Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fickle April

Fickle,unreliable April is living up to everyone's idea of it.
I for one would love to see just one perfect Spring, when
the newly blooming flowers and flowering trees can just
bloom and finish their cycle without the fear of frost, snow
flurries or another freeze to burn their blooms and render
them brown and ugly.

Oh, Beautiful Ohio, we hope your flowers are getting use
to the fickle Spring season's that are beginning to be the
norm. Thankfully this cold spurt will not last but a day or two.
So we will cover and bring some of our seedlings back into the
house. Do I cover my portable greenhouse? This is my first
year with the mini greenhouse and though it started seedlings
very well, now I am losing seedlings as I try to harden them off.
Poor things having to deal with my learning attempts. So I will
try to rescue them from the coming freeze predicted for tonight.

Some hardy perennials such as the ground Phlox, Creeping Myrtle,
Iris, and Tulips will snap out of it but the Lilac's and Fruit trees will
suffer because of it. Last year a late freeze ruined all of the hydrangea's
from blooming all Summer. I can only hope the freeze tonight will
not ruin them again for this years' blooms.

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