Monday, July 18, 2011

Whimsy From Lilyfest


I wanted to get in a final posting of the last of the pictures that were taken at  Lilyfest. So here is some of the whimsy and some of the other flowers that were there this year.

This week looks like it is going to be a scorcher so they may wish there was water in this old  tub instead of salvia.


Now you know what to do with those old shovels and besides it is going to be too hot this week to use them. They could also be there at the ready to dig up the invasive Gooseneck Loosestrife that is growing around them.


If real alliums will not grow for you or you just hate those yellowing leaves before the blooms come on, there is always the metal plant stake versions to stick in the beds.


If your tree bites the dust or the wind topples it just stick it in the ground upside down and plant flowers in the roots.

LF_0054 This Straw Lady was either trying to scare the critters away, stomping down  Mole tunnels, headed to Mardi Gras or has just about stepped onto the same snake as I did that week.

I think this horse needs a bigger head or a smaller rump.


And the feeding of a Parrot in the nude is not recommended.


The Butterflies were faster than I were that day or they were in a hurry to get to as many of the blooms as they could.


Maybe it had spotted the white blooms on the Bottle Brush tree that were so airy and lovely.

LF_0040 Or the yellow daisies that  were there sparkling in the sunshine.
There were many colors at  Lilyfest.


I like the color pink so the shades of pink in the Lady Baltimore hibiscus blooms were one my favorites.


Then there were also pink blooms in the Lotus pond

where pink and yellow Lotus blossoms reached towards the  sun.

If you are into blues in the garden then these Hydrangea’s would have grabbed your attention at the fest.



If not the blue hydrangea then maybe this purple one would suit you better.

LF_0089 A lighter shade of lavender in the Hosta blooms….


and the tall phlox.LF_0082


The reds of Jacob Cline monarda with the sunlight filtering through the trees.


The pinks and burgundies of the coleus growing in the shade.


If you are just prickly on Monday mornings (ahumm) then maybe you would have enjoyed the new Cactus bed they were starting to create.


But most went just to see the lilies.









Everyone stay safe this week with the heat advisory warnings that are out.

Happy Gardening,



Anonymous said...

The lilies are truly extraordinary, but I think my favorite might be of what to do with a tree that has toppled over.

Sunray Gardens said...

Some lovely plants there for you guys to see. The whimsey is always interesting. Sometimes I love something and other times I ask myself why. :)
Cher Sunray Gardens

PolkaDotGaloshes said...

What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your tour with us, its the next best thing to being there =) I think tour post are some of my faves love the pics!! I especially love the little metal allium so sweet and the bathtub full of blooms, not to mention your pics of the flowers are all stunning...Cheers Julia

Karen said...

Lona, LOL, Words to live by: Feeding Parakeets in the Nude is not Recommended.

And the shovels look like periscopes peeking up to see what's going on. Unfortunately, me and the horse have way too much in common and in the same areas, too.

We've been having one thunderstorm after another roll through here today, if I lose any trees, I'll have some instant urn stands...great idea!

There are so many wonderful ideas in this post, and I had such a good giggle. Thank you for the lift today!

Ginny said...

What delightful whimsy - and beautiful blooms!

Becca's Dirt said...

You stay safe and cool too. Love all those lilies. Feeding the bird naked? Dang. So many pretty blooms. I know you had a good time.

Bonita Jane said...

Love all your garden creatures! What a great idea for the shovels. And, as always, your flowers look marvelous!

Liz said...

Hi Lona,

Beautiful photos with so much to see :)

I've never had Daylilies before but I think you might just be tempting me to try some. I never see them here though... Perhaps I'll have to keep a better look out for them.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a wonderful event, full of beauty and whimsy. I'd have to say the flower that jumped out at me was that beautiful colored hibiscus. WOW! My favorite whimsy piece was the terra cotta nude in a chair feeding the parrot. It would be perfect down here in hot, humid s.e. FL.

Thank you for sharing this fun and lovely tour.



Beautiful blooms, Lona. I love the upside tree and shovels. Great ideas!

A Garden of Threads said...

Wow, fantastic garden. My lilies are just starting to bloom. Stay cool!!

Unknown said...

Fantastyczne fotki ,podobają mi się dziwaczne kompozycje i piękne liliowce ....pozdrawiam

Balisha said...

I see you still aren't complaining about the hot hot weather. I'm trying not to after the winter we had, but Lord it's hot.

myomyohi said...

Thanks for taking us along. Beautiful flowers, and loved the garden whimsy too.

Debby said...

Beautiful. I hope you are getting some of this rain tonight. I think it is all around us but not here. We need it. Stay cool this week.

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

I need those metal alliums!!! And that naked guy will look good in my garden! Maybe, he could scare away those cute bunnies that eat everything!!!

Gatsbys Gardens said...


What great garden art and blooms. I hate to think what all of our beauties are going to look like at the end of this scorcher!


The Sage Butterfly said...

Beautiful blooms...and so many of them! I really enjoyed all the creative displays.

Darla said...

I say, keep your clothes on in the gardens too! I also like the upside down tree.

Lori at Jarvis House said...

Turning a dead tree up side down and planting something in its roots is the single most amazing idea ever! The next tree that bites the dust will be resurrected for sure in this way!

Cathy and Steve said...

Lona, you brought chuckles to my day with this post. We could all use a little more whimsy and a little less seriousness in our lives! (Less invaseive loose-strife too!)

sweetbay said...

I love your daylily pictures. Gorgeous.

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Love the painted shovels. What fun...and the bathtub! Great conversation piece.