Now what is up with this bulb? It seems that
my experience with amaryllis have been sort of
hit and miss this winter.Mixed up bulbs and now
this little bulb puts out a deformed bloom.
When the stem started coming up it was all
bent over and funky looking so I kept it turned
to the light hoping it would straighten up but
knowing it was not probably going to happen.
Then when the blooms started coming out on
the bent five inch stem I knew it was one messed
up amaryllis.
So meet amaryllis Grand Cru.
It is a beautiful deep red bloom and would have
been a beauty fully grown but maybe next year.
I have one more amaryllis yet to bloom for
this winter and my fingers are crossed to see
what surprise is yet to be unfolding after the
mix ups they have dealt me so far.
One of the Gloxinia's is blooming now but
the blooms this year are spindly and the red
one decided to die on me so all I have is this
not so lovely spindly one.
In fact it is a pretty ugly bloom. I have sowed
some mixed seeds to grow more so maybe they
will be prettier. They are suppose to have double blooms.
A major winter storm is hitting us as I am
posting this. Sleet is falling and is almost a
half inch thick with 6 to 8 inches of snow to
follow. Then Tuesday of next week another
storm is suppose to hit us so winter is
going to hang on with a vengeance.
Maybe it will be winter's last hurrah's.
One can hope anyway.
Today is also Fertilizer Friday so join us
with Tootsie over at Tootsie Time and
Flaunt those Flowers!
Thanks Tootsie for the fun contest you
sponsored for the beautiful garden sign.
I was so excited and thrilled to be the winner!
It will go into the friendship garden bed I
am planning to make this spring.
Every time I see it I will think of you.
Visit Tootsie and look at all of the Flowers!
Also everyone visit ' Hopalong Hollow Gazette '.
It is a new blog to Blotanical and the illustrations
and drawings will just blow you away.
Visit with the talented Jeri Landers.
She is also in the process of building
Mamseys potting shed.
Happy Gardening Everyone !
What strange growth! The gloxinia bloom is certainly interesting.
We are getting snow/rained on today too.
The amaryllis still made a lovely photo. I guess that bad old storm will be here soon. Take care,
hugs on a cold winter day.
Now that is a strange amaryllis bloom. Love that gloxinia.
Can't believe you are having another bout of snowy weather, with more to come next week.
It is gray, and has been sprinkling off and of this morning.
Don't you just love Jeri's illustrations, and her real life critters are so cute. Her farm and gardens are a real treat.
Have a lovely indoor weekend. I've got a pot of curried split pea soup simmering and it smells so yummy.
First off - your blog header is just stunning! Wow! And I enjoyed all the close ups of the flowers you posted - simply beautiful!
Your Gloxinia is so pretty and I like that your Amaryllis is trying...maybe next year it will have got the hang of blooming? I hope you weather the storms that are coming your way :^)
I kind of like that Glox! It's cool in a weird way. Too bad about the mutant amaryllis -- I get those every once in awhile, too. :(
Well although they might not be perfect, they are pretty nonetheless. Nice pics!
I'm making the rounds on Fertilizer Friday, and I thought I'd pay you a visit. It's snowing here in Virginia, too ... stay warm. (love the red roses in your banner)
... Connie
Yikes! I don't know what to tell you about your amaryllis...a bad batch? I hope someone will come along with words of encouragement for you. As for the weather, nw Ohio is overcast and windy, but nothing happening yet. I did hear this storm is doing it's nasty deed south of us.
Stay warm and cozy tonight!
how exciting the plants are just coming into being and spring is in the air, pretty amarillus blooms in your garden today and i love the macro shots too... happy fertilizer friday and the weekend to you.
Your poor Amaryllis. At least it did give you a bloom at all, and it's a very pretty color.
Hope this is winter's way of saying good bye to you and that spring is just around the corner.
I've seen Hopalong Hollow and I loved it, her art is just amazing.
Well don't you get the most interesting blooms from your bulbs??? Very pretty red!
This just hasn't been your year for amaryllis! My Minerva just bloomed, but I haven't taken it's picture yet. How do you like all this snow? I worked all day today while the snow came down, and the store was practically empty! I don't think you gloxinia is ugly at all. I've never seen them, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled. Do you put it outside in the summer?
Goodness. You have had a time with the amaryllis this year Lona. I wonder what is up with this one??? I've never seen that happen. The color is gorgeous tho.
Do you mean to say you grew this Gloxinia from seed??? I'm way impressed if so. I never thought to try that. I always buy them then have zero luck keeping them going (not sure why ~ it's kind of like an amaryllis isn't it??)
Anyway, I like it ~ the spots/speckles are really neat.
I hope you stay warm and safe with this latest storm. I just talked to my Aunt in Maryland and she has no heat. It's very worrisome.
SCORE !! I love that sign, Lona. How cool is that?
More snow? Yes I saw the news tonight and they said you'll be getting hammered.
It's the Charlie Brown of Amaryllises? Cute and lovable, if not a little odd.
I like the coloring on the Gloxina blossom.
I love that sign, how very welcoming! :)
I guess if people can be "special" so can plants! right?
It is very different isn't it?
pretty tho none the less...
I am so glad that the sign is going to your house...what a better place than to a flower nut like me to share a sign so fitting!
have a great weekend friend....thanks for linking in!
What is up with the fact that you just won my give-a-way too!!
That's one crazy amaryllis. I wonder if it will come back next year and be "normal" It will be interesting to watch.
Oh yeah, I need to know what zone you are in...please.
Well this is something new. I really did answer all of your comments but they are just floating out there in cyber world somewhere. It could be because of the storm. The electricity keeps trying to go out on us so who knows. I won't blame Blogger this time. LOL!
Michelle: Really strange isn't it. Hope it does better next time.
Patsy: Hope you did not get slammed too bad with that old white stuff.
FlowerLady: I just thought Jeri's illustrations were so beautiful. Any kid would love them, we big kids too.LOL!
Noelle: I hope it does better next year too. The storm really slammed us but not as bad as some others out there.
Catherine: Aren't they the sweetest drawings. I loved them.
Darla: My bulbs have a mind of their own and it must be warped. LOL!
Shelly: Thank you and thanks for dropping by.
Kate: Strange but true. ;-)
Maureen: Thanks so much and thanks for dropping by:
Connie: I fear you well get more snow than us. Thanks for dropping by.
T: Are you snowed in yet girl? LOL!
Robin: The Glox dies back and goes dormant and I stick it in the basement over the summer and then bring it back out in the Fall. Can't wait to see your amaryllis.
Kathleen: I got lucky and grew two from seed a year ago. I am trying it again this winter.
Grace: Good one. Maybe it is a Charlie Brown Amaryllis. LOL!
Rebecca: Isn't it a beaut girl. I just love the new sign.
Tootsie:I am just going to love the new sign.
Noel: Aloha, and thank you. I would rather be in Hawaii today. Too mush of that old white stuff here.
Darla: You have got to be kidding me. I won again! I better not leave the house my luck may run out if it is used all at one time. Thank You! I am so excited girl!
Everyone Have a Great Weekend and stay safe!!
Your photos area wonderful! You must have a sort of mutant amaryllis. I don't have any this year. Starting to regret that fact.
Great photos of some intricate flowers.. Pretty good storm we had roads aren't to bad now. Side streets still covered. Stay warm
Lona, What a a nice surprise to be featured on your page, thanks a bunch! Jeri
Lona, it is good to here you have weathered the storm. keep safe and warm. jim
Watch this amaryllis closely when the bloom fades. If it puts out deformed foliage as well, it could be diseased.
If the foliage is good, the bud may have been damaged in some way and the bulb can be salvaged to bloom another season. I hope so.
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