Thursday, August 21, 2008

Osteospermum "Soprano Purple"

Purple is one of my favorite colors so this Osteospermum
"Saprano Purple" is a favorite that adds a punch to some
of the containers around in the yard. I love it with
the purple potato vine and Argyranthemum "Maderia Pink".

I have tried to start them indoors from seeds but have had
little luck with them. Only two survived my brown spotted
thumb. Maybe they did not have enough light or most likely
were kept to damp.

Has anyone had good results that can give me some tips?
Because I want to let some go to seed to try another attempt
next Spring.

Its daisy flowers bloom all season on compact plants. Keep
them dead headed to encourage them to spread and to keep
it blooming. They will grow in full sun to part shade and to a
height of 8 to 14 inches, with a spread of 12 to 14 inches.
They are hardy to zone 9, so unfortunately are used as
annuals in my zone 5 . It likes rich, well drained soil.

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