Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In The Garden

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and week so far.
I have been trying to post for a few days now but the Windows Live Writer and Blogger have been giving me problems on loading my postings. Love them when they work but I hate error messages and problems. LOL!

The cool down has been wonderful to get out into the garden once again without melting into a giant puddle. I got some irises and lilies planted the garden beds trimmed and cleaned out. All the while taking mental notes on what needs to be moved this fall. I had better hurry and write them down before I forget. LOL!

So into the garden as the sun is starting to go down I captured a few pictures.

As I am one who just tells it even warts and all, here is a failure in seeding this year that the remedy has thus far escaped me.


Darla at ‘More Family & Friends’ was so sweet to give me Bluebonnet seeds this spring, and well, gardeners this is my Bluebonnet harvest. Isn’t it a whopper? LOL! Poor pathetic little flower. It may be all of 4 inches tall. Sorry Darla but I will not give up and have saved a few seeds. I wonder if I should sow some this fall for next spring? If any of you gardeners have a sure fire method of growing lupines or bluebonnets from seed would you please tell me. As you can see I am failing miserably at this flower and need some tips.



There is not much in the way of new blooms here lately but some of the old  standby’s are getting a second wind.  This ‘Blue Hill’ Salvia after being cut back is throwing on some new growth and blooms.
Most of these pictures were shot in the evening shadows so they are not the best. Just another reminder  that the  days are getting shorter.



The Astrania Masterwort is finished now but I have enjoyed those silvery burgundy blooms.


Burgundy_Gaillardia Burgundy Gaillardia

The gaillardia’s are still blooming away in the garden. You have to love these plants for there constant blooming in the garden. This is one plant that you get your moneys worth from.

Mesa Yellow Gaillardia


Copy (2) of IMG_0027
A few Sweetpea’s are blooming on the trellis but this has not been the best year for them.


The ‘Vintage Rose’ Dianthus is still blooming here and there after a deadheading.

The Crape Myrtle is still blooming. It has gotten so large this year that it is rubbing against the garage so it will need a major pruning.

The roses are starting to get another flush of blooms and  ‘Easy Does It’ roses are blooming again.


Iceberg2_August  ‘Iceberg’ roses.


MordenBlush_August ‘Morden Blush’


NoraLeigh2 Variegated tall phlox ‘Nora Leigh’ is still looking beautiful.



Also tall phlox “Flower Power’ is finally blooming for the first time. This  new phlox has spindly stems and is laying down. I will give it another year to see what happens with it since this has been a bad year in the gardens. If it does the same thing next year it will be moved to the woodland bed where some of my rejects end up. It is suppose to get a tinge of pink in the blooms so we will see if it does with age. The spider likes it though.

JackinthePulpit_May26 JackPulpit_Berries
As I was cleaning some beds last week I saw the Jack in the Pulpit’s in the Woodland bed have gotten seed pods.

These little caterpillars  will grow up to be Black Swallowtail butterflies. They are starting at the bottom of my Butterfly weed plants and eating their way up the stems. This has been the second year for the Butterfly weed in the Woodland bed and it still has not gotten a chance to bloom. The caterpillars always strip it bare.

There are  anemones getting buds in the shady beds and a few are starting to open so there will be new color soon.
Everyone have a wonderful week.

Happy Gardening!




Darla said...

Beautiful flower photos...I laughed out loud at your bluebonnet, mine looked similar so now I feel better...:) I think they do need to be sown in the fall here. Hooray on your soon to be butterflies!

Sunray Gardens said...

Everything looks lovely. I can't believe you are growing a Crepe Myrtle. I wonder if it's because it gets some extra protection next to the garage. Love it.
Cher Sunray Gardens

tina said...

That last picture is amazing! I've never seen anything like it here in my garden. Wonderful seeing all those instars.

RURAL said...

There is such a beautiful light in all of your shots, was it during the golden hour?

I love the textures in the first shot, gorgeous.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Oh, I was reading that if you are having problems, try clearing your cache, and your cookies. This was going around a while ago.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Victoria Williams said...

I have that Nora Leigh phlox also and just love it. I agree, gaillardias are such great bloomers. That photo of your crape myrtle is just so pretty!


I was having trouble with Live Writer too and went back to Blogger's method which is greatly improved. Wow look at all those baby butterflies! You must feel proud to have so many. Your roses look wonderful. I love your shot of the Bluebonnet leaning into the Lamb's Ear. Even though this isn't what you'd hoped for, it's sure a pretty photo.

elaine said...

Considering your remark that there is nothing much in the garden at the moment - I think you are doing remarkably well. If I didn't have my container annuals, I wouldn't have hardly any colour at all. I think a little better late summer planning is required.

Patsy said...

I wondered what happen to you.
As always things are lovely in your beds, my white rose has not been doing very well this year. We had a good rain this morning and the flowers loved it. Your roses are so pretty.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Lona girl you are the first blog to have me comment from my new computer .. no longer a virgin !! haha
I'm glad you are getting the cooler weather too .. it has been such a nice break in the morning to open the deck doors and have fresh cool air flow in !
I am totally in love with your roses .. not that your other garden plants aren't beautiful too .. but those roses ! I hope to have a few more myself soon too.
Loved seeing all those "butterflies-in-the-making" !! there is a bit of an ugh factor but I just keep thinking butterflies!!
Joy : ) wink wink

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

Looks great Lona, I especially like your charming dianthus. They are rather addictive, aren't they?

Gatsbys Gardens said...


The roses and phlox are beautiful. I may have to squeeze in that Norah Leigh. My roses have been in the hospital for about six weeks and are trying to recover from the midge and the beetles. I am looking forward to a few good flushes of bloom before a frost.


Kit Aerie-el said...

Beautiful bloomers! The roses are gorgeous--the lighting superb! Wow, those are a LOT of caterpillars; incredible shot!

Cassy said...

Wow! Those are adorable flower photos. So lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Cassy from Beginner Free Guitar Lessons

greggo said...

nice post with great photos. crepe myrtles in ohio? interesting

Donna said...

Beautiful blooms and hoping to find some caterpillars this weekend....I have to get my notes going on changes too before I forget them as well...happy gardening...

Jennifer said...

Hi Jennifer@threedogsinagarden
Lona, Judging from the number of caterpillars, you are bound to have plenty of butterflies in the garden soon. Your roses in this post are beautiful. I wish that I had a few tips on the Blue Bonnets, but have never had great luck with lupins.

Jane Doe said...

As always, your flowers make me smile. I've never grown phlox, but 'Nora Leigh' is ever so lovely. Oh my goodness...wouldn't it be grand to see each one of those caterpillars emerge from their cocoons? What a show that would be.

Loving these cooler days, too!

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

Your rose collection is always a treat to see. Your Phlox is another one that I love seeing. The poor little least you got one!!! Maybe next year it will be larger.

VW said...

Ah, I'm a bit green with envy over your crepe myrtle. That's one plant I REALLY wish grew in my climate. And those caterpillars are amazing! Lots of butterflies to come.

Cathy and Steve said...

Lona, everything is lovely and your photographs are superb but I have to tell you, that variegated tall phlox stole my heart!

Kay said...

Your flower photos are very pretty. Thanks for stopping by my photoblog and leaving a comment. No, that is not a "crater" lake. Actually it is a man-made lake and reservoir. It is very pretty though and used for boating, skiing, etc.


Karen said...

Lona, what a crazy summer this has been, I have so many flowers that just never got off the ground (or out of the ground, lol) at all.

Your garden is as beautiful as ever, and just look at all the swallowtail butterflies you'll have flitting around! Wow.

I'm not ready for fall, I'm still surprised when it gets dark out earlier every night. So much to do and time is fleeting.

Love your garden, Lona, and if I'm ever in Ohio again, I'd make sure to ask for a tour!

The Sage Butterfly said...

I am envious of your butterfly larvae on the butterfly weed plant. I planted mine in the spring and still do not have any larvae, only aphids. Perhaps, it takes a while for them to find it. I do have them on my parsley, however. Your sweet pea photo is stunning.

pogonip said...

I wish my tall phlox would bloom someyear. They have sun, they have water, they just don't have flowers, alas. At least I can enjoy yours instead!

Stephanie said...

Oh everything is so sweet today. Your phox and roses are really pretty. Nice colours as well! But eerr... those caterpillars... scary looking.

Have a great weekend!

Sunita Mohan said...

Oh my goodness, Lona... with all those caterpillars packed so tight I thought that was some new kind of exotic plant! LOL!
I can never understand how how you always have such a variety of blooms every season. Amazing!