Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alcaypha wilkesiana “Tiki Firestorm ”


I have been digging back into the picture files and looking for some plants that I photographed this summer or fall but had not got around to showing when I ran across these pictures of some alcaypha’s that were growing in the trial beds at Franklin Park.

FPC_Acalypha_Tiki_Firestormalcaypha wilkesiana ‘Tiki Firestorm’

I have never grown alcaypha before since they are a tender tropical plant that stays hardy to 40 degrees but I love plants with great colors or variegations in the foliage.
The Tiki Firestorm was beautiful with its burgundy foliage with lighter coloring on the leaves edges.


From the family of Euphorbiaceae the plants reach 36 inches in height.

FPC_Acalypha_Tiki_Peach_Whirl ‘Tiki Peach Whirl’

The Tiki Peach Whirl has smaller leaves but the foliage is such a brilliant  peach color with darker spots on the leaves.   

FPC_Acalypha_Tropical_TempestTiki Tropical Tempest’

I think the Tiki Tropical Tempest was my favorite of the series with its creams and greens.
The plants were well branched and would be beautiful in mixed containers. There are  more in this series: Tiki Jungle Cloak, Tiki Lava Flow, Tiki Typhoon, Tahitian Halo and Island Sunrise.


Do you grow alcaypha in your garden or containers?
Have any of you ever tried to over winter them indoors?

Happy Gardening,


BernieH said...

We're very lucky here as Acalyphas grow outdoors and they are a very common sight in almost every garden. They've been a staple for tropical gardeners for generations and never fail to thrive no matter how extreme the conditions get. I have always had quite a few in every garden I've ever had, and just recently added 'Firestorm' to my garden here.

Balisha said...

I don't think that I have ever heard of them.That Tiki Peach Whirl is really pretty.

Gardening Under The Influence said...

I would love to grow those, but when my thermometer said 18 degrees this morning, I better find something else.

Jennifer said...

Hi Lona, Happy New Year! Hope that you had a great Christmas holiday. I am not familiar with alcaypha at all. It has great foliage! I especially like the ‘Tiki Tropical Tempest’.

Unknown said...

Never grown it, but love the look of it.


I keep wanting to say "alpaca" but wait...that's a fauna not a flora. :) I have never heard of this genus but my interest is definitely piqued. 'Peach Whirl' is my favorite. I love the shape of the leaves as well as that outstanding color. I'll be on the lookout for it. Thanks for sharing, Lona dear!

The Sage Butterfly said...

I have not grown it, but I like to admire its beauty. The curly variety is so interesting.

greggo said...

really like you photo header btw.

Anonymous said...

Lona, I am not familiar with it so no help on over wintering it here.

Sunray Gardens said...

The Tiki plants are really pretty. I love the plants that have great foliage. Unfortunately too many are annuals for us.
Cher Sunray Gardens

Jean Campbell said...

It looks like something I should try.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Tiki Tropical Tempest is beautiful! I'll have to look for it this year.