I have been blogging for a couple of years now
and one of the things that impresses me the most
is the friendships that spring forth and grow from it.
Yes, there are always those that come and go.
Others that you have written to may just come up missing
from the blog world and you wonder what happened to them.
Are they having troubles at home or just giving up blogging
or are they perhaps having health issues and are sick.
With some we may never know the answer but then there
are those few you feel that even if you may never meet them in person you just feel a connection and a genuine friendship for
that stretches across the miles.
Kylee over at ‘Our Little Acre’ has a posting about just such
a friendship that has sprung up through blogging.
She tells getting to know and meeting her blogging and twitting
friend and how now that friend is ill and needs our prayers.
Right away even if I did not personally know her friend or
even visited her blog you offer a prayers and encouragement
for them that reaches across the miles.
If the only good that came of this thing called blogging
it may be to reach out with friendship, hearts and prayers to
our fellow men and women. Even if you do not pray it still
touches your heart and you feel for another.
There have been many bloggers that I have come to feel
a real friendship for and I would surely miss them if they
were not here. That I so appreciate their friendship, giving
hearts, their prayers and concern for what touches my life.
I want to thank you all for reaching across the miles.
Everyone Think Spring!
I agree!! In the past it was chatting that I met many wonderful people!
The Maxine is so true!!! I had that happen at work the other day! Came out and it was all over my car!!!!
I just started blogging one month ago, after reading blogs for two months... and I couln't agree more:-)
The very reason that I started blogging, was that I wanted to be a part of that warm and friendly feeling... And now I am, and it's a wonderful experience to make new friends this way. And I really feel that some of us connect in a special way:-)
Greetings from H. and thank you for bringing this up! So important to try to reach out every day!!
Isn't it neat the friendships that are made?! I had no idea that I would get to know people and consider them friends, and as you say without ever meeting them in person.
You are definitely one I consider a friend :)
I have been following the news about Kylee's friend and was just amazed at how many bloggers are behind her with their thoughts and or prayers.
Cindee; LOL! Isn't that Maxine column a hoot sometimes. Loved the Lawn mower guy. LOL!
Hillevissan; Hi! I started out just trying to add here and there and suddenly you just meet a few who just touch you. There is no way a person can stay impersonal or aloof for long.Too many great people in the world. ;-)
Catherine; I know girl it is amazing and wonderful. You have become a wonderful friend and I am so glad.
You are one of the few that laughs at my jokes and stories.How could I not like you.
What a beautiful post Lona, I also consider so many of you to be true friends, even though we haven't met. I really hope to meet some of my blogging friends one day, particularly those who are not terribly far away geographically. I hadn't expected this welcome and valued aspect of blogging, I had only been looking for information on certain plants and how to improve my garden. Great post! :)
PS. I laughed when I read your post over at Noelle's blog, I am also terribly mixed up due to the blotanical problems, I hope it gets better soon. :)
Lona, this is a beautiful post and complements all the other posts out there about Katie. So true about how we are able to make friends across the miles, drawn together by a common interest. I would never have known YOU if it weren't for the internet, and I'm glad I do. :-)
Thanks for sharing about Katie - the more prayers, the better. She seems to be making a tiny bit of progress as I type this.
Enjoyed your post, Lona. I think Blotanical has brought together a lot of gardeners. Not only a way of sharing our gardens but also our support, as well.
Also, I am enjoying getting to know you. :)
I have been blogging for some time now and I miss and wonder about bloggers if they disappear because they have become a friend.
It is so nice to be able to share knowledge, fun ideas and friendship via the blogging world. It is also wonderful to actually meet some of our fellow bloggers, as I have.
I have said that the people I meet in the blogging world are my electronic penpals. I think this has been such a great vehicle to get to know so many wonderful people. :-)
So true!
I love how blogging has let me reach out to other kindred spirits, whether they be gardeners, crafters, dog lovers--friends all.
Dear Lona, thanks for sharing your thoughts on friedship here! Even when we are miles apart, I am glad that I have the opportunity to learn about you and your garden from the many posts that you have written (thanks!). I am still learning how to build friendship via the net better. But if there is a prayer request, I would definitely take it seriously ;-)
I agree entirely about the friendships.
I've been following the #fightKatie too.
Have you seen this Lona?
Garden Bloggers Rally around one of their own
that Maxine pic is so true!!!!!
I feel the same way...online friendships are really special and people are there for you when you need them. I love my comments.
That's a beautiful amaryliss...Mine are still sending up buds.Mine have already bloomed but now I have 4 flower buds starting.
Brought a smile to my face this Monday morning... Thank you
Thank you for keeping up with new and old friends.. I am so glad to find you..
I love your pictures.
Joe: Hi you two. When are you heading for the Home and Garden Show? Hope you have a great time.
Balisha: There are so many just nice a talented people I have met on blogs and you are one of them. Poetry just flows in your veins lady. ;-)
LeavesinBloom: No, I hadn't seen this site. Thanks I will have to check it out.
Stephanie: It is a must that you let people know how you feel about them. One day you are here and one day your not.I have so enjoyed your postings and getting to know you too.
Pogonip: That is true I believe that some people are just meant to connect in this life even if it is for reasons we may not understand snow.Kindred spirits as you say.
Janet: Electronic pen pals is a good description Janet.Where can you meet and talk to so many people from all over the world. It still boggles my mind that I can see gardens and friends from Malaysia, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, etc. What fun.
Keewee: There is such a well of knowledge through this garden blogging. So many talented and giving people.
Rebecca: Since Blotanical is still being redone it is a mess to keep up with the garden bloggers on it so I have been slowly adding many to my Google reader. Much easier for the present anyway until Blotanical is fixed.
Patsy: I know girl. When you do not hear from or see a posting after a while you really start wondering about them.
Amy; Blotanical was such an important creation. When I started blogging I could not find very many gardeners at all just by a search engine.It has been so fun to read your posts and get to discover the person you are.
Darla: Double Amen Girl! LOL! Is the Blue bird still trying to chase away the bird in your truck mirror. That was such a cute posting. LOL!
Kylee; That is good news that she is turning and a little better. We will keep up the prayers.
JIm; What can I say fella I am a sucker for a great prank. LOL! Easy too. LOL!
Laughter makes the heart lighter Jim. Thank you.
It is remarkable, isn't it? How many close friendships we develop all because of the blogging. I wouldn't trade it for the world...
When I think that just over 6 months ago, before starting my blog, I did not know anyone in the garden blogging world - it is incomprehensible. My life would be much more empty without many of my fellow blogger 'friends'. I do wonder what has happened to a few who have dropped of the map, so to speak.
I loved your post. I too feel as if I have made "friends across the miles." I've even had some readers telephone me! And I hope to meet on Blotanical friend in April, at the local Spring Gardening Festival - we realize we only live a few counties away from each other. Amazing.
Hi Lona, while I am pretty new at blogging and blotanical, I too am amazed at the kind, gentle friends I am making - Thanks for a very nice post - Gloria
Amen to all you've said. And you are one of the premier garden bloggers to drop in with something friendly to say "over the fence".
You really area a dear, Lona.
Kate: I have so enjoyed getting to know you. Love your primroses girl! Wow! I need a miniature rose LOL! Color, Color.
Hi Debbie; I see you have made it through this bad winter too. Hope the horses fared well too. Ugh.Too long.
Noelle: So many great gardening heroes out there. They have been so good and king in their help. I need all the lessons you can give on this pruning thing. LOL!
Jeanne: That is so great that you are going to meet some blogging buddies. You are an example of what I was trying to convey about reaching across the miles.
Gloria: You have joined a fine group of people. We will enjoy getting to know you.
Ilona; You have been a well of information my friend. I appreciate you.
Lona, your post was wonderful. I have gotten to the point where if I don't see a new post for a week or so from someone ii follow, I start to wonder if everything is OK. I feel remiss when I don't visit bloggers I read regularly. I consider you all my friends. jim
So true Lona. It seems funny too since many of us have never met ~ how does that connection happen? A common interest I guess?? It's the wonderful part of blogging tho, no doubt about it.
Is that Amaryllis 'Charisma' in your photos? Sure looks like it. She's one of my favorites. Your pictures are terrific.
Happy March ~ I hope it comes in and goes out like a lamb for you.
I hope you consider me one of your blogging friends Lona! Enjoy that Home and Garden show on Friday, it's a good one, as usual! I'm so glad you are taking in the FPC before hand. You won't regret it. I guess I'm lucky, my Kroger and Meijer grocery stores both carry lots of lovely growing things. I just had to try stocks again, they are called 10 week stocks, so maybe they'll bloom quicker!
Hi Lona girl, What a sweet, heartfelt post. You definitely feel like a kindred spirit. You love gardening and you've got a sense of humor. These two things alone make you a really awesome person.
Funny, just this morning as hubby was leaving for work I noticed a rather large smattering of bird poo on the side of his car. Apparently he was parked under a nest. Yep. Spring is in the air.
That is exactly the topic I intend to present to the Master Gardener interns I am taking classes with! I find it amazing. I may need to check out Kylee's blog as well! Hopefully I can post my presenation to my blog when it is done.
Hi Colleen. I think that would be a wonderful topic for your class. When you graduate will you help with all of those botanical names. LOL! I am lucky to remember the common names. I think it would be fun to take classes though.
Grace girl we can wink and laugh with the best of them. LOL!We would hit it off I just know.
Whoops! That stuff will strip the paint right off of your car. LOL!
Hi Kathleen; I guess I should have stuck the name of the Amaryllis somewhere on the posting. You are right it is Charisma, My last amaryllis. ;( Everyone else will probably be glad though LOL!
Jim; We Buckeyes have to stick together Jim. ;-)
Hi Robin. You are definitely one of my buds. LOL!Who can tease you more than me anyway. The BIG city just has more of a variety than our small Kroger's. I may have to check out the Meijer in Lancaster when ever I am in town. Girl I am counting down the days until Friday. I am so excited!
I missed this post originally, Lona, and am tracking back via Blotanical (yay!) It's lovely and heartfelt and I totally agree with you about the wonders of blogging. I consider this medium to be like one great big kitchen table where people drop in for a bit, have a coffee or juice, chat back and forth, then go on about their days. Heartfelt wishes for Katie's quick recovery, too. #fightkatie!
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