Sunday, May 23, 2010


This seemed to be the week for awards
and I am honored to be thought of and humbled.

Jeannie over at Jeannie’s Fairy Rose Louisiana Garden
has bestowed the ‘I Love Your Blog’ award.
Coming from her beautiful blog of roses it is an honor.
Thank you Jeannie!


Passing it on to just few blogs is going to be a
challenge for me because there are just so many of them
that would leave this blog and garden in the dust.
Some bloggers choose not to accept awards or meme’s so no
one is under any obligation to accept any award or pass it on.
I could just say go to my blog list and they are all my favorites.
Having said that I will list some I enjoy with their charm,
wit and beautiful gardens.

Robin at Life in Robin’s Nest has become a dear Ohio
blogging friend and we have shared wins and defeats
together in this thing called gardening and have been able
to laugh through it all. She has garden beds to dream of.

Balisha at Never Enough Time not only is a fantastic
gardener but this lady is a survivor, poet, and the most
giving person. The talents and giving hearts of her and
husband Joe humble me.

Grace at Gardening With Grace always gives me a lift
just to visit her beautiful garden and wonderful stories.
She has this passion for pink as you will learn, and we
have a common enjoyment of garden decor and humor.
Besides anyone who can remember all those Latin flower
names needs kudos from someone like me who barely
can speaks English. LOL!

Lynn at Flower Gardening has flower beds that I am so
envious of and always leaves me star struck with their
beauty every time I visit her blog. If that wasn’t bad enough
this lady is a teacher, witty, and the most artistic person.
Okay I admit I am totally jealous. LOL!

Catherine at A Garden in Progress has a way with flowers
that I only wish I had. She has become a blogging friend
that I am thankful for. Thoughtful, talented, nurse, Mommy
and she knows those Latin names too. LOL! What is up with
you and Grace girl. Gee whiz.

April at Trials Tribulations of a Southern Gardener. She
is another talented lady. We share some of the same
experiences in gardening, life and even in hunting.
Who could not like the gardener who came up with Bilbo
the Traveling Garden Gnome. Girl I had so much fun with
that little gnome and gave an outlet for my silly side. LOL!


I am combining the two awards in one posting so please
bear with me.

Also this week I was awarded the ‘Life Is Good’
award from Bren over at BGgarden. Girl I am honored
that it is coming from you, a fellow Buckeye and one lovely
lady. She roams her gardens and greenhouse with camera in
hand to give us her knowledge and artistic flair in gardening.
Thanks Bren!!



As part of this award I answer the six questions that Bren
has posed and then create six of my own questions and
nominate six people for the award.

1. My favorite flower and why is a hard one for me
because I have so many favorites. I think the one with
the most memories for me though are hollyhocks and
hibiscus (See I cannot do one Bren). They both bring memories
of my grandmother and making dolls from the blooms when I
was little on her front porch.

2. I got involved in gardening as a child. Around here we
all had to garden to survive or go hungry. So I have grown
gardens and canned and frozen all my life but the growing
of veggies has waned and flower gardening has taken its
place. Much more so since I am at home now all of the time
and it has become one of my hobbies.

3. What makes my day really special? Love of family
of course. And every day is special now because I feel
more content with my life and where I am going.
Maybe that is a coming of age thing or a peace with God.
The older I get the more I do not take everyday for granted
but am thankful for it.

4. What I do for the birds who visit my garden is to make
sure they have food, nectar and water all year long.
I have put up houses and leave strands of items for nest
making. Also I grow plants and flowers that they can eat
from and use.

5. The thing I really love to do besides gardening of course
is (here again I cannot name one) spending time with my
daughter hiking, shopping or anything. My other passion
is genealogy, I guess it is the filling in of the missing puzzles
and the hunt.LOL!

6. Give one art/writing tip to readers. Ugh, this one is hard.
I guess it is be yourself and do not get caught up in the having
what the Jones’s have syndrome when writing or reading.
(Sorry to any Jones’s out there it is a saying and not personal. LOL!)
Life never, ever turns out the way you dreamed it would or
the way you wanted it to. And….
We all were or are beginners and have been there and we
may never have that English Manor or Historical garden
or best selling novel.
Just Be Real! That is why I show the silly and warty sides
of myself and my gardening. Here you all thought I was a total
gluts' and killer of plants. Hey, now all the time, I promise.
I am not all so serious that I get my panties in a bunch over people
or life. Some people understand me and some do not.
So have fun with your writing and enjoy it.

Now my turn!!!!

My nominations are: First, Patsy of The Smith’s Bennie & Patsy;
Second, Raingardener of Gardening By Trail and Error ; Third,
Darla of More Family and Friends ; Fourth, Jeannie of
Jennie’s Fairy Rose Louisiana Garden ; Fifth, Eileen of
Gatsbys Gardens and Sixth, Rebecca of In The Garden .

Now my questions for you six are… (insert evil hissing)
Just kidding!!.
Answer the following questions and show pictures if you wish.

1. What makes Life Good for you?
2. What is your favorite pass time or hobby other than gardening?
3. What was your worst gardening experience or disaster?
4. What is your favorite flower (show picture) and why?
5. Where is the one place you would love to visit and why?
6. What flower or nature picture is your favorite and show it?

Thanks Jeannie and Bren again for the awards.
But this was all too much for my brain at one setting. LOL!

Happy Gardening Everyone & Good Luck!!

Until Next Time,


Debbies Doodle said...

congratulations.. you have the greatest gardened blog..

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

Congratulations Lona on your awards! Your blog is a real treat and inspiration. Happy gardening and blogging to you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Lona. Well deserved awards. I always enjoy looking at what you've got to offer us each week. Your blog is a real inspiration to me.

A Garden of Threads said...

Best Wishes, I think you have a great gardening blog and are a real inspiration for me.

Jeannie B. said...

Hi Lona, Thank you. I like the rainbow!! Will be working on a post!!

Patsy said...

Congratulations on your awards and I will think about the answers for the award you passed on to me. Thank you, Patsy

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

I love your blog and I'm so glad to have gotten to know you. Your blog always brings a smile to my face! I enjoyed learning more about you. No wonder you're such a talented gardener growing up doing it.
Thank you for thinking of me :) Believe me I have to look up lots of those Latin names, unlike Grace who probably knows them all by heart :)

Anonymous said...

It's always nice reading the answers to the questions and getting to know someone just a little bit better.
I enjoy coming to your blog - always interesting and great pictures. I feel honored that you picked me but don't know if I can answer all of the questions, like favorite flower. I'll have to think on them for a bit.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Those awared/memes make us feel like we know you better.

Your answers were very interesting. LOL, I don't know anyone who could choose ONE favorite flower:)

I'm really into genealogy too. I was obsessed with it for years until I kept hitting the wall. Now I'm more casual about it.

Noelle Johnson said...

Congratulations on your awards :-) I enjoy my visits to your garden.

Guess what? I love genealogy too!

Balisha said...

Congratulations on the awards. They are well deserved. Visit my blog to read about my thanks and then my picks.Balisha

Jane Doe said...

It's always fun to find out the bits and pieces of others that we might not know by just reading a blog. You do have a wonderful blog! Congratulations!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You certainly choose some wonderful ladies to bestow your admiration on. Balisha being one of my favorite ones as well. Good for you! :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your collage of roses is simply astounding.

Anonymous said...

You, my dear are very well deserving of both awards! I love your self-deprecating humor and interesting gardening adventures and your great photos.

Just be real is the best advice. Life is too short to be caught up in trying to impress people. And being ourselves is the only way to weed [pun intended] out the phony friends from the true friends gems.

Thank you for your kind words. I consider you a true gem!