Friday, August 12, 2011

With a Little Help From My Friends

I started blogging in October of 2007 . It started because I was looking for something to pass my time for the the winter that was fast approaching. I am a sunshine person that dreads winter coming every year. Hey, after the first snow I am so over the whole thing.
Since I loved flower gardening I started looking for other gardeners that were blogging and sharing their gardens. They seemed few and far between then until I happened to run across one blog that had the Blotanical button on it. Following the link I found just what I had been looking for.
There is where I found many great and knowledgeable gardeners with giving hearts.
After blogging with them over the years I have become attached to them and consider many of them my friends though we have never met.  If they do not blog for a while I get to worrying about them and wondering what is happening.
When I have a down day they lift me up with encouragement and prayers. We all care about our blogging buddies and feel their hurts, losses and are ready with prayers in their times of hardships.
I appreciate you all so much and want to thank you for the years of enjoyment and your giving hearts.

Over the years these wonderful gardeners have shared their seeds and plants with me and I am thankful for every one.
Last year I started a ‘Friendship Garden’ where I plant the flowers from the seeds they have given to me.
To my horror I have not had all of those seeds germinate.
Yes, it really troubles me when this happens and I feel that I have let them down. But I realize that we all have those times when not all our seeds germinate like we want them to.
But when they do germinate and take hold I am always one relieved and happy gardener. LOL!

In the friendship garden are these beautiful pink hibiscus that are now blooming. The seeds were given to me from Dirt Princess (aka April, Bilbo’s Mom) at  “The Trials & Tribulations of a Southern Gardener” two years ago and now I have four of this beauties in different spots of the garden.
Thank you April!

Patsy from “ The Smith’s Bennie & Patsy” sent seeds from her Blackberry lilies and believe me I sweated bullets over getting this to germinate. LOL! Several of them are now growing in my test bed behind the Friendship garden and will be transplanted after they get big enough. She also gave me some Moonvine seeds.
My luck with getting this vine to grow had been zero in so many attempts that I had given up.But thankfully I got Patsy’s seeds to germinate and several vines are slowly growing in the garden. Pictures will be posted when they bloom.
Thank you Patsy & Bernie!

Ligularia_Othello Meanwhile some fellow Buckeye’s from (that blog that I could not pronounce its name) which meant , there is no horse too dead to beat, (that’s a mouth full and what does that really mean anyway? LOL!) which has now became “Pat & Jim’s Gardening Adventure”  (yeah!) generously sent some seeds from their beautiful Ligularia’s. I sowed the seeds in the woodland bed and they are growing  in several spots there now. They also sent some  Ligularia plants which I planted in my Shade bed and I am loving the yellow blooms at this time of the summer.

The pollinators are enjoying them too.
Thanks Pat & Jim!

Columbine_Purple_Margy Margy from “Vintage Gardens & Distressed Life”  sent Purple Columbine seeds and now I have a whole row coming up in the test bed that will be transplanted into the Friendship garden and other beds. I cannot wait to see them bloom next spring.
Thank you Margy!

Some other fellow Buckeye’s , Joe and Linda, from over at “My Quality Time” gave me several packets of seeds from their trip to Monticello. One of the packets was for these Dames Rockets that I just love to see blooming in the spring.
Thanks Joe & Linda!


Veronica Blue Ice now blooms in the Friendship bed from Catherine at “A Garden in Progress”. I am sorry about the bad picture but the blue flower spikes are beautiful.
Thanks Catherine!

From Darla at “More Family & Flowers” I now have Liatris or Gay Feathers blooming in the Friendship Garden.
These never came up last year and I was sick thinking they were goners. I was thrilled when they started coming up this year. (and relieved, LOL!)

Thank you Darla!

From Becca at “A Southern Garden” I have yellow Four O’clocks and zinnias growing in the garden. They were late getting planted because of our spring here and I am waiting on the blooms but they will get there. Pictures to follow.
Thanks Becca!


Foxgloves in the spring from Tatyana at “My Secret Garden”.
My regret was that I never got the Poppies to germinate.
Thanks Tatyana!


And from a very missed and loving gardener, Linda Kerr, who passed away three months ago plants from seeds she shared with me which are treasured now.

Rose Companion plants are now growing in the test bed and in other beds in my garden.


Thanks to you all for these flowers that are growing in my garden and never think that they and you are not appreciated.

Everyone Have a Wonderful Weekend
&Happy Gardening,



Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a great idea! I get the same feeling when seeds that a blogger sends me don't germinate, I feel like I failed them. (Like the brunnera seeds you sent me, so bummed) It's so neat that you'll have these flowers for years to come to remind you of so many people that share the same love of gardening that you do. So glad the Veronica germinated and is doing well for you! And I think of you every time I see the sweet garden fairy you so generously sent to my girls :)

Balisha said...

Hi Lona...What a sweet and from the heart post. I think that your friendship garden is so special.Thanks for sharing...Balisha

Darla said...

You are so welcome...! A friendship garden? Now that's an idea!

elaine said...

What a lovely post and a great idea to have a friendship garden, I too have a few plants that were given to me by friends which I treasure

Indie said...

Your friendship garden is such a beautiful idea. I have only recently found the garden blogging world, and I am immensely enjoying such a great community, since I do not have any friends that share my passion in gardening. It is so great to share some of the joy of everyone's growing gardens!

Lona said...

Catherine:I think some seeds are just out to get us. LOL! I am still kicking myself over the dahlias. LOL!

Balisha: I have came into contact with some great people through blogging that I would never have known otherwise so it can be a great medium.

Darla: I can hear the wheels a seining already girl. LOL!

Elaine: I treasure everyone and every seed that was sent to me so the Friendship garden was something special to me.

Indie: Hey if you ever need any seeds from any of my flowers feel free to ask. Thanks for dropping by!

Gatsbys Gardens said...

Lona, what a wonderful tribute. Don't you feel you could go to lunch and have a great time with all of these wonderful blogger friends?


Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I can see by the lovely plants in your friendship garden that you indeed have some wonderful friends. Many of the plants are ones growing in my own garden and I appreciate knowing that we are not so far apart in the zones. Have a great weekend. Valerie

Patsy said...

What a fun way to garden, glad I had seeds to send.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful garden idea. It is so meaningful and will be with you always. Great friends you have and I do recognize names and blogs. I did receive cosmo seeds from Donna at Gardens Eye View and they germinated, but the lousy wet spring did them in.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

What a lovely idea your friendship garden is. So many nice memories.

Rebecca @ In The Garden said...

What a wonderful idea, and a fun post. Beautiful blooms, and a touching tribute.

Jim Groble said...

Thank you so much for your kind remarks. I am thrilled that the ligularia plants bloomed this year. It is an exuberant plant so you will more net year. Pat and I are splitting hosta and collecting ligularia this fall, so give a yell for anything you want. Thanks again. Pat and Jim

Indie said...

Thank you so much for the offer, Lona! Ditto here, as well!

Adrienne Zwart said...

A friendship garden, what a marvelous idea!


What a wonderful post, Lona. Did you even think how cool it would be when you started blogging? We're all "friends" now and it is truly a blessing. Big hugs.

Lona said...

Eileen: Yes, I feel like I have known some of them forever and have not even saw them. LOL!

Valerie: Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend.

Patsy: I so appreciate the seeds you sent and will always treasure you and the plants.

GWGT: Don't you just hate it when that happens. So disappointing.I have had a few friends seeds not germinate or make it and it always disappoints me that I failed them in someway.

Nellie: I was out cleaning it up this morning and thinking of the ones who gave the seeds to me. :-)

Rebecca: It is something that I am going to enjoy adding to each year too. Have a great weekend.

Indie: You got it girl and thanks bunches.

Adrienne:People have been so generous so I wanted a special spot for them. You and the kiddos have a good weekend!

Pat & Jim: Is that a nice way to say they are invasive? LOL! I will not mind one bet because I love the blooms in this late summer. Thanks bunches.

Grace: I did not have the foggiest notion that I would run across so many nice people. By the way I got lucky with the hummingbird moth and caught it on the way out the door with my camera. LOL!

HolleyGarden said...

What a wonderful idea and a great way to remember all the friendships you have made. This is such a great hobby!

sweetbay said...

You've gotten a lot of beautiful flowers from your blogging friends. I miss Linda too.

Victoria Williams said...

What a great post. And good for you for getting most of those seeds to germinate! Not an easy task.

Debby said...

What a great idea of having a Blogger Friendship Garden. Your flowers are so beautiful. Here I am in Ohio and have no luck. I know I am not a gardener. How do you keep the deer away?
Beautiful photos.

The Sage Butterfly said...

What a wonderful tribute in words and plants to our garden blogger friends! I think it is a beautiful gesture to dedicate a part of your garden to the seeds gifted by them.

Unknown said...

How wonderful to have a friend garden. I am with you on winter, sun worshiping me cannot tolerate the clouds but here in the Seattle area we don't get snow to make it better (the snow is horrid here for accidents).
I've not seen white rose campion before, I have the pink and think that white would be fantastic next to it.

Annelie said...

Hi Lona,

What a beautiful header you have right now. I haven't blogged for over a month and I notice I have a whole lot of catching up to do. I am a bit surprised when fellow bloggers, like you, still remember me and haven't given up on me, despite the lack of activity. Thank you for your visits!

So, you are a sunshine person too? Winter can be a bit hard on me as well. Might be the lack of sun and color that brings us down.

How wonderful with a friendship garden. Nice to see the blogger friendships blooming.

I really enjoyed your post.



Autumn Belle said...

I like your friendship garden. It is very meaningful indeed!

Masha said...

Wonderful post! It is great to make friends through blogging. Your Friendship Garden looks lovely, such nice living memories.

Kerri said...

I love your idea of a friendship garden! Swapping seeds and plants is one of the great joys of garden blogging, isn't it? You've certainly had a lot of successes, but yes, I know how you feel when those "gift seeds" don't germinate.
I especially like the Veronica Blue Ice from Catherine and didn't realize it grows so easily from seed.
Yes, the friendships bonds between garden bloggers are amazing. It's such fun to find kindred spirits.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello :)

Jennifer said...

Lona, What a wonderful and touching post! I love the idea of a friendship garden that has grown literally out of the generosity of friends!

Cassy said...

Over the years, you have gained a lot of friends. That's nice to hear. Very inspiring story.

Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

What a wonderful idea and a wonderful tribute to all the sharing and kindness of the garden bloggers.