Heat warnings are out all over the state here and it is steamy and hazy for certain. Monday evening we got four inches of rain in an hour and I thought the Hocking Hills Garden was going to wash into the valley below.I could almost picture the name change of the blog to the Hocking Valley Garden. LOL!
My son got the gutters and downspouts cleaned last week and just in time it would seem but even then they could not hold all of the rainwater which was overflowing and smashing flowers all around. The yard looked like a lake and water was running across the road out front. A lot did make it into the rain barrel and on into the overflow pipe to the cistern but I know so much was lost because it was coming to fast and running out of the top of the barrel.
With the heat index reaching 110 today I have decided to spend the day indoors the rest of the day. The humidity in the air this morning left me walking around the garden in a mist of fog.
The little Mimosa tree is blooming and the bees and butterflies are happy and active around it.
It is loaded with blooms this year. It is considered an invasive tree in many of the warmer states but here it has not proven to be so. There are one or two new sprouts every year but easily pulled up.
And to have these airy blooms in the garden are worth that much.
I noticed on my walk around this morning that the Crape Myrtle bush is starting to bloom. It limbs are sagging from the weight and the heavy rain we had.
This ‘Snow Princess’ white Stargazer lily in the Woodland bed surprised me with a late bloom. The string used as a deer deterrent kept it from hitting the ground in the storm.
The yellow Lantana is not drawing the pollinators like I thought it would. While the pink and red lantana are always full. Puzzling, but I love the cheery blooms so I will be adding it to the winter hold over’s in the basement in late fall.
The Becky Shasta daisies are going strong.
Crimson Bouquet floribunda rose is showing off another flush of blooms.
But the new Flamingo rose is drooping.
I found one bloom on the Summer Gloxinia Cheron grown from seeds in the middle bed.
Wirral Pride chrysanthemum was laying down before the storm so it is flat now. I am wondering if this one is going to be worth it to keep around for its pretty blooms. This is its first year so maybe I will wait to see.
Some varmint is eating holes in the Raspberry Truffle echinacea. I saw little caterpillars' on the white Bright Star echinacea leaves that grows nearby so maybe they were on it too.
Diana Clare Pulmonaria has grown in her big silver leaves now at the corner of the Shade Garden. Too bad the Caladium is not doing as well.
The Raspberry Wine monarda is doing its job.
Alypia ocomaculata – Eight Spotted Forester Moth
Thank You Cher for the Identification of the Moth!
This is a new little moth I spotted resting on the amaryllis that are soaking up the sunshine for the summer.
Everyone stay cool this week and take care out doors.
Happy Gardening,
This year seems to be challenging to all of us gardeners. From the heat to the drought and in areas too much rain and winds not to mention the tornados. Your blooms are still looking pretty. The Stargazer lily is stunning. Looks so pure. Mimosa don't even mention. They certainly are invasive here. I have one in the front yard and can't get rid of it - I've even poured round-up on it and it comes back. When I was a young girl I used to love the wispy-ness of the mimosa and loved picking the fluffy little flowers and giving to my mom.
I just came in from watering for 2 hours. I am so envious of your rain. We got enough the other day that it almost held down the dust. :) It's just awful the amount of water I am going through. Now I am going to hope I get some darn rain this weekend which is our next hopeful with only promises of scattered. Yes they seem to scatter everywhere but here.
Your photos are lovely. I love that Mimosa tree, very pretty. The Butterfly is not one afterall and is in fact an 8 Spotted Forester Moth. Found it on google. Hey Moths that pretty are welcome.
Cher Sunray Gardens
The ground in the Sandbox is so parched that if that much rain fell here it would just run off instead of seeping into the soil. We had a 15min shower last night that did nothing. Everything is just sulking and so not taking pictures. I think they would be ashamed. V
Sounds like another big storm heading your way. At least you won't have to water. Your flowers look so beautiful.
I love your first photo. Four inches of rain in one hour is a LOT of rain! I'm glad you didn't float away. You didn't mention any snakes so I'm assuming they haven't been bothering you. :) I love your Mimosa. What a cute butterfly. I don't know anything about it. Hopefully somebody will.
All your blooms are gorgeous! I really like the shots of your mimosa tree and its blossoms.
Sure hope the weather eases a bit there so you can venture outside again!
No idea on the butterfly ID, but it sure is pretty.
Lona, it is terrible here, close to 100 degrees. I am afraid I will have a fried garden even with watering twice today. I can't handle this type of heat, so I will be out early tomorrow trying to revive some of wilted plants. You photos look great, would hate you to see mine right now!
I don't care if it's steamy there, I want to sit on that bench next to that basket! What a great idea to arrange it that way!
Beautiful as always in your garden.
Glad you got rain, send it on down this way. My garden looks bad and we water every day.
You got four inches of rain on Monday? Save some for us here north of you! We get a half inch today, I'll take it. But the lawn is drying out. Yes, it's hot as blazes, but still much better than the snow.
Holy cow, four inches in an hour. We just don't get rain like that out here in Spokane, though we did when we lived in Iowa. Truly 'raining buckets'. And a heat index of 110, how smart of you to take a break and come inside ;-)
Becca: That makes about my third Mimosa tree. One I had to dig up when redoing some waterlines and another was too close to the garage and made a mess when the blooms fell. This one is way out away from everything.LOL!
Cher: Girl I wish you would have gotten some of that rain.Thanks for the name of the moth!
Valerie: I wish I could have sent some of that rain to those who need it so badly. Have a wonderful week!
Debby: Thant is exactly what I said "I won't have to water the garden". LOL!I would have had to if not for all of that rain.
Grace: It was a gully washer for sure. I was watching to see if any snakes got washed out. LOL!I never think about the things until I see one and then I am looking everywhere. LOL!
Eileen: It has been awful. I ran outdoors this morning looked around , swept the porch and sidewalk and flew back into the house.LOL! I am a wimp.
Cathy: Thanks. I have it in a shady spot and the breeze, if there is one, goes through there. Nice to set and watch the garden.
Patsy: I wish I could have sent some of it your way. Are you sure the run off didn't make it to your house? LOL!
Robin: I never seen so much rain all at once girl. It dumped on us again last night. I hope you got some of it this time.
VW: It is even worse here this morning. It is like breathing in a sauna out there. Have a wonderful week.
Not only do I envy your garden and it's glorious flowers but HOW I would love to have your camera. Maybe for Christmas? Thank you SO much for your very sweet comment on my post!
I think, if I could change anything here...it would be more rain...and I would gladly wash down into the valley below. I must remember to send you a poem I found in an old book of poetry about the house on the hillside and the one in the Valley...
Hello again, Lola! Thanks for stopping by my blog today :-)
Great post - you have some wonderful photos here too. Re plants I love those Mimosa tree flowers especially knowing bees and butterflies enjoy them :-)
A winter store room/basement for plants sounds a great idea. I guess that opens up opportunities to grow lots of tender plants – a huge plus for the gardener :-D
Plant favs here are the flowers of Raspberry truffle Echinacea even with its holes! For foliage I love the leaves of Diana Clare and finally what a very pretty Moth you have there.
We’ve been seeing many more moths this year but they are small light brown ones. Still nice to see :-)
Thanks, enjoy your weekend too. Hope it doesn’t get too hot for you – not a problem we have here at the moment :-)
Mona: I cannot wait to read it.Stay cool Hon.
Shirley: Thanks for dropping by.I have so many plants I drag into the basement ever Fall one more will not hurt.LOL! The Raspberry Truffle is really beautiful but looks better without the holes. LOL!
Lona, you always have beautiful blooms to show! I also like your mimosa tree. Mine died a couple of years ago. For us, it is a border plant.
Stay cool!
Beautiful post...even if the weather is miserable! That Mimosa is so stunning.
We have one Mimosa tree in our woods. My husband loves these trees, so woe be unto me if I cut it down. I worry about them popping up all over.
This heat sure makes for a steamy garden!
Lona, Your flowers seem to be holding up very well in the heat. The steamy heat finally arrived in Maine (but without any much-needed rain), and my plants look like they are panting in the heat. I finally broke down and watered all the main flower beds yesterday and today. -Jean
I think most of that rain went to the south and north of us. We only got a little bit.We need it bad.
I too love your mimosa. Someone gave me one about 3 years ago but I haven't had any blooms yet:( Maybe next year.
4" of rain in one hour, holy moly!! Your flowers look beautiful. I didn't realize that Mimosas were hardy that far north.
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