell said...

Lilies and Daylilies. I can think of nothing more Festive -- pun intended. You saw and captured some beauties.

Rainy Day Gardener said...

Wow and Double Wow! Gorgeous photos Lona and lilyfest was clearly a showy display this year :)

Victoria Williams said...

Very nice! I'd take any one of them!

sweetbay said...

So lovely! Beautiful pictures too!

Darla said...

Beautiful lilies, I love that garden shed!!

Anonymous said...

Lona, the lilies are beautiful. Such rich colors and textures.... :)

Lona said...

Chris: They had so many in bloom this year and I took so many pictures that I will never get them all up. LOL!

Darla: I thought the Garden Shed was so cute. I would love it in my yard.

Sweetbay: Thank you. It was a fun day for certain. Flowers and camera, what could be better. LOL!

Kim & Victoria: Needless to say the gardening "want list" continues to grow. LOL!

Jenni: Girl the gardens were spectacular this year. I was in lily Heaven. LOL!

Nell: There were just so many kinds and other blooms to look at. My head was spinning around trying to catch everything.

Masha: Thank you. I use a Cannon Rebel. I do not use Photoshop. I take so many pictures that I get lucky and get a good shot once in a while.

Cher: I cannot wait to see your lilies. Can never get enough of them.

RURAL said...

Ah I am enraptured by those shots. Gorgeous, and so beautiful.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Unknown said...

Witaj ....Jestem wielbicielka liliowców ,są piękne ,podobają mi się fotki ,a tak w ogóle to wspaniały klimat ,,taki wiejski ...anielski ...pozdrawiam Bogusia

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

thanks for sharing your trip to Lilyfest. I would like to add more purples and lavenders and pinks into my daylily bed. So pretty.

Jennifer said...

great pictures! what type of camera/lens do you use for macro photos?

Kate @ Gardening and Gardens said...

Gorgeous! It must be that time of year - I just posted about lilies too ;) That second one from the top is spectacular.

Anonymous said...

Love those lilies. They seem to strike a pose when the camera slides by.

Jennifer said...

Hi Lona, I have found that it pays to see lilies in a garden setting when making a selection, rather than trusting the pictures in a catalogue. You certainly have seen some beautiful ones at Lilyfest!

Lona said...

Bogusia: Cieszę się, że podoba Ci się lilie i dziękuję za porzucenie przez.

Jennifer: I know what you mean about trusting pictures. LOL! I wish they would have had name tags on the lilies though.

Kate: I love this time of the year when the lilies are in bloom. Some of the garden is waning off so the lilies add to the beds.

GreenApplesGarden. Hi. I love experimenting with the light and angles when taking pictures. Sometimes it works out well. Thanks for dropping by.

Jennifer: I do not have a regular macro lens and I mostly use my Canon 75-300 for the closeups. Of course I have to be at a distance to get the shots which sometimes makes it tough when there are crowds of people around. LOL!

Janet: I noticed that most of their lilies ran in the orange to peach varieties.
So they must be fond of that color palette. They were beautiful together though.

Jen: Thanks a lot. I am honored that you think so with you being such a great photographer.

The Sage Butterfly said...

Thanks for making me smile today. What lovely lilies...I look forward to part 2!

Landbohaven said...

Rigtig gode billeder.
Mange smukke planter.
Tak for kigget.

Giga said...

Piękne zdjęcia lilii i liliowców, nie umiałam wybrać najładniejszego.Pozdrawiam ciepło

Lona said...

Giga: Nie mogłem wybrać tylko jedną gdybym albo. Wszyscy byli dla mnie piękna.

Landbohaven: Hello and Thank you for stopping by.

Sage Butterfly: I will get right on that. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the lilies are gorgeous! But I want that little cottage, it's adorable!


What a fun place. Total eye candy! And that cottage is magical.