Sunday, May 20, 2012

In Bloom Today

Spring weather has given way right into summer temperatures here
in the hills and it is just lovely outdoors.
In the garden the following flowers have started to bloom.

Iris ‘ Mystic’s Muse’

Iris_Chariots_Of_Fire Iris ‘Chariots of Fire’

and Iris ‘Diamond Lake’ is still blooming.

Campanula ‘Blue Waterfall’ is getting prettier every day and spreading.

and the blooming onions, ‘Mount Everest’ alliums are in full bloom.

The Foxgloves are opening their buds now.

Foxglove Alba

Gaillardia_Mesa ‘Mesa Yellow’ Gaillardia

Geranium ‘Rozanne’

Heuchera ‘Amethyst Mist’

Heuchera_Palace_Purple Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’

The first lily to bloom this spring is ‘Lolypop’

Rose_Garden4_May19 But it is the Rose Garden that is stealing the show now.








The variegated Weigela bush is still blooming away. The Grand-Daddy Longlegs is exploring it.

Everyone enjoy your gardens,



RURAL said...

Oh my roses already? Where on earth?

And they are soooo lovely.

BTW, you take the very best Iris photos of anyone I know.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

elaine said...

I don't know how you remember all the names of the plants in your garden - as soon as I buy any the name goes straight out of my head.

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

Wow those roses look spectacular Lona - and such lovely colours growing together aswell.

I have to say that my favourite is that very showy apricot Iris.

Egretta Wells blog said...

Your flowers are just so beautiful! The iris really captured my heart and I am almost ready to move to your zone!!None of those beauties have I seen in Florida!

BernieH said...

Lovely blooms once again. Your Rose Garden is definitely stealing the show! It's looking fabulous. Loving 'Lolypop' too!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Beautiful, beautiful photo's of your home and garden. I am going to copy the side of your home a bit...putting in trellis' and climbers ..but not sure exactly what, except I cannot put in roses. NOT half enough sun! nice here...comfy! :)

RobinL said...

So much beauty Lona! Your roses are incredible! Mine are rather spindly this year, I hope they are not succcumbing to rose rosette disease like the one I dug out today! Yikes. What a disaster that would be. The flowers you were wondering about in my arbor garden are the tall ribbon mix snapdragons I planted last spring. They overwintered so beautifully, don't you think? I planted a full flat more today.

Floridagirl said...

What a beautiful parade of colors your spring garden is! Love the rose beds! I love visiting your page to see the sort of stuff I grew in my old garden. It was always exciting to see the Heucheras and foxgloves appear.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I wish we could "like" people's comments here. I agree with them, and I am not good at remembering the varieties of plants, either. I think I have that alba foxglove. I sure like it!

Your place is looking so beautiful! Yes, the roses are putting on quite a show!

Anonymous said...

You have SO many beautiful iris Lona. I just broke down & bought 'Beverly Sills' which looks a lot like your 'Mystic Muse.' 'Chariots of Fire' is stunning, love the color combo.
The roses are starting here too but I don't have nearly as many as you!
Have a good week Lona.

Serenity Cove said...

Your flowers from the last week or two are just beautiful!! The Irises are so pretty and the Roses just stunning!!
I'm trying to catch up with everyone's blogs. I'm impressed how you keep your's updated. Seems like I just can't stay ahead of everything right now.

Nadezda said...

Lona, so the summer began! I love your white roses, here mine are the most difficult in growing. Also I loved your white campanula. Happy summer!

Southern Lady said...

Beautiful garden and pictures, Lona. I especially love the "Easy Does It" rose in your previous post. It's absolutely exquisite!

scottweberpdx said...

Beautiful blooms, all of them...You are at least a week or two ahead of us, bloom-wise.

HolleyGarden said...

Beautiful blooms, but oh, yes, I think the rose garden is stealing the show, too! Very pretty.

myomyohi said...

Hi Lona,
As always your flowers are both beautiful and inspiring. The roses are blooming here too, the iris, wisteria, delphiniums and the bee balm looks like it will probably bloom this week. I finaly planted the garden this weekend, a little late, but at least its finally in the ground.

Balisha said...

Oh my goodness...just look at those iris....and your rose garden is spectacular. How do you even go inside with all that beauty around you?

Stephanie said...

The Geranium 'Rozanne' , 'Lolypop' lily and the row of roses are so lovely. Your plants are looking happy ;-D